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Matt D

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Everything posted by Matt D

  1. Wait a minute! There were laser etched moldings you could use for that?! Man I wish I wasn’t such a dimwit!
  2. Chuck, the binnacle is beautiful! I can’t wait to build it. Speedwell? I’m 100% in! It was already on my long term wish list. I’ll definitely buy both books, too.
  3. Chuck, I’m in for the POF project. I’m sure it will be challenging, but much easier as a group project. It’s probably my best shot at finishing a fully framed model.
  4. I hear you, JJ, as both of those are beauties. I can tell you that I'm doing either the Hudson River Sloop or the Hornet next. As far as I can tell, @Chuck hasn't let on yet which one is next!
  5. Looks excellent! Congratulations on completing your aircraft carrier!!
  6. Looking good, Steve! Welcome to the Winchelsea Club! This project is amazing and there are several excellent build logs to learn from. Be sure to read a lot of them so you can avoid repeating mistakes. It's much better to make your own mistakes than to copy others! Is this true Baltic Birch or is it the 1/4" birch from Home Depot or Lowes? I used the stuff from HD and it was fine. It's really just the outer veneer that's birch. The inner layers are pretty soft and easy to work. But my first attempt was Baltic Birch and it was like I made it out of sheets of granite - absolutely rock hard and impossible to work on. Thankfully, I had other problems and had to start over. Lastly, the Chapter 1 set from Chuck is the laser cut AYC or cherry pieces, not the bulkheads. So you may want to buy that.
  7. All that time you’re spending on each strake will pay off, WalrusGuy. It looks like you’re doing a good job following your tick marks.
  8. Beautiful work, James. I'm impressed by how well your masking went. You must have had the 3mm tape absolutely perfect to avoid bleeding of the red paint at the top of the white. Good job!. How is the lettering done? Did it come with the kit or was it something you added?
  9. Your bulkheads look great, Paul. You did a really good job on the false keel. I had a very hard time with the joints on mine.
  10. I think what you’re asking for is the maximum theoretical force. That would simply be the dynamic pressure times the cross sectional area. Dynamic pressure is the pressure of air in the direction of flow, which is 1/2 rho x V^2, where rho is air density and V is velocity. It’s not possible for the force to be higher than that. The ratio between the actual force and the maximum theoretical force is the drag coefficient. This is an application of Burnoulli’s principle.
  11. That's what you do when you give up playing the piano in favor of building model ships.
  12. Those came our beautiful, Matthias! I'm still amazed that you can make those panels in 1/4" scale.
  13. Thanks, Justin. There are a few areas that I'm completely thrilled with. Recently, that includes the gratings, cleats, mast partners, and ladders. Chuck's design work is amazing and it really makes this project a lot of fun. There are so many things coming up that I'm excited about.
  14. Thanks, Chuck! And thanks to the “likes”. The next thing I’m going to work on is the gun port lids.
  15. I’ve made some progress on chapter 5, starting with the rudder. It’s a beautiful set, but I broke several parts in the pintle and grudgeon sheet. Fortunately, they were easy to glue back together while I was gluing them on. My mistake was that I painted them before removing them from the sheet. This made them hard to cut free and i made a mess of it. But you can’t tell now because they went back together seamlessly. the ladders went together so nicely. I really enjoyed the process. The double ladder rungs fit perfectly. It was really nice to work on. I used annealed steal wire to pin the staghorn and cleats. This made it easy to paint them. I used the magnet of my torpedo level to hold them while the paint dried. Pinning them also let me test fit them to make sure I was happy with it before gluing.
  16. Chris, maybe I’ve not paid attention to this forum closely enough. Are these Erycina and Nisha new Vanguard kits, or are they someone else’s that you will be selling? Do you have more details about these two ships and the kits?
  17. That stop cut on the tops looks like a really nice feature to help with the shaping. I’m looking forward to building these. They look great!
  18. This was hand carved by a human being with hands made of flesh and bones! It's astonishing. I can't even begin to grasp how and when I try, the questions I have are really perplexing: How did he know when he was done? 100 cuts before this point? 50? It had to look amazing 10 cuts before this point. But I'm sure one more cut would have been too much. Look at the scales on the snake and the feathers on the bird. The details are all so beautiful. Sorry I got off track, Chuck. The carving porn overwhelmed me and I overlooked the headrail porn.
  19. Chuck, I think we (the Winnie Group) are all here for the extraordinary. Please keep giving us the amazing detail you've given us all along. Most of us are two years into this project and expecting to be on it quite a while longer. Time is not a problem here (speaking for myself at least). And you've been working on her for at least four years! My vote is for doing it the best way possible and I trust you to make it something we can all succeed at. Your path is different from those other frigate kit manufacturers. Just as an anecdote - I have a kit I wanted to do for years sitting on a shelf in my workshop. Now that I've seen your kits and upcoming projects, I'm thinking about throwing that kit in the garbage or giving it away to someone I don't like.
  20. Amazing work, Matthias. Those are hard to build in full scale. I have no idea how you did it in 1/4” scale!
  21. Don, when you print this, you will need to tile it. In your print configuration, you should have a button for "Poster" that will create the tiling over three sheets. There is an overlap at the mating of each sheet, but it should be pretty easy to figure out.
  22. What kind of jerk would do such a thing?! Does he know that 40,000 MSW members are going to be cursing him? I'm really sorry that happened, Chuck.
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