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    grsjax got a reaction from EricWilliamMarshall in Indigenous Boats   
    For anyone interested in the indigenous boats of the world this is a great blog.
  2. Like
    grsjax got a reaction from Canute in Announcing the Model Ship World Ship Kit Database Project   
    Here is a spreadsheet with Midwest kits that are not on the current database.  I will send it along to Adam
                          Kit Name Vender ShipType Period Scale Material Length Beam Height Kit Type Skill San Francisco Bay Scow Schooner Midwest Schooner 19th Century 1:48 Wood 17" 4.375" 17.375" POB Advanced America's Cup Challenger Endeavour I Midwest Sloop 20th Century 1:64 Wood 24.625" 3.875" 34" POB Advanced Shrimp Dragger Midwest Fishing Boat 20th Century 1:16 Wood 22" 7.625" 14.25" POB Intermediate Trawler Midwest Fishing Boat 20th Century 1:27.4 Wood 25" 7.625"   POB Intermediate 29' Bassboat  Midwest Fishing Boat 20th Century 1:16 Wood 22" 7.625   POB Advanced Cheaspeake Double Kayak Midwest Kayak 20th Century 1:12 Wood 21" 2.5" 1.125" POF Beginner Harbor Master Midwest Tug 20th Century 1:24 Wood 19" 7.75" 12.75" POB Intermediate Fireboat Midwest Fireboat 20th Century 1:24 Wood 23" 7.25"   POB Intermediate The Weatherly '62 America's Cup Winner Midwest Sloop 20th Century 1:24 Wood 35" 6" 48" POB Advanced Boothbay Lobster Boat Midwest Fishing Boat 20th Century 1:12 Wood 30" 10"   POB AdvancedRC Tour Master Midwest Tour boat 20th Century 1:24 Wood 19" 7.75" 10" POB Intermediate Rainbow '34 America's Cup Winner Midwest Sloop 20th Century 1:64 Wood 24.625" 3.875" 34" POB Advanced  
  3. Like
    grsjax reacted to mtaylor in Announcing the Model Ship World Ship Kit Database Project   
    I shows "unavailable" grsjax.    I suggest sending to JeffT, he's a moderator and has been updating index in the kit area.
  4. Like
    grsjax reacted to Tim Curtis in Announcing the Model Ship World Ship Kit Database Project   
    I suggest you include Master Korabel.
    I recently purchased their Phoenix Brigantine kit (I bought the plus version that includes the ships boat, higher quality wood and blocks) for a bit under $200 US.
    Its quality is truly excellent, and value for money extraordinary.
    There are also thirteen very clear online tutorials on youtube for each stage of its build. See an example here: https://youtu.be/c3MmCMmNK2s.
    For a someone time poor and without lots of experience, its the best kit on the market.
    Good review of its contents here https://youtu.be/1ITBzejbDbA
    Below are some photos...not mine. 

