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Everything posted by texxn5

  1. Hi Grant, good to see you. How's the drawplate? I think I might like this camera....
  2. Actually, this photo is a better close up. It is the Cutting In tackle.
  3. Hello J T, it's a Nikon s9900 - about 10,000 times smarter than I am, so I have a learning curve to go through. I'm eventually going to get caught up as I am very behind having to leave again for 2 weeks, but I'm back now and ready to go. Thanks for stopping by.
  4. Hello, I'm back in the shipyard. I should get started on the Braces tonight. My Christmas gift to myself is a camera that can take Macro close up pictures. Somewhat late for this project, but - who knows? I'm posting a picture of the Foremast and yard to see how it works and if the resolution is correct for this format.
  5. Very nice Bruce, she should be interesting with furled sails. I considered that early into the build, but then decided not to include sails. Keep up the good work. John
  6. She's looking great Ron. Lester's idea on the foam looks like it works well. Good job, glad to see you're still working right along...
  7. Looking really nice Michael, this is such a detailed ship....blows me away every time I check it out...
  8. Hello Chance. Welcome aboard. If you haven't done so you might wish to view my website which documents almost every step of constructing this model. It's a larger resource of information concerning this ship. Please feel free to ask any questions along the way - I'm here to help if needed. http://www.charleswmorganmodel.com John
  9. Hi Tony, thanks for the support. I still have the Braces to run to finish the rigging, but that shouldn't take too long. I expect to be finished by the end of Dec. I have to take off 2 weeks for Dental work in Mexico. I'm not sure what will be next, I don't have room for much. I'd like to do the Niagra but it might be too big....still thinking.
  10. Hi George, I don't recall a 4 jaw, and the mills come in sets, 2-5 mm, and 6-10 mm #24610, 24620. It might require a drill chuck like 24110, I'll have to check the threads.
  11. All of the rigging except The Braces have been completed. This is the last of the rigging, then the Cutting Stage and adding and lashing the boats to finish her up. Gotta' go to Mexico for 2 weeks for some dental work so that'll give me some time to catch up and get organized...such a concept!! Details for this last work is on my website for anyone interested.
  12. Greg, this is my first wood ship model, if I can do so can you.....no worries..
  13. For the most part on Thanksgiving - I Ate!, however, I did manage to get a few things done in the shipyard...somehow???? I finished the remaining Bowsprit items, bowsprit net, furling stops and footropes. This completes the Bowsprit Rigging. I still need a couple of downhauls on the stays yet before moving on to the braces. Details on my website.
  14. Thank you Piet, I hope you and Gwen pigged out like we did....take care my friend, and thank you. We lost electricity for some reason with 30 min left on the turkey....got it back an hour later, finished it and it turned out delicious...lucky...
  15. During this time of Thanksgiving, May I Wish All A very Happy and Joyous Thanksgiving! We have much to be thankful for, and one of those is that I am very thankful for all of my friends here at Model Ship World for all of your support and assistance during my tenure at MSW. God Bless you all. John
  16. Thank you for following. I stop by and look at yours also in between work on the Morgan. Your Cutty is progressing nicely.
  17. Hi Greg, I use the following tools to maneuver around the rigging. I take my time moving around, since a second saved here could be an hour of trying to fix things. I still knock things off and break things - it's part of the fun! I knocked n "upside down" block off a few days ago and wasn't sure I was going to get it to re-glue therefore, having to rip something out....but CA Glue and Accelerator fixed that - lucky. The worst thing can be "kinky" lines that remember their coil...hard to stretch and hard to keep out of everything in it's path. Just gotta be careful my friend - and patient. Good luck.
  18. George, thanks for the "always on" support - greatly appreciated. Piet, thanks for stopping by. Glad you approve my friend, thanks for your continued support also. Nenad, thank you for following along, and welcome back - I haven't seen you in a while. Yes, I am quite proud of her.
  19. Yesterday and today I managed to finish all of the yards and their rigging. Here is the overall photo and for those interested in the detailed construction can go to my website for details. The end is definitely getting closer, still have the braces and some rigging on the Bowsprit yet, then the cutting in stage and finishing details including mount and securing the boats.
  20. Hi Tony, yes it is actually sad, once the other 2 yards are done, I'll be finished with the last parts to make, other than some more lines for the braces, then finishing up...hard to believe, but the journey actually seems short as it has occupied my life for 2-1/2 years now....wow...melancholy moment....still probably about a month...
  21. Today was Bunt Lines, and Sheet & Clew Lines. Then got started on the Fore Lower Topsail Yard.
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