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Everything posted by Henke

  1. It has been almost a month since last post of my out of the box Hood build. After some fixes to the seams on the barrels Tigerdvr observed I have added blast bags made from kitchen towel paper. And what is it on the gun tower? Graffiti? Regards, Henrik
  2. I have now done the lining and painting of the port side upper gun deck gun ports. When I initially cut out the upper gun deck ports I intentionally did them slightly smaller than what the drawings said. I then prepared a 18 pound gun with carriage to check the fit in each gun port before starting carving to correct size. I think have a problem with the fit of the upper gun deck below the fore castle which means that the first gun below the fore castle will be sitting on the deck without wheels but it does not matter. It will not be seen anyhow. Will hopefully continue with the starboard side today. Then it is time for main wale. By, the way Rob, on Thursday I ordered a used copy of "Nelson´s favourite" by Anthony Deane from a British antiquarian. Promised arrival late May or early June. Kind regards, Henrik
  3. Many thanks for likes and encouraging comments, especially to Rob for the book recommendation. I do not have the book. I will definitely try to get hold of it. The quarter galleries are now finished and I am now doing of the upper gun deck gun ports. I hope to post some pictures later this coming weekend. I was a bit worried about the quarter galleries but it all went together very well. As the instructions for the quarter galleries assembly say: " Time, patience and care are the key words for assembling these parts." To anyone interested building Caldercraft´s Agamemnon, I say build it! It is a huge project but the quality of the model is the best I have seen. It is very well designed. Regards, Henrik
  4. That could be a way to do it. And Rob, the best thing with that approach is that there is nothing preventing you from doing the masts and rigging at a later stage 🙂. Thanks for posting. I am watching. Regards Henrik
  5. Firstly I wish ETNZ a quick and full recovery from your terrible accident. Finger injuries can be nasty and take time. ETNZ, I have decided not to give your last post a "thumbs up" since the gesture can misinterpreted considering your misfortune. Secondly, thanks for likes and encouraging posts. Stay safe (i.e. avoid corona virus ☹️ and barn doors 🙂) Henrik
  6. I am really impressed Karinmutter. Well done! What's up next? Regards Henrik
  7. Spent most of the Easter Eve in the shipyard working on the upper stern gallery and the quarter galleries but first tried to rectify by mistake with the mixed up right and left bulwark patterns. My "GrandpaPhil solution" 🙂 started using two post-it notes and and with a pencil I brushed out the contours of the supposed doors to the quarter galleries the way you can brush out the relief of a coin with paper and a pencil. The brushed out contours on post-it notes were then used as templates to cut out 1x4 mm tanganijka reduced to correct width (about 1-2 mm) and glued with CA glue. They were then painted and and glued in place. Next was the upper stern gallery. The gallery bulkhead wood is brