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Everything posted by CPDDET

  1. Saw this on Ebay and was wondering what the history of it was. Looks to me massed produced because of the part numbers on it but would be easy to build your own.
  2. Welcome! Always great to have new members!
  3. Finally got back to building the turnbuckles. Life gets in the way this time of year with spring yard work and camping trips. I really wanted the turnbuckles to be open on both sides, as a real one would be. The challenge was to open one side and then rotate the brass tube as close to 180 degrees as possible to open the opposite side. I began by drilling a 1/32 hole in one end of a 1/16th brass tube, about 3 inches long. I used the tried and true “block method” to get it centered on the tube. Then drilled a 1/32 hole in a piece of brass scrap and used an old 1/32 drill bit for an alignment pin. Tacked down the rest of the tube with CA to hold it firmly in place. Put that in the mill and, using an end mill, cut down to open one side. After a soak in acetone, I flipped the tube over and opened the other side. Then used my rotary tool with a cut off disk to separate the individual pieces. I fashioned the simulated “bolts” from 22 gauge wire. Now I have to clean up all the pieces, and the previously made shackles and get the either blackened or painted black before assembling.
  4. Welcome! And thanks for giving us a peek into your background. As for your Mayflower: If there is any site that can assist you this one is it. Tons of experience here and a great group of friendly, helpful shipwrights. Dave
  5. I have begun using solder paste. It enables one to carefully place minute amounts of solder on the work piece. With a low flow temp, it flows almost immediately. I'm using a HAKKO soldering station which allow me to set the temp of the iron.
  6. I think Constructo is no longer in business. Web site is no longer available. I agree, Ebay might be your best bet.
  7. See the link I posted to birchbaysider build log of this boat. Perhaps he still has the plans?
  8. https://modelshipworld.com/topic/6310-pilar-by-birchbaysider-finished-constructo-127-ernest-hemingways-fishing-boat-1934/
  9. Jim, don't know where you're located but, if your going to bash a kit, it would be great if you could find a current model and get lots of pictures.
  10. abordage.com sells built models for well over 1k. Wonder if they would sell the plans and for how much? Sure is a beautiful boat!
  11. BTW, Wheeler is still in business I believe
  12. Don't know where to start with that one. If a kit doesn't exist you may have to do some heavy research to find out the make and model. Then see if plans can be obtained.
  13. Took me forever but finally have the shackles mostly done for the bowsprit rigging. Started off wrapping a thin brass strip around a 1/16 brass rod. Then drilled a hole in each one for the pin. The rest of the shaping was done with files. Still have to clean these up and blacken them. The pin (a small brass bolt being used) will be trimmed after being installed.
  14. White glue, like Elmer's will dry clear. Yellow glue, like Titebond will not. CA glue is handy but a bit messy to use unless you are careful with it. Don't bother with the thin, long spouts for your CA. Just squirt some on a scrap piece of wood or into a medicine cup and use a toothpick to apply.
  15. If you do bring some stock of basswood. Be sure you have a steel ruler and small square. Thin basswood can easily be cut with an xacto blade. A razor saw and miter box might not be necessary. The money better spent on a set of files. Don't forget various grades of sandpaper.
  16. Good tip that mistakes can always be fixed. It's only wood and replacement parts can be fashioned from stock sheets of basswood. And wood filler can be a savior as well. Before you purchase basswood sheets, check the thickness of the stock that come with kit so you know what to buy. Also check out YouTube for your dory build. Keep us all posted on you decisions and progress.
  17. Lots of good advice and information in these posts. But don't get confused or bewildered. Stay on course. Make out lists for needed tools, supplies and reference material. Try not to get overwhelmed. Being organized, calm and patient will serve you well.
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