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    DSiemens reacted to CaptainSteve in USS Constitution by CaptainSteve - Model Shipways - 1:76.8 scale   
    Australia Day has come and gone for another year.
    Somehow, despite being a holiday weekend, I got less done than I'd hoped.
    My only excuse - I guess SOMEONE had to drink all that beer !!

    I'd been dreading the prospect of having to make holes thru the top of my rudders to fit the tiller arms. So that they wouldn't split apart, I clamped each into a bulldog clip when drilling.
    I started with a 0.1mm guide hole, then drilled again at 0.3mm and then 0.5mm.
    Incidentally, NOW would be a good time for me to mention that I DID actually check the angle where tiller-arm meets rudder BEFORE drilling.
    A quick test fit - and I couldn't resist a photo or two ...

    Anyone else notice how the white on boat and rudder is different ??
    Apparently, I have two different tints of white paint on my desk...
    Needless to say, the swan-boat keels had a re-paint and are now drying. 
  2. Like
    DSiemens got a reaction from popeye the sailor in German Cutter 1910 by DSiemens - FINISHED - 1:300 - BOTTLE   
    Seems as though I need to run into a rough patch before I hit some inspiration.  Or maybe I'm just better at the 1:300 to 500 scale.  In either case my current bottle build was giving me a lot of trouble and I hit a road block.  So while I was thinking of how to fix that I went on to another project.  I chose this one because I think I need to get back to basics again before proceeding.  Also like so many of my best work it's for some one else.  I may explain the story behind that later.  Here's the ship.  

    She's simple but beautiful.  The only one in existence today is the Mariquita which I have based a lot of this model on.  Still debating if I should break down and just call her the Mariquita but we'll see.  


    I actually tried some thing new and did some rough measuring.  The ship is a bit thin but she needs to fit in the bottle.  I'm off less then a millimeter so I think it's okay even for this scale.  This was actually pretty fascinating to see and I suggest trying it out just for fun.  I measured out the center line and then lines on the plans.  I counted twelve on the plans but the photo now shows more like 16.  It's 1:300 scale kind of hard to see.  Any ways.  I divided the ships length by twelve and drew a line for each section.  I then drew the center line.  From there I went back and forth from the plans measuring each line from the center line and marking it on both sides of the center line on the wood.  As I progressed the deck shape just appeared.  This is probably the most fun I've ever had with a set of plans.  

     I then carved out the hull and I apologize for not having more pictures because I tried a new technique for that as well.  I've been looking at pictures of some of my favorite ship in bottle builders for a long time.  One that has always intrigued me is Heather Rogers.  I've posted a few pictures of her work and if you would like to see more click link.
    As I looked at her photo's I've found she carves ships very differently.  She also did a model of the Mariquita so being I had a reference I decided to try it her way.  What I found was incredible.  I cut out the large pieces around the hull and then went to my usual dremel work.  The proved difficult as the base got in the way.  So I looked back and found that she uses chisels.  I pulled out my chisels and started working with it.  The grove between the base and the ship created a perfect guide.  I place one end of the chisel in the groove, angled it to where I wanted to cut and slid the chisel against the hull.  It was almost to easy.  This hull is almost completely cut from a chisel and touched off with some sanding.  I noticed though that Heather uses what appears to be harder woods.  I think I may try that in the future as the bass wood is soft and dents easily.  

    I then added the trim on the sides and the deck furniture.  The ships wheel is made from a piece of a watch I bought from a jeweler for the spare parts.  The deck house, hatches, skylights and dory are cut from match sticks.

    What's also interesting is that I'm about four hours into this build and I'm ready for masts yards and rigging.  She's a quick fun build.  Actually if any one wants to try ship in bottle building for the first time this ship would be a good one to start on.   
  3. Like
    DSiemens got a reaction from IgorSky in Queen Anne's Revenge by DSiemens - FINISHED - ~1:1250 - BOTTLE   
    Created a jig for the shrouds.  This keeps every thing in place while I glue on the ratlines.  In order for this ship to fit in the bottle I have to add the masts after the hull is in.  The shrouds will have to be glued to the side of the hull after they are in.  That means the ratlines will be what provides the proper spread of the shrouds.  

    My rigging box has turned out to be pretty versatile.  
  4. Like
    DSiemens got a reaction from Bindy in 15th Century Latin Caravel by Vivian Galad - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - Scale 1/50   
    She looks great! Good job. I think lateen sails are some of the best looking. I'm glad you decided to include them. Good luck on the next project.
  5. Like
    DSiemens got a reaction from Vivian Galad in 15th Century Latin Caravel by Vivian Galad - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - Scale 1/50   
    She looks great! Good job. I think lateen sails are some of the best looking. I'm glad you decided to include them. Good luck on the next project.
  6. Like
    DSiemens reacted to Vivian Galad in 15th Century Latin Caravel by Vivian Galad - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - Scale 1/50   
    Just now I´ve almost finished my main sail and it´s rigging. Had a lot more job than the fore and remade some things more than one time. Now I´ll take a break for my eyes are tired and began to lose patience. Here are some photos.





