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Everything posted by DCIronfist

  1. Now I have seen your work and know this is not true.....but thanks for the sentiment :)
  2. What other way? Just looking for info. Perhaps I can learn :)
  3. Oh boy well these are where they will be since its my bad side of ship. Thanks for the input I will finish the mast before putting on more chain plates then. :)
  4. The cannon will fit in in that port the chain will have to rest on.....best I could do for now :)
  5. So I was not warned how long chain plates take to put on and learn how to do....Lol live and learn.
  6. I really don't stick to the historically accurate things but there are some who do. You appear to almost finished finished and the ship looks great :)
  7. Your face is still there Sjors it's just golden like you lol I will have to look into those number pieces thanks ludger. Any advice is appreciated. :)
  8. Looking great thanks for posting the photos :) I will follow along if you'll allow me I see you decided to copper below the waterline.
  9. Look at you practically a scratch builder. Kevels look awesome :)
  10. Thanks for the tip teloo I will look into that when I get to that part. Are you starting a build log? I would like to see your ship :) Sjors I am going to leave the pins the color they are, and I like the look of the face on the back solid gold color rather than trying to paint the face :)
  11. I've been putting some pieces on the ship. The rudder gave me a heck of a time but am ok with it now Here is some of the rear detailing The rear with Windows A view down the ship And an overview Thanks for looking :)
  12. Hmm I read this after I drilled my holes. Well if mine are blocked I will look the other way lol but you sure did a nice job getting around the problem
  13. Considering where you live are we not looking from miles away? Lol :)
  14. Thanks for all the compliments :) I got the gunports and scuppers glued ( I gotta say my wife's quick stick helped a lot that I "borrowed" from her scrapbook stuff ) hope to get more bits glued in soon.
  15. Just preview more to follow when dry and headache goes away lol.
  16. I hope to stain in the next week or so, if anything like that happens I will post a few pics :)
  17. I am willing to look at every picture you post. Your ship is gorgeous :)
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