  5. Like
    grsjax got a reaction from mtaylor in Announcing the Model Ship World Ship Kit Database Project   
    Here is a spreadsheet with Midwest kits that are not on the current database.  I will send it along to Adam
                          Kit Name Vender ShipType Period Scale Material Length Beam Height Kit Type Skill San Francisco Bay Scow Schooner Midwest Schooner 19th Century 1:48 Wood 17" 4.375" 17.375" POB Advanced America's Cup Challenger Endeavour I Midwest Sloop 20th Century 1:64 Wood 24.625" 3.875" 34" POB Advanced Shrimp Dragger Midwest Fishing Boat 20th Century 1:16 Wood 22" 7.625" 14.25" POB Intermediate Trawler Midwest Fishing Boat 20th Century 1:27.4 Wood 25" 7.625"   POB Intermediate 29' Bassboat  Midwest Fishing Boat 20th Century 1:16 Wood 22" 7.625   POB Advanced Cheaspeake Double Kayak Midwest Kayak 20th Century 1:12 Wood 21" 2.5" 1.125" POF Beginner Harbor Master Midwest Tug 20th Century 1:24 Wood 19" 7.75" 12.75" POB Intermediate Fireboat Midwest Fireboat 20th Century 1:24 Wood 23" 7.25"   POB Intermediate The Weatherly '62 America's Cup Winner Midwest Sloop 20th Century 1:24 Wood 35" 6" 48" POB Advanced Boothbay Lobster Boat Midwest Fishing Boat 20th Century 1:12 Wood 30" 10"   POB AdvancedRC Tour Master Midwest Tour boat 20th Century 1:24 Wood 19" 7.75" 10" POB Intermediate Rainbow '34 America's Cup Winner Midwest Sloop 20th Century 1:64 Wood 24.625" 3.875" 34" POB Advanced  
  6. Like
    grsjax got a reaction from mtaylor in Laughing Whale/Midwest Kits   
    Came across some kits from Midwest that are not on the database.  A level 3 kit of a San Francisco Bay Scow Schooner (1/4" = 1"), a level 4 kit of the 1934 America's Cup challenger Endeavour I (1:35 scale), 50' Harbor Tug (1/2" = 1'), Eastern Rigged Trawler (7/16" = 1'), Downeast Shrimp Dragger (3/4 = 1") and a 29' Bass Boat (3/4" = 1').  Found these in back issues of Ships in Scale.  I believe a couple may be Laughing Whale designs.
    If anyone has back issues of model magazines or old catalogs I would be interesting in hearing about any other kits that may be in them.
  7. Like
    grsjax got a reaction from Canute in Laughing Whale/Midwest Kits   
    Came across some kits from Midwest that are not on the database.  A level 3 kit of a San Francisco Bay Scow Schooner (1/4" = 1"), a level 4 kit of the 1934 America's Cup challenger Endeavour I (1:35 scale), 50' Harbor Tug (1/2" = 1'), Eastern Rigged Trawler (7/16" = 1'), Downeast Shrimp Dragger (3/4 = 1") and a 29' Bass Boat (3/4" = 1').  Found these in back issues of Ships in Scale.  I believe a couple may be Laughing Whale designs.
    If anyone has back issues of model magazines or old catalogs I would be interesting in hearing about any other kits that may be in them.
  8. Like
    grsjax got a reaction from Canute in Laughing Whale/Midwest Kits   
    I asked this question before but didn't get anything pointing me to more information.  Still want to know, is there a list or archive of all the models produced by Laughing Whale and Midwest over the years.  I remember catalogs from years ago that had a lot of models from these manufactures that no longer are available and no information about them anywhere.  Sometimes I will run across an old ad or an ebay auction for one that I have never seen before.  I know Bluejacket took over Laughing Whale but they only offer a small number of the old kits.
  9. Like
    grsjax got a reaction from thibaultron in Laughing Whale/Midwest Kits   
    I asked this question before but didn't get anything pointing me to more information.  Still want to know, is there a list or archive of all the models produced by Laughing Whale and Midwest over the years.  I remember catalogs from years ago that had a lot of models from these manufactures that no longer are available and no information about them anywhere.  Sometimes I will run across an old ad or an ebay auction for one that I have never seen before.  I know Bluejacket took over Laughing Whale but they only offer a small number of the old kits.
  10. Like
    grsjax reacted to SkerryAmp in Announcing the Model Ship World Ship Kit Database Project   
    Hello all,
    Ever wanted to know what kits are available for 17th Century British Frigates?
    How about what kits are beginner and which kits are advanced?
    Worried about space and want an easy way to find out what ships are available which are a certain 
    lenght or height?
    Read on my friends, read on!
    Since joining Model Ship World, I have continuously been impressed with the quality of its members and the level of help people get with their hobby.  It is incredibly refreshing to find a place where people of all skill levels and interests, from all over the world, can come together in one place and help, encourage and applaud the wonderful works which can be found from its members new and old.