    Mizzen is already waiting for her rigging. If you wonder why the sail is stained, well, I did it on purpose. If the ship has traveled the Atlantic lining the African coast, it´s more than logical that some dirty would be there, with gulls and other birds flyng and landing around...
  7. Like
    DSiemens reacted to Dan Vadas in HMS Vulture 1776 by Dan Vadas - FINISHED - 1:48 scale - 16-gun Swan-class sloop from TFFM plans   
    Yeah John, I'm full of them (it??? ).
    Here are a couple of pics of the Channels fitted to the Port side :


    Sheer Rails
    The Channels intersect the Sheer Rails, which is why the channels had to be fitted first :

    An unusual way to hold the end of the sheer rail whilst the glue dried - clamps were ineffective in this situation, so I've temporarily glued a piece of scrap to the end of the channel :



  8. Like
    DSiemens reacted to Dan Vadas in The Kit-Basher's Guide To The Galaxy   
    As well as Daniel's aforementioned masts for small ships, BAMBOO BBQ SKEWERS are also the perfect material for making Treenails. A pack of 100 skewers costs about $2.00 and will make about 80,000 treenails (rough estimate ).
    Using a sharp Xacto knife, split the skewer lengthways into as many strips as possible - depending on the quality of the bamboo used (which varies between brands and even individual skewers) you can get up to 8 or 9 thin strips. Pull these through a Drawplate until the desired size is reached - 0.024" is perfect at 1:48 scale. Use pliers to pull any stubborn strips through the drawplate - bamboo splinters are almost impossible to get out of your finger   . Trim the end as needed.
    One finished piece should yield about 100 "nails".
  9. Like
    DSiemens got a reaction from IgorSky in The Kit-Basher's Guide To The Galaxy   
    Match Sticks
    They actually carve and sand well bend well with a quick soaking and are very inexpensive.  All of the channels, rails and external ribs on the Santa Maria above and was done with match sticks.  You can also plank a ship with match sticks.  
  10. Wow!
    DSiemens got a reaction from Knocklouder in The Kit-Basher's Guide To The Galaxy   
    What a cool thread.  Here's one of my regular items.
    Bamboo Skewers.
    Bamboo stays very strong at small scale and pulls through a draw plate pretty well.  At my 1:500 - 1:1250 scale it works great for masts and yards.  On a larger scale I think it would do well for oars or harpoons.  
    Here's a couple of ships with bamboo masts and yards.  I've thrown in a couple other shots to help show scale.  It may be hard to see but that is an American dime next to the Santa Maria.    
  11. Like
    DSiemens got a reaction from mtaylor in Licorne 1755 by mtaylor - 3/16" scale - French Frigate - from Hahn plans - Version 2.0 - TERMINATED   
    Got my chair pulled up I'm ready to see the beginning of the master piece.   Good luck Mark.    
  12. Like
    DSiemens got a reaction from Elmer Cornish in Queen Anne's Revenge by DSiemens - FINISHED - ~1:1250 - BOTTLE   
    I also stained my rigging box.  

    And now back to the ship inside the rigging box.  

    I took off the rubber band for a better view.  The shrouds are done for two masts and I have the lateen yard done for the mizzen mast. 

  13. Like
    DSiemens got a reaction from Elmer Cornish in Queen Anne's Revenge by DSiemens - FINISHED - ~1:1250 - BOTTLE   
    You may have noticed me posting a lot this week though not on my own forums.  I was down with a flu that kept me home from work for two days.  Felt much better by the week end though and did some rearranging of the shipyard.  Didn't take much since it's just a coat closet but it felt good.  Here's some photo's.

    I've actually expanded from a cubby to a closet as my bottle collection has taken over.  I plan to fill them all eventually.  By the time I do I'll probably have more though.   The top shelf is mine two.  The box is full of wood and the two boxes above it are kits.  the Elsie and a Euromodel Cocca Anseatica I got from the local club for $20 from some one who was downsizing his kit collection.  It was to good to pass up and she's a pretty ship.  Once I get the Elsie done I'll start that one.  It'll be a while and I'm ok with that.  

    Moving over even more bottles.  Some of the small ones on the end I use for testing.  Like when I learned how to put mini seagulls flying around in the bottle.  

    My work bench cork board for plans and tool chests.  My miniature pirate sword hangs right where I can see it... 

    ...the rest of the miniature sword collection hangs above the cork board and tools.  What can I say I like small things.  
  14. Like
    DSiemens got a reaction from JesseLee in Queen Anne's Revenge by DSiemens - FINISHED - ~1:1250 - BOTTLE   
    I also stained my rigging box.  

    And now back to the ship inside the rigging box.  

    I took off the rubber band for a better view.  The shrouds are done for two masts and I have the lateen yard done for the mizzen mast. 

  15. Like
    DSiemens got a reaction from dgbot in Queen Anne's Revenge by DSiemens - FINISHED - ~1:1250 - BOTTLE   
    You may have noticed me posting a lot this week though not on my own forums.  I was down with a flu that kept me home from work for two days.  Felt much better by the week end though and did some rearranging of the shipyard.  Didn't take much since it's just a coat closet but it felt good.  Here's some photo's.

