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Everything posted by DenPink

  1. Hi Frank I was going to change it but I forgot to order the wood. I am pleased I did forget. I like the colour also. Denis.
  2. Hi Deck planking has now been sanded and one coat of satin varnish. Denis.
  3. Hi all Just finished the gun deck planking. The deck planking is all over the place in width sizes, from 3.25mm to 4.25mm. As I cut my planks to 100mm long, it took just over 2 planks. So I sorted 3 planks out that were the same size let us say 3.75mm and glued them down onto the deck. The next plank may be 4.10mm so again I found 3 that was that size and so on and so on. I am leaving the trimming of the openings for the gratings till I have made the frames for them. I have started to scrape back the planks with some glass, when that is done I will sand with some 400 grit paper. Denis.
  4. Hi all Just finished the gun deck planking. The deck planking is all over the place in width sizes, from 3.25mm to 4.25mm. As I cut my planks to 100mm long, it took just over 2 planks. So I sorted 3 planks out that were the same size let us say 3.75mm and glued them down onto the deck. The next plank may be 4.10mm so again I found 3 that was that size and so on and so on. I am leaving the trimming of the openings for the gratings till
  5. Hi John I do hope you will purchase this kit, as it looks like it is going to be a nice build. As for following my build you are more than welcome as I am sure Martin would like you to follow his build also. As for varnish, I just use house varnish, the one I am using now is Wattyl Estapol Satin polyurethane , I am also using this on the "RW". My SoS build I used Resene polysatin. If you are going to stain any wood I would never use a stain/varnish mix, I always use a wiping stain and then 3 coats of satin varnish. As for paint I would always use model paint, the pigments are ground down a lot finer. Hope this helps you. Denis.
  6. Hi I have just put the gratings on the deck just to see what it looks like (dry fitted only). Sorry about the dust in the gratings ha-ha. Now going to sand the deck down again. Denis.
  7. Hi all I have done the three gratings. I have also put a strip of 1mm walnut round the top of frame. Denis.
  8. Hi Martin My deck planking bundle (Tanganyika 1x4mm) came with a label taped to them saying DECK PLANKING. Thank you for the tip, re bulkhead frames. Denis.
  9. Hi all As the varnish is drying I thought I would start to cut the new wooden gratings down to fit the kit framing. When I have done all three gratings I think I will have to put a 1mm thick plank on top of the frame. With the upper decks I will make my own frames out of walnut. I don't know what I would do with out my Byrnes disc sander. Denis. PS the grating in the photo is only dry fitted it is not finished yet.
  10. Hi For those of you that are thinking of building this kit or have started and the deck part 197 was all in one and not in two parts like mine (197A and 197B ) you are very lucky as you can plank that deck off the ship and make a good job of it. My deck came in two parts so I had to glue it on the ship before planking as the first plank goes down the center. I found it very hard to plank the deck, very worried not to snap the bulkhead frames off. The worst part was trying to sand the planking down, again very worried not to snap the bulkhead frames off. So taking every thing into consideration it is a very bad planking job, so I am very sorry. I have 3 more coats of satin varnish to put on. Denis.
  11. Hi Mark No way am I going to test the MDF bulkheads ;) Denis
  12. Hi Mark Yes I am very worried about them, but I think they may be a bit stronger than base wood. Denis
  13. Hi Frank Yes it look like a very good kit to build. May be your next one, what do you think ????. Denis.
  14. Hi sorry I am back again. Decks 197A and 197B are now in place ( just dry fitted only ). I have got to say how well the parts fit together , little adjustment at all. Very happy with this kit so far. Denis.
  15. Hi all Well I have come to a sudden halt ha-ha. The instruction book page 5 calls for the lower deck 197 to be planked before gluing to the inside of the bulkhead frames. I don't have deck 197 but have two half's 197A and 197B. Not sure if I have an old kit with a new instruction book or an new kit with an old instruction book ha-ha. So I have now got to glue the two half's in and plank the deck in situ. The first plank will go down the center to hide the joint of the two half's. I know that you will not see most of this deck. Denis.
  16. Hi all Started to glue the frames starting with frame 8, with my favorite PVA glue Titebond. Ok I now I over glue them ha-ha. I don't know what other people use to get them square with the keel but I like bulldog clips. I do make sure with my square and they are always spot on. Denis.
  17. Hi all The decorations have been ordered but no hurry for them. As I said frame 4 was a bit on the low side when dry fitted to the keel. I have put a about a 1.50mm filler block into the slot on the keel. This has raised frame 4 to line up with frame 3. I have not looked at the plans yet to see if this is correct. If it is not then I will adjust it as per the plans. All of the frames are only dry fitted. Denis.
  18. Hi JP The kit did not come with any wrapping round it or any seals on the lid. I got my SoS from the same shop and if you read that log half of the kit was missing and I do mean half. If the decorations come on paper like the plans are printed on they must be very good, not sure about varnishing them, it will depend on what ink they have used, will have to do a test first when I get them. Yes the owner of the shop is a model builder. Denis
  19. Brian I have taken all the plans out and all the parts not a thing. Just got an e-mail from the shop he will send a set to me asap. If you have read my log Malcolm has got a part missing also, but he said he will make it. Denis
  20. Hi Malcolm Pleased you have got yours. Just looking at the dry fitting again. It looks like frame 4 is about 2mm too short may have to put a bit of wood in to get it to line up with 3, 2 and 1. Denis
  21. Hi All I have started to cut out the parts and number them. I have dry fitted the frames and they look Ok so far. When I was going through the parts I was looking for the decoration parts for the side of the hull etc. Oh no not again parts are missing. I don't know what it is with me but I got my SoS from the same model shop, and anyone that has read that will see half of the kit was missing. I got the Revenge from the same model shop and again parts missing. No I will not name the shop. All I will say is that I could have got the same model from the UK or the USA for a lot less than I got this kit. Now I have got that off my chest I feel a lot better now. I am loving this kit so far, I will take back what I said about the MDF . Denis.
  22. Hi Cristi I did not have any problem with the brass decorations. But my kit was an old one. It is very easy to get the vertical ones the wrong way up. Denis.
  23. Hi Malcolm Looks like you and I will be starting at the same time. Please less of the master craftsman. We can learn of each other. Denis.
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