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Everything posted by texxn5

  1. Dang, the moose looks like a ship. How did ship pictures get in here???? Seriously though Augie, she looks fantastic. Job well done. John
  2. Looking good Grant. Glad your paint repair came out good.
  3. Yumm, Moose steak or stew.....very good and one of my favorite game meats. I'll trade ya a 2# Blue Cat for some Moose.
  4. Very nice Sjors, Thanks for the pictures. I'm just starting to apply the deck planking, and your pictures are helping me with the proper spacing and length of the planks. John
  5. Hi Popeye, I just saw your post. Thanks for the info, I'll see what I can find. This must be a problem for every shipbuilder that has to put a name on a ship. That would be a good cottage industry, or maybe something that the kit makers could put in the kit. I guess some of Augie's spiders could paint it on for me.
  6. Thanks Sjors, I'll do that. Well, actually looks like Popeye already picked up on it.
  7. Thanks Augie, I'll keep pursuing it. Don't need it quite yet, just thinking in advance since I'll be on the road in a few weeks hopefully!
  8. Here's a view of my workshop......been a good day at the lake! 97 degrees and 47% humidity...very low for Houston!
  9. Well, a little more progress. Started to work on stern details, and deck underlays for the hatches and coamings to come later. I decided to mark them off and plank around them rather than gluing them to the top of the already planked deck. So here's some pictures for you know who.....
  10. Hi Augie, thanks for the input. I looked at JoAnn's also. What I meant by the question was do you have any other suggestions for putting the name on the ship that a: is scale, and b: looks professional? John
  11. Well, looks like the movie is tomorrow instead of today, my Admiral got a big wad of shampoo in her eye, and her eye swelled shut and hurts like h@#$, so she's out of commission. So review will be delayed a day. Thanks for input on dry transfers, got any other suggestions?
  12. OK Guys & Gals, I have a question...Where do you find the dry transfer letters, or any simple means of adding the name of the ship on the stern and bow sides. I need white and gold letters about 3/16" or even 1/8" thick. I have checked Hobby Lobby and they do not carry them anymore. Help.....(I'm currently looking online, but still striking out, probably becasue I don't remember the proper name for a correct search.)
  13. The Admiral is taking me to see The Lone Ranger & Tonto this afternoon, then dinner at Olive Garden, makes for a great day!
  14. A special thank you for everyone wishing me a Happy Birthday. It is greatly appreciated, and gives me "warm fuzzies" to know how many friends I have on this forum, that think enough to remember me on such a day. Thank you all! John
  15. Thank you Grant, I've got a long ways to go before I can reach your skill levels. John
  16. Thanks Wayne, yes, the Morgan has been on my Bucket List for a while now, and since I've been on her numerous times I really wanted to build it. I just finished the Constitution so my cannon craving was satisfied. John
  17. Thanks Augie, I'm not sure if Febreeze would be strong enough!! Yeah, not the prettiest ship around, but not bad for a "working girl". Hopefully I can replicate some of the clutter on the deck.
  18. Hi Dan, thanks for the cudos! I don't understand the lack of modeling the Morgan either. It's a working boat with a lot of intersting things going on with the main deck. Lot's of furniture and room for great details. I would think that with the information and the fact that you can go on board to answer any question you could have would make this an interesting build. I did hear something one time when I was aboard her, that the whalers had to anchor about a mile offshore when coming into a port....reason they smelled really bad, and the locals didn't want to smell it in their port. I don't know what a dead whale smelled like, but can only imagine. Wonder what the ladies thought about the sailors???? John
  19. Hi Wayne, thank you for the kind words;, welcome aboard. Probably going as far as Bar Harbor,Me., then going down the east coast to Florida, then eventually back to Houston. All total about 6 months on the road. John
  20. Hi Frankie, I am like you in that I looked for a Morgan build here but there just aren't any. I found one on another site, however, it's only partially built, and the guy quit posting in '06. His detail was outstanding though, so I am following some of his pictures. I don't care for their format though, it is difficult to follow, but the photos have been invaluable. Thanks for the info on the books. I'll look for them. Welcome aboard, and thanks for following my build. This has moved faster than I thought....at least for now. I should be in Mystic in September to see her. I have been following the refurbishing on the website and almost got to go to the re-launch, but my RV trailer was delayed from the factory. John
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