    I've actually expanded from a cubby to a closet as my bottle collection has taken over.  I plan to fill them all eventually.  By the time I do I'll probably have more though.   The top shelf is mine two.  The box is full of wood and the two boxes above it are kits.  the Elsie and a Euromodel Cocca Anseatica I got from the local club for $20 from some one who was downsizing his kit collection.  It was to good to pass up and she's a pretty ship.  Once I get the Elsie done I'll start that one.  It'll be a while and I'm ok with that.  

    Moving over even more bottles.  Some of the small ones on the end I use for testing.  Like when I learned how to put mini seagulls flying around in the bottle.  

    My work bench cork board for plans and tool chests.  My miniature pirate sword hangs right where I can see it... 

    ...the rest of the miniature sword collection hangs above the cork board and tools.  What can I say I like small things.  
  16. Like
    DSiemens reacted to seafarermiami in Dutch Flute by seafarermiami - FINISHED - scale apr. 1/250   
    Some carving are imitating spliced lines and knots. In this scale is easier to splice the colored treads and glue them as wood carving.
    Began constructing the galleon.

  17. Like
    DSiemens reacted to augie in Queen Anne's Revenge by DSiemens - FINISHED - ~1:1250 - BOTTLE   
    Gear well stowed and feeling better ....... productive days!  Love the rigging chest.
  18. Like
    DSiemens reacted to Dan Vadas in HMS Victory by Dan Vadas - FINISHED - Del Prado - Restoration   
    Last pics for now are of the Rudder I'd previously rebuilt and fitted and forgot to take pics of a couple of weeks ago :



  19. Like
    DSiemens got a reaction from mtaylor in Licorne by mtaylor - 3/16" scale - POF - TERMINATED LOG   
    I think the ship wreck idea is an interesting one.  Instead of sand though make a shipwreck garden scene.  She'll be returning to earth with style.  
  20. Like
    DSiemens got a reaction from JesseLee in Scottish Maid by JesseLee - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - 1:50   
    I don't know why I haven't stumbled across your build log until now.  Great work!  She's coming along nicely.  I agree with what was said much earlier in the log she's a pretty ship.  That's neat that you got the kids helping.  I'm hoping to get a plastic pirate ship kit someday soon so my 4 year old can help me build it.  We'll see when that happens.  Good luck and keep it up.      
  21. Like
    DSiemens got a reaction from 42rocker in Licorne by mtaylor - 3/16" scale - POF - TERMINATED LOG   
    I think the ship wreck idea is an interesting one.  Instead of sand though make a shipwreck garden scene.  She'll be returning to earth with style.  
  22. Like
    DSiemens got a reaction from CaptainSteve in Licorne by mtaylor - 3/16" scale - POF - TERMINATED LOG   
    I think the ship wreck idea is an interesting one.  Instead of sand though make a shipwreck garden scene.  She'll be returning to earth with style.  
  23. Like
    DSiemens reacted to michael mott in Bristol Pilot Cutter by michael mott - 1/8 scale - POF   
    Pete, Elia, Alan, Druxey, and Tim. Thanks for your kind remarks and encouragement. and all the likes
    Regarding the forward hatch and the dovetails, I might be confusing you or I am confused.
    The dovetails on the Cabin structure will remain as they are there will be no rounding. I was referring to the small Mahogany hatch forward of the fife rail. the corners on it were mitered and not dovetailed and it was already rounded, but it was taller and heavier looking. 

    You have got me thinking now that I might have to build a new one out of pine with square corners that are dovetailed.
  24. Like
    DSiemens reacted to Moonbug in Santa Maria by Moonbug - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - Bashed   
    It took a while, but I finally got the cleats, rails, and sheaves in place.  

  25. Like
    DSiemens reacted to mtaylor in Licorne by mtaylor - 3/16" scale - POF - TERMINATED LOG   
    Thank you for your support everyone.  While it was a tough decision, it's been coming for quite awhile so that made it easier.  The further I went into this, the more I realized the errors were going to give me fits.  But, it was and is a learning experience and one that I badly needed.  So now to apply what I've learned and learn some new things.
    As for something like a TFFM, or ANCRE... I'm not there yet.  I want to do this particular ship and do it well.  There's a personal matter in this as well as the "I can do this!" goal.  Finishing it properly will give me the confidence to step up to another level.  When I started this project, my tools and I were acquaintances and now we are friends.  Same for the wood. 
    I'm already sorting out things for Version 2.0.  New build board, new frame board, re-thinking and reworking the plans so I can use them.  I'm sourcing wood for the frames (cherry) and am sorting out the other things... like boxwood or cherry for the stem, keel, an sternpost.   In the near future, I'll open the new log once I actually start making things.
    As for Version 1.0, I'm planning on salvaging certain bits and pieces if I can such as grates, bitts, mast steps, etc.   No point in re-inventing the wheel on them if they meet my approval.   The rest of the hulk will be given a Viking funeral which is probably appropriate.
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