    There is one trend I have noticed, with regards to questions and requests for advice, and that is related to the kits themselves.  Questions regarding quality of kits, availability, types, subjects and overall level of difficulty.
    We have great resources for that, several articles, build logs etc.;  but I got to thinking it may be helpful to have this information in one place.  Not to replace what is on MSW in its various forms, but to supplement it.
    While not an expert modeler by any means yet, I am a code jockey =) and enjoy doing techy codey things (that is a technical term by the way), so I decided to try to put that to use.
    This is to announce a project which I am working on and am making available as of tonight.
    The Model Ship World Ship Kit Database
    What is it?
    Well, it is a database of Model Ship Kits.  A central repository for what is available out there along with as much data regarding each kit as I can scrape up.
    Secondly, Model Ship World Ship Kit Database is a living project.  This basically means it is intended to grow and expand based on feedback and contribution from the model ship world membership.
    What does it do?
    Right now, it allows you folks to search for ships.   As of this evening you can search for available ships based on Manufacturer, Scale, Type of Kit, Type of Ship, Period of Ship and the Ships Nation of origin.
    You can search for these ships based on one of the above criteria or build out the criteria to get as refined a search as you want.
    So, for example, if you want to see all the ships Model Shipways Currently has available – you can do that.
    If you want to find all the ship kits which are 19th Century French 1:64th scale Plank on Bulkhead Frigates – you can do that too.
    Is that all that it does?
    As of this evening, yes it does.  Is that all it will do? No.    I actually have big plans for this and was going to wait to announce it until much more was done.  However it will take a little time to get everything in so I wanted to “release” it in stages.  Mainly to get it out there and let people get some hands on it and start giving me feedback.   
    The idea is to make this as useful to the MSW community as possible.  I think it is in a good starting point, but really want to hear from you guys regarding it so I can develop it over time to make it as great as it can be.
    I can’t promise all suggestions will make it in, or that they will go in overnight, but this in my mind is for MSW so I look forward to collaboration and the discussions to do as best we can.
    Where does it stand right now?
    Currently I have identified the following manufacturers for inclusion in the database.  Some have their kits added while others are queued to be completed over the next week or so.
    A.J Fisher: Data not started Artesania Latina: Data started, 80% complete Billings: Data not started Bluejacket Ship Crafters Inc.: Data Complete Caldecraft:Data not started Corel:Data not started Constructo:Data not started Dusek:Data not started Mamonli:Data started, test entries only Mantua Models UK:Data not started Midwest Prouducts:Data Complete Model Shipways:Data Complete OcCre: Data started, test entries only.  
    You said there was a lot planned so what else is there?
    I am so glad you asked
    Not only is this meant to be a list of what is available but it is also a place where people can come and find out about the ships.   Here is what is on deck....
    More refined filter parameters: Ability to filter on length and height Ability to filter on skill level General Search:  Ability to type part of a kit name and search for all related kits. Data page:   This will be a drill down into the kit including a picture of the kit completed and important details regarding the kit itself. Some of what is currently in the data view will be moved here to make the data view a little less cluttered. Reviews: The ability for those of you who have built some of these kits can review them for others.  The reviews will have scales for the quality of materials, documentation and plans as well as a way to rate the kit for accuracy and skill level.   It is one thing for the manufacturers to say it, it is more meaningful when those who actually have worked with it say it. Links to related build logs.   Just another way for the MSW to find build logs related to their ships or for people to get a preview of what they may be in for. Manufacturer Data Page:  Just a quick data sheet on the company itself, where it is, contact information etc etc. Search launch:  A simple mechanism for people who may have found a ship they are interested in to one click google search for the kit in question. That is what I have on my list, the best part (as is usually the case) what comes out of the community.
    As I mentioned, my hopes is this becomes a think tank project and grows from ideas provided by the MSW Community.
    Why announce it with so much more to do?
    Like it, Love it, Hate it I can take it; let me know.  
    Whether you like it or not; let me know.   What people like I will continue with and what they don’t I will try to change so that they do,  but I can’t unless I know.
