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Matt D

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Everything posted by Matt D

  1. That’s no small feat, JJ! Especially since you rigged them all. They look perfect! Also, the cherry was an excellent choice. Seeing yours, I wish I had done that, too.
  2. Thank you, Rusty, JJ, Chuck, Glenn, and Jim, for your comments. JJ, you’re right about the fun stuff! Chapter nine is full of really neat stuff. I’ve planked the bulwarks on the quarterdeck and made the cap rail on one side of the waist. These two things make a huge difference. Having finished surfaces in those areas is a world of difference.
  3. Beautiful work, JJ! Your photos are really well done, too. The close ups really show off the detail of your work. Your wheel and binnacle look so good! I also really like the mating of the cap rails to the fancy moldings in the bottom photo of your post.
  4. Thanks, Jim, JJ, and Rusty. It was fun to build it. I'm working on the forecastle beams and knees and it's almost time to glue the stove in place permanently.
  5. Here are a few pictures of my stove. I think my weathering powders are a little too heavy. I have not glued the flue yet. I’m afraid it will be in the way when I plank the forecastle.
  6. All of the masters look beautiful, Chuck. As an owner of a set of Winchelsea castings, I am confident that the Speedwell set will be gorgeous.
  7. Caption on a photo about halfway down the article: “The Petrel was pictured in an neighbouring berth in January, before being moved into the dry dock.” So she has only been in dry dock a short while.
  8. That looks great, JJ! That was a good idea, using a batten to check the catheads. They look perfectly aligned to me.
  9. I think it looks great, Bob. I’m amazed that you can put so much detail in such a tiny boat.
  10. Thanks, Jim. I’ve been enjoying your Winnie build, too. And thanks to all the “likes”. My wife is nearly back to 100%. Luckily, it didn’t interrupt anything important - just work.
  11. Beautiful work, Rusty! Those gangways are so cool. Thanks for sharing this with us.
  12. Thanks, JJ, Frank, and Glenn. I just started the Syren stove kit. It’s so perfect and easy to build. I’ll have pictures soon.
  13. The Admiral is recovering from Covid, so I had lots of time to work on chapter 8 this weekend while she was isolating from everyone. She had a mild case and is well on the mend. Here are some pictures of my progress. I’m going to need to order chapter nine soon.
  14. You're very smart to keep your pieces so well organized. It looks like you're off to an excellent start on your cannon parts. In my opinion, workflow is the key to getting them all done with consistent results.
  15. Thank you for your nice comments, Glenn, JJ, and Jim. And thank you to the people who clicked the "like" button. As Chuck describes at the end of the Chapter 7 instructions, that bow area sure looks empty now. I'm looking forward to filling it in with the beautiful Chapter 8 pieces. But first, I need to make more eye bolts and split rings.
  16. I completed chapter seven. My elm pumps are not glued in yet. The handles seem pretty fragile they might be in the way down the road, so I left them pinned but not glued. As you can see, I left the beams bright, rather than painting them. The only exception was the forward side of the front-most beam.
  17. I look forward to watching your progress, Pavel. This is such a beautiful kit.
  18. I hear what you're saying. Especially drilling such a nice deck as yours. But the ring bolts and eyes really add a lot and you'll be amazed at how they look when you get them installed.
  19. It looks like you've done a fantastic job on your bulkheads. I agree with you that buying Chuck's laser cut bulkheads would be much easier, but you can't beat the feeling of having done it yourself. Plus, your next model might not have that as an option, so now you know that you can make your own. My own had many errors that I didn't recognize until I was fairing the hull. I had to fill a few voids and file a few humps. From these photos, I think you're in great shape.
  20. Thanks, Chuck, JJ, and Glenn. Chuck, I agree with you 100%. One think I didn't mention was that I pinned everything except the chain pumps. After I figured out how to get the holes drilled in the right spot using masking tape, I've been a pinning maniac. I thought about pinning the chain pumps, but decided the risk of splitting the feet was not worth any benefit. I'm certain they're not going anywhere with the 1mm brass crank rod holding them down. I'm away from home for work this week and looking forward to building the elm pumps this weekend after I get home. I have my 7-10-7 marks on the 3/16"x3/16" boxwood strip, so I can start filing right away.
  21. That looks amazing, Frank! You're the model of taking your time and doing a beautiful job!
  22. Thanks JJ, Jim, and Glenn! Today, I finished the chain pump installation. This feels like a huge accomplishment. The metal work and the small boxwood parts are very challenging, so to get them done and be happy with the result is really something. Here are several photos documenting the steps.
  23. Thanks Chuck and Frank. And thanks to all the “likes”! I deserve no credit for the quoins: I bought 8mm belaying pins from The Crafty Sailor to use there. The ones I tried to make were awful!
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