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Everything posted by DenPink

  1. Hi All Did some work on my Revenge. When I went to take some photos my camera decided to go on strike :angry: :angry: . Now have to go and purchase a new one . Denis.
  2. Hi Den Nice clean work mate. You always amaze me with your builds. Denis.
  3. Hi Keith I will start again soon, but I have a house to sell first. Denis.
  4. Hi Don Nice work on the steps and hatch. Nice fix on the hatch. Denis.
  5. Hi Max Just wonderful work you are doing as always my friend. Denis.
  6. Hi Bluenose2 If I was you and I hit a brick wall and continued with the build I think I would make mistakes and I would not want that. One mistake will lead to more. I would do one of two things, take a rest from building and refresh your mind. Or start another build. But in the end it is up to you what ever you are happy with. Denis.
  7. Hi Vince Nice looking cannons, they will look even better when you have rigged them. You are giving us all a lesson in model building a master class if ever I have seen one. Well done and keep up the good work. Denis.
  8. Keith You can get the same ones from www.modelshipyard.com.au I got mine over a year ago now. Denis.
  9. Hi Don Just fantastic work my friend what can one say that others have said. As for the snow you can keep it ha-ha. I left England to live in NZ so I was not expecting snow or a lot of rain, don't get the snow in Auckland but rain it never stops ha-ha. Keep up the very good work you are doing. Denis.
  10. Hi Frank Wow what a fantastic job, I knew you would not let us down. Love the windows and doors. Denis.
  11. Hi Julie First I have to say what a fantastic build you are doing and very well executed very well done, your building log is a pleasure to look at and read. What is this word you used "Retired" did anyone tell you from the age of 15 years - 65 years are your apprentice years after 65 you start to work . Keep up the good work. Denis.
  12. BANYAN is correct it is the only way to go. But make sure you clean the brass first with diluted Hydrochlric acid then wash it off with clean water. Hope this helps you. Denis.
  13. Hi Don What can I say that others have already said. I will say this WOW nice paint work very nice. Denis.
  14. Hi Mike Looks like the first row of seats are taken up so I will have to start the second row . Looks like a nice kit to build like all Euromodel kits are. I think you will find that Euromodels the best people to deal with if you run into some difficulty, not forgetting Pete he is so helpful. Good luck my friend but most of all have fun. Denis.
  15. Hi Don If you don't mind me saying what a nice job on the planking. The colour is just fantastic, I do like the way you have different colours of the planks very nice. Denis.
  16. Hi All Sorry about not posting for some time. Will start my build in about a weeks time. Denis.
  17. Hi John It is always good practice to clean the glue up when wet, you will find it harder to clean it up when dry. Your next plank may not butt up to it when it comes to fit it. Denis.
  18. Hi Frank I am lost for words, thank you for your comment. Can I also add and for your help over the last day, you know what I am talking about. I owe you my friend big time. Denis.
  19. Hi Frank Can I take the seat next to Mark please as I also wish to follow your build. You did a wonderful job on your last build, you showed other model builder what can be done with a little bit of an imagination and 10 out of 10 for that. I am sure you have something in mind for the Red Dragon. What ever you do you will do a fantastic job with this build. Denis.
  20. Hi Ron What can I say but what all the above people have said. Five stars out of Five Ron well done. Denis.
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