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Everything posted by VTHokiEE

  1. Attached the bowsprit, samson post and painted the hull. Next up is the waterline:
  2. I’ve yet to plank a model, but I’ve been started reading extensively about techniques and this guide might help you: http://modelshipworldforum.com/resources/Framing_and_Planking/plankingprojectbeginners.pdf it describes that clinker effect and how to (hopefully) prevent it. I hope it helps! Other articles are here for future reference: http://modelshipworldforum.com/ship-modeling-articles-and-downloads.php
  3. I put together the jig to sand the scuppers into the toe rails and then I went ahead and attached them.
  4. Have you sent an email to Midwest? They sent me instructions to another out of production kit a month or two ago.
  5. Send an email to the “info” email address inquiring about the project and request a paypal invoice (or call to pay otherwise). You’ll need to send your location in the request so they can correctly add shipping.
  6. Welcome! Whatever kit you choose I hope you have a blast with it. Small correction to the above, US shipping is only $10 for the Half Hull Planking Kit.
  7. Are you planning on selling these separately? Or will it be an option within each kit (standard or premium wood)?
  8. (Sarcasm warning) Be wary of Mary though, she convinced me to sign up for a membership in this process 😁.
  9. I've used FreeCAD a lot for simple 2D and 3D modeling.
  10. Great news; I've been eagerly awaiting this post and sent an email. Thank you for this project!
  11. John - I really appreciate that link, thanks! One of the suggestions was cutting a small dowel and sanding it down. I may try that if I don’t run across any appropriately sized beads.
  12. Thanks ccoyle! I’ll have to make a trip to the craft store at some point. I’m thinking that wooden beads that I can paint would be ideal if I can find some small enough.
  13. Another small update (I need to find a way to have some longer stretches of work). I finished filling the holes on the hull and sanding it down. Next I built, painted and attached the hatches. I noticed that one of the hatches was not fully glued down in the shot so I corrected that after the picture was taken. Now I'm slowly building the booms and spars. Forgive my lack of nautical terminology, but on some builds I notices some rounded beads attached by string (or wire?) behind the booms and maybe the spars as well (seen here and here). Are there any suggestions of what I should use for the "beads?" Thanks!
  14. Wow that’s really a great price, I’m pretty certain that it is way beyond my current skills at the moment.
  15. Looks like a great start! Are you planning on penciling in the decking after you place it all? I’ve never done planking so take this with a grain of salt, but I believe that I have read people gently rubbing one side of a plank with a pencil to accentuate the lines before placing them. My next build will require planking and I was planning on experimenting with this.
  16. I’m loving this boat as well, especially the seat colors; she sure looks beautiful!
  17. I found the old page on the Italian Hachette site, but it appears to be subscription based as well (and this page says no longer available, or maybe sold out, I forget). I also found a build log on an Italian forum that looked pretty cool, but stopped unfinished this past February. At least someone got one though. No idea how the subscription model works though, or if this model was sold in that style.
  18. Thanks, I sent a email (hopefully to the right Hachette 🙂) and I’ll keep my fingers crossed.
  19. Thanks for the info; that’s really pretty neat. Too bad there’s no matching kit that I could find for it as I would love to build something like that someday. I’m pretty certain there is a bireme kit floating around that may have to fit the bill.
  20. Chris - Partly due to the thread on the Athenian trireme and partly because I love that era of history I keep staring at the Roman warship image on your website. Is that a kit, or what is the story behind it? It’s an awesome looking ship. Tim
  21. So this is quite late, but look in your account settings. I took a screen shot on Mobile that will hopefully help.
  22. While i carved and sanded down the bottom planks I decided to take a second shot at the mast hoops. Here they are with the proper dimensions (I accidentally confused my diameter with my radius last time, whoops!). After sanding I had a reasonable hoop (there still is some laser burn that was too deep to sand off, but I think it's okay for now (it is too much to ask of my friend to tinker with his laser to figure out the cause of the burn). Also pardon my cellphone pictures in the dim of my garage (I should stop being lazy and take out my better camera and set up some lights). I should have left well enough alone, but I decided to see what a "light" stain would do. Unfortunately it went splotchy and maybe too dark. The hoops are cut from basswood so I'll probably try to rub some stain on for the next attempt and in the worst case I will leave them alone. Overall, I'm happy with the pieces and will have to decide on the stain later. It is time to get back to sanding those bottom planks.
  23. This looks like a wonderful teaching aid, I will certainly be purchasing one! Is there an estimate of the cost for the kit?
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