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Everything posted by DenPink

  1. Hi Cristi When I get stuck I need something to take my mind of the problem. I like helping people out when I can and if I can it is just the way I am. The admiral could see this as I get a bit grumpy and miserable. That is why she got the "Revenge" for me. The "RW" will still be my number one build. I do hope I don't let you all down with the build of the "Revenge". Will send you an e-mail soon. Denis.
  2. Hi Frank & ASAT All I can say is I hope it is better than the MDF we get in NZ. I am only saying what I think, I have never liked MDF. sorry that is just me thinking out loud. ASAT, well if it was me I would be starting now, but as it is my Christmas box of the admiral I will have to work on it ;) ;) all I can say is Christmas may come soon. Denis
  3. Hi Brian Yes very pleased with the kit. Still not happy with the MDF boards. Denis.
  4. Hi all Well I got past the cook and bottle washer. Next was to snuggle up to the Admiral, this was not an easy job. I will not go into detail ha-ha but I will say I have chores to do round the dockyard for 6 months. My first impressions, but it was only a quick look. Very good instruction book.. Plans are on good quality paper and by Chris Watton. Wooden strips look like they are of good quality. Deck planking I may change. Fitting look very good. I was surprised that it had material for the sails. Also a base board, that will be changed to a walnut one. Against the kit is the use of MDF board. But overall I am very pleased with the Revenge Kit. Denis.
  5. Hi Mike I am working on that, but I have to get to the admiral first. I am just a deck hand and I have not got past the cook or the bottle washer yet ha-ha. Denis.
  6. Hi Vince I will be working on the "RW" that is my main build. Some times I have to put it to one side and refresh my mind. The "Revenge" will help me refresh my mind. So to answer yes I will be working on the two ships. Denis.
  7. Hi Brian You are more than welcome to pull up a chair ha-ha. Denis.
  8. Hi all New build HMS Revenge. To be started soon. Denis.
  9. Hi Jesse As above, very nice work. Happy Birthday Denis
  10. Hi Mark Welcome to the RW club. Have a look at Vince P log also Keith W log. You will get a lot of help from the logs. Denis
  11. Hi Ron That is surprising that the wax did not work. I pulled my rope through the wax about 4-5 times each side ie pull it through then reverse the rope and pull through again 4-5 times each side. Then pulled the rope through my fingers to set the rope in the wax. Denis.
  12. Hi Ron Your workmanship is just fantastic, very nice work. Did you think about using wax on the rope ??. Denis.
  13. Hi All Just a photo or two. I still have work to do on the stern and bow hull planking. Also deck furniture to put on. I have put some temporary masts in to see how they look, happy with them so far. Denis.
  14. How true Mark :D . Denis.
  15. Hi Jesse I was just thinking, have you ever thought about using Flexible Beech. You can bend that wood any shape you like ( well almost ). Denis.
  16. Hi Vivian Just had a look again at your build. That is just some highly skilled work you are doing. Wow I take my hat off to you. You are a master builder Vivian. Just fantastic. Denis.
  17. Hi all Just dry fitted the window on the upper quarterdeck that also supports the Poop deck. Denis.
  18. Box wood grows like a tree also, may be small but I remember I had a boxwood ruler it was a common wood that they used back in the UK in the good old times, every tradesman worth his salt had a boxwood ruler or other tools made from it. Denis.
  19. Hi Nenad Welcome but we all learn of each other. I do admire the way you have fabricated your cabins on the CS. Denis.
  20. Hi Visi Don't worry my dog "nosher" (nickname) but his real name is Mr T. He is chained to the Admirals desk, but I have to say he likes a shin bone or two, he also likes a rib or two on Sundays when he can get them ;) . Denis.
  21. Hi All Just painted the window that supports the Poop deck. Before I painted it I had to move the planking out as they sloped to far inwards but all is Ok now. Now will do the liquid glass on the back. Denis.
  22. Hi Keith No I am still the same person :D :D :D :D . Don't look to hard into my dogs eyes as you can see he is a bit mad :) . Denis.
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