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Everything posted by Henke

  1. It has been awhile since my last post. I have been feeling unwell and was diagnosed with depression last month. It took some time for me to realize I was need of professional help, which I get now. My psychologist is encouraging me to take up my modelling hobby although my mojo is not there. So as part of my therapy to recovery I post this picture of Agamemnon as of today. Best regards Henrik
  2. This looks interesting. Planking in a somewhat bigger scale than the usual 1:64. I see there is a front seat vacant 🙂. Best regards Henrik
  3. And as always thanks for all likes. Here is another picture of the quarter deck now varnished. Best regards Henrik
  4. A short update of this weekend's work. quarter deck is progressing. Henrik
  5. Thanks for all likes and nice comments from KJacksonb from "down under" 🙂. Or am I upside down? Anyhow, planking of quarter deck is in progress. Best regards Henrik
  6. It has been while since my last post. Port side with channels is now finished. Maybe not perfect but good enough for me. Next will be quarter deck. Best regards Henrik
  7. It has been a while since my last post. Since I finished the stern ornamentation I have been doing the port side guns, gun lids and this weekend channels. Best regards Henrik
  8. The columns adds detail to the gun deck and makes it look more "busy" as plastic modelers say. Thank you for posting Rob! Best regards Henrik
  9. Congratulations Håkan! Thank you for posting. Your attitude to the hobby and the way you have presented your build has been so nice to read and follow. Best regards Henrik
  10. Hi Jim, Your copper sheathing looks really good. The gore lines also look nice. Filling them is a bit tricky but I am sure you will sort that out. I just want to make a comment to what Allan and Jeff posted. The copper plates of Caldercraft are sometime criticized for for unrealistic and over sized nails Furthermore the corners are somewhat rounded which leaves tiny gaps between the plates unless you overlap them, which I did on my Aggy. No overlap Overlap I got the idea from Mobbsie's fantastic Agamemnon build log a couple of years ago. Mobbsie did not overlap the plates as I have done but he commented afterwards that this could be done and maybe look better than not overlapping. I actually think overlap looks better although the overlap also looks unrealistic, but at least it is a way avoid the see through rounded corners of the Caldercraft plates. You have to lay the plates from stern to bow to get the overlap right so it is a little more difficult to have control of where to lay the gore lines compared to when you lay them working from the center as you did Jim. Anyhow, I have not seen anyone else applying my overlap method (or should I say Mobbsie's to give him credit for the idea). Instructions says nothing of the kind. And, if anyone wonders, there are enough copper plates in the kit to overlap unless you ruin a lot plates whilst sheathing. And , yes, the rivets are completely unrealistic in size and shape but it looks OK I think. We modelers we know there are rivets there, therefore we want to see them. It is like tree nails on deck planking. If I mark a visible tree nail, say 0.5 mm in diameter, that is equivalent of 32 mm in 1:64 scale or 45 mm in 1:90. Is that a realistic tree nail for deck planking? Best regards and stay safe Henrik
  11. First thanks for all nice comments and and likes. It is encouraging. Last weekend there was not much modelling. My wife ordered me to build IKEA furniture instead ☹️. Anyhow, this weekend I did some work on the stern. She now has a name. Best regards Henrik
  12. Hi Jim, Your build looks very nice indeed. Just one little detail. It looks as if you have switched the bulwark patterns 61 and 62. I did the same mistake. I am sorry if my build log have misled you because I did the same mistake. The grooves towards the stern shall face inwards towards the stern gallery. Anyhow, a very nice build and a new approach to the gun port openings compared to the way it is done in the instructions. Thanks for posting, Jim! Best regards Henrik
  13. I am so saddened reading your message on Friday. My prayers and thoughts are with you Mark and your family. You are an exceptionally skilled builder and I have read your posts with great admiration ever since I started looking at MSW. Do take care. Henrik
  14. Hi Trent, I have chosen not to glaze the windows. There is black plastic with the kit for glazing but I have chosen not to use it. The window frames are airbrushed white which gives them a sharp a clean look. The inside of the galleries is painted dull black. You have to look very close to see there is no glazing. There is also a risk you mess up the window frame painting by adding glazing. I think it looks ok as it is. I am the type of modeller who thinks it is more important to have the look and feeling rather than trying to replicate every detail exactly. I call it artistic freedom 🙂 but I also have the greatest respect for modellers who think differently. Best regards Henrik
  15. Starboard side is almost finished. I decided sometime ago that I would do sides in turns. Now port side...... I know it will be boring but at least there is some activity in my build log. This weekend´s work has been quarter galleries. Best regards Henrik
  16. Thanks for all likes and comments and particular to Håkan. We are many who like 1:64 scale. When building a large ship like Agamemnon it is a nice trad-off between detailing and physical size. And now some pictures of this weeks progress. I have been working on the channels and the final detailing of the stern gallery (starboard side). Starboard side is almost finished. Best regards Henrik
  17. Welcome to the Agamemnon club David. She has has had a good start. Now it is up to you 🙂. Best regards Henrik
  18. Thank you Håkan, for publishing pictures of your fantastic build. It looks so good and it is always nicely presented. A suggestion from me is that you could do a post on how you did the "weathering" of different parts? And Håkan, all my thoughts for you and your treatment. I hope you will be on the mend soon. Best regards Henrik
  19. This weekend I have been doing channels. Very fiddly if you ask me. To make them sturdy I drilled two holes on the back side towards the hull in which I put two nails backwards into the edge of the channel. Then I gently pushed the channels towards the hull to create a small punch mark. I drilled 0.7 mm holes as guidance. This way it is possible to try out the correct position. Twice I actually drilled new holes 2-3 mm aside to get a better position. Anyhow the edge of the channel hides the old holes. Best regards Henrik
  20. Thank for watching and thanks for all likes. Some more decoration on the stern. Best regards Henrik
  21. This looks nice. Can I have a front seat? The Panther background adds interest 🙂. Best regards Henrik
  22. Have been working on bits and pieces over the week. I added gun lids to upper gun deck, some decoration to the quarter gallery and the balcony railing on the stern. The balcony railing was fiddly but finally I got it in place. Best regards Henrik
  23. Hi Trent, Nice looking gore lines with the coppering. Well done! Best regards Henrik
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