    I can promise to take all suggestions and comments under consideration, but can’t promise all will be done.  
    I will do my best to address concerns and questions as quickly as possible; after all if you take the time to lend a suggestion I can at least take the time to acknowledge it =)
    My only goal is to make this as useful as possible and make it a solid resource for the Model Ship World community.
    We can use this thread (I think) as the think tank for this project.   I will post updates to the database as I do them as well as keep a running list of ideas and where I may be at with them.
    Where is this database hosted? I see it doesn’t have an MSW domain.
    This is true,
    this project is hosted on my own hosting service. 
    I have been using them for quite some time and have not had any issues so am fairly confident it will have acceptable uptime for us to use this. 
    The ampitcher.com well, ampitcher is me =)  
    There is no link behind the scenes to MSW so your MSW information is safe, and this database does not require any sensitive information for you to access it.  If you have any concerns please PM Me I will be glad to address them.
    This is however an MSW resource, meaning I am doing this for MSW and the MSW community. 
    People from the outside may find it in a search or what not, but all efforts are to grow from within MSW and to drive TO MSW from the outside. =)
    Anything we can do right now to help?
    Kit companies and information
    I have several in there (see list above) but I know there are more.   If you see any companies that are missing please let me know.  Right now I am focused on wood kits, but will be adding in plastic and card shortly.
    Likewise, while in the database you will see many entries have blank data.  This is because of one of several things; either I could not find it, couldn’t figure it out or had conflicting information so wasn’t sure what to put.  
    IF anyone has any knowledge they can lend me towards those empty slots please PM me with ID (first column) and the information.  I will edit them asap!  And thank you heartily!! =)
    Well, I think I rambled on enough.   
    Here is the link to the database.  
    Take a look, let me know what you think and I want to thank you for your time.  
    Updates will be coming so stay tuned!
    For now, if we can limit data error information to PM and leave the forum topic for discussion related to the database, new ideas, feedback and updates – it would be appreciated!!
    Thank you again, hope you like it and looking forward to creating the best model ship database on the web – with your help I know we can do it!!
    As always
  11. Like
    grsjax got a reaction from KentM in Laughing Whale/Midwest Kits   
    I asked this question before but didn't get anything pointing me to more information.  Still want to know, is there a list or archive of all the models produced by Laughing Whale and Midwest over the years.  I remember catalogs from years ago that had a lot of models from these manufactures that no longer are available and no information about them anywhere.  Sometimes I will run across an old ad or an ebay auction for one that I have never seen before.  I know Bluejacket took over Laughing Whale but they only offer a small number of the old kits.
  12. Like
    grsjax got a reaction from ccoyle in Laughing Whale/Midwest Kits   
    I asked this question before but didn't get anything pointing me to more information.  Still want to know, is there a list or archive of all the models produced by Laughing Whale and Midwest over the years.  I remember catalogs from years ago that had a lot of models from these manufactures that no longer are available and no information about them anywhere.  Sometimes I will run across an old ad or an ebay auction for one that I have never seen before.  I know Bluejacket took over Laughing Whale but they only offer a small number of the old kits.
  13. Like
    grsjax reacted to spill50 in 3D Printed Plank Cutter   
    @max142 I've made some adjustments and printing a new version of it this evening. Once I've dialled in the design and worked out the quirks, I'll share the files.
  14. Like
    grsjax reacted to spill50 in 3D Printed Plank Cutter   
    Ha, I may do a small number if people are interested.
  15. Like
    grsjax reacted to Patrick Matthews in 3D Printed Plank Cutter   
    Most of these choppers use the single edge blades, strong, sharp and easily sourced by the hundred.
    Consider that the work surface will get chopped too, a deeper and deeper canyon will develop. On my 20 yr old home grown chopper, I use magnetic sheets to secure a steel rule when needed. It's about time for me to change it...


