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    Notts UK
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    Diving, sharks, snakes, spiders, scorpions, fish, water, boats, big boats, ships, bigger ships, bikes, motorbikes, knots/ropework, swimming, beer, sambuka, pernod

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  1. started work on the stern and side stern galleries, not sure whether to do the foil tape on the hull first or do the windows, mmm choices choices..
  2. Oh Deep Joy, just what I was looking forward to next, the stern galleries... YT's build log here I come!!!!
  3. I bought mine about 10 years ago, only ever opened the yellow to paint the bulkheads on the upper decks, they are still unopened, so I will maybe paint the black/yellow next, nothing to lose, worst case scenario they are all dried up and i buy another set. we'll see
  4. Rob, dont thank me, thank YT, he is the one I am looking to for inspiration. But you're welcome my friend. Was just gonna go down to my boatshed to see what the next challenge is on the instruction sheet!!, either end is gonna be daunting.. Cant wait to get started on the rigging..
  5. Hi mate, thank you for your comment. I took my inspiration from YT, he did pretty much the same, ties then covered them with the foil tape. His looks a lot better than my effort. But then again a jeweller does have a very good attention to detail, bless him. regards Spider
  6. I think I got the same paint set from Cornwall modelboats "HMS Victory paint set" a few years ago now, wonder how long it stays good for if they are unopened??
  7. Hi there, They do look ok, shame I'm gonna cover them in copper foil tape... I like the shiny authentic look so many other people have on their build logs. I just used the tiles to give me the reference for the vertical joins when I do the rivet lines. (it's a scale thing)
  8. Hi J, answered you on the other forum, but for the benefit of anyone who isn't on there : It's HMS "Victory": Her Construction, Career and Restoration by Alan McGowan but I have loads of books about her, The Anatomy of Nelson's Ships by C. Nepean Longridge Haynes owners manual by Peter Goodwin Rigging Period Ships Models: A Step-by-step Guide to the Intricacies of Square-rig by Lennarth Petersson THE MASTING & RIGGING ENGLISH SHIPS OF WAR (Conway's History of Sail) by James Lees The Art of Rigging by George Biddlecombe I was just flicking through the first one and came across the layout plans for the copper plates and thought it would be very helpful as that was the stage I was approaching. To be honest, I haven't really looked through the others yet as I only got the books to help with the correct layout of the rigging.. I can tie knots, I am a former Able Seaman in the British Merchant Navy, I just want to know which line goes where!! I forgot to say, I also just got hold of a mint copy of The 100-Gun Ship Victory, Revised Edition (Anatomy of the Ship) by John McKay.
  9. Hi Rob, thanks for your feedback mate, always good to hear that I am going in the right direction.. The tiles appear washed out only cos I sanded them down to leave a nice smooth surface to stick the copper foil tape onto. I was originally going to put the green tiles on one side and paint the black/yellow on that side only , then on the other side I was going to carry the planking from above the waterline all the way down to the keel, and give all the planks on that side an oiled waxy finish, best of both worlds , but then I saw YT do the copper foil tape on his build and had a rethink. I decided to put all the green tiles on both sides, but to then cover them with the foil tape. That way I can use the tiles as a reference for the vertical joins when I indent all the little rivet lines... (really looking forward to that little adventure..) I am glad that stage is finished because I was getting a bit fed up with the tiles being different sizes etc. Oh well, character building I suppose. Nobody said theis boatbuilding lark was gonna be easy..
  10. Gentlemen/Ladies, I am pleased to announce that I have finished..... The bloody green tiles. They went a lot easier than I thought they were going to. That set of plans certainly helped. I have a question , having seen a few of you go through this stage, and not wanting to mess it all up now I have gotten this far: Do I A: just stick the copper tape straight onto the sanded down green tiles or B: as I saw on YT's build, he sealed the tiles with acrylic matt varnish. What is the benefit of actually sealing them first? Advice please.. here are a few new pics showing my milestone achievement!!! (big smiley face emoji..)
  11. Rob, I dont know if this is of any use to you mate, but here are the 2 pages from the book I have showing the details of the copper tiles, I have clearly marked where the break in the pattern lies, as well as the position of stealers etc. I found it very very helpful. Hopefully you can make use of it. As you can see from the photos on my build, I started with the 4 rows at the waterline at the bow, , then went to amidships and put 12 rows (held on with masking tape) in place, drew a mark on the planks, then same at the stern. joined the dots so to speak and glued on the first 4 rows. After that I just filled in above them up to the waterline. did both sides, then started down at the keel working up parallel to it until I got up to the first set., just got to cut and fit the shaped ones now. Regards spider
  12. As you can see from the photos on my build, I started with the 4 rows at the waterline at the bow, , then went to amidships and put 12 rows (held on with masking tape) in place, drew a mark on the planks, then same at the stern. joined the dots so to speak and glued on the first 4 rows. After that I just filled in above them up to the waterline. did both sides, then started down at the keel working up parallel to it until I got up to the first set., just got to cut and fit the shaped ones now.
  13. Rob, I dont know if this is of any use to you mate, but here are the 2 pages from the book I have showing the details of the copper tiles, I have clearly marked where the break in the pattern lies, as well as the position of stealers etc. I found it very very helpful. Hopefully you can make use of it. Regards spider
  14. Mate, it is looking good, thanks for your comment on my build. YT is the other guy I was terlling you about, as well as Diablo from damascus, his boat is a beauty., we are all pretty much in the same place, keep going mate.. spider
  15. Hi Diablo, how are you keeping? well, I hope. I have been doing a bit more of my build and have nearly finished the green tiles. I am going to cover them with the copper foil tape that so many of you seem to have used.
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