  16. Like
    grsjax reacted to spill50 in 3D Printed Plank Cutter   
    Not been around for a while but I recently bought a new ship kit to keep me occupied over Christmas (no doubt a lot longer than that). I need a plank cutter for making multiple repeat 90 degree cuts. Yes I know I could have bought one, but I figured I would make use of my other hobby and 3D print one and thought people here might like to see it.
    It takes a Swann Morton scalpel blade and lets me do any angle between 45 and 90 with adjustable/removeable fences to make repeat cuts.
    This is the first version and already thinking about changes to improve it. Probably change it to use standard double edged razor blades among other things.

  17. Like
    grsjax reacted to mikegr in Thinking about buying a card model? Here's why eBay is not your best bet . . .   
    i personally avoid ebay as much as possible, commissions for sellers has rised a lot, means prices have gone up.
    Some PE parts i bought straight from shop, prices where 40% cheaper than listed on ebay.
  18. Like
    grsjax reacted to Keith Black in Thinking about buying a card model? Here's why eBay is not your best bet . . .   
    The M79 was a fun weapon to shoot. It had an easy kick with a pleasant 'thunk' when fired.
  19. Like
    grsjax reacted to Roger Pellett in Lathe   
    I agree, Research and learn first.  As a means of comparison, a basic Sherline Lathe starts at $624, plus shipping from CA.  You should probably figure another $300-400 for accessories needed for any serious work.
    The block plane comment referred to shaping of wooden spars by tapering square stock, planing 8 sided, then sanding round.  A good way to make wooden spars.
  20. Like
    grsjax reacted to mtaylor in Lathe   
    I have the large bed MicroMark version of what I think is actually a Sieg.  I turn stuck up to about 15".  
    Little Machine Shop's Sieg is <$1000  Micromark is double that.  Top of the line is Sherline or Taig.
    Be warned.... the lathe is only the first step.  The tooling can hit your bankbook pretty hard.  Don't ask how I know. .   Also, one thing I found is that any power tool such as lathes and mills take a bit of time to set up correctly.
    And some reading... These are how to do type things and good info.
    https://www.littlemachineshop.com/   Go to the "Learning Center" there's two topics on Lathes.
    There are other ways of doing masts which is what Gaetan is recommending.  Look in the Masting, Rigging, Sails area. Most methods just use a hand plane and jig.  Cheaper and somewhat safter than a lathe.
  21. Like
    grsjax got a reaction from Canute in Toothbrush sander   
    Thanks for the input.  Turns out the post was on facebook and I just thought I had seen it here.  The poster used an Oral B "cross action" toothbrush to make a little orbital sander.  Going to have to see about trying that out.
  22. Confused
    grsjax got a reaction from Canute in Inches or mm?   
    I agree that metric is easier to use but that said if you have a set of drawings in Imperial it is generally better to go with that rather than converting everything into metric.
    Digressing a bit, I had a 1970 Triumph 500 that had metric, SAE and Whitworth fastenings.  Made for a real nightmare when trying to find the right wrench.
  23. Like
    grsjax got a reaction from mtaylor in Toothbrush sander   
    Thanks for the input.  Turns out the post was on facebook and I just thought I had seen it here.  The poster used an Oral B "cross action" toothbrush to make a little orbital sander.  Going to have to see about trying that out.
  24. Sad
    grsjax got a reaction from mtaylor in Inches or mm?   
    I agree that metric is easier to use but that said if you have a set of drawings in Imperial it is generally better to go with that rather than converting everything into metric.
    Digressing a bit, I had a 1970 Triumph 500 that had metric, SAE and Whitworth fastenings.  Made for a real nightmare when trying to find the right wrench.
  25. Like
    grsjax reacted to shipman in Inches or mm?   
    During WW2 Packard took on building RR Merlin engines. First they went through thousands of factory drawings and re-drew them, mostly due to US thread sizes which were incompatible with Brit ones. Though both at that time they shared the Imperial system, each side had evolved different thread forms.
    That would have driven the guys crazy, working on them in cold wet fields where the action was.
    What a nutty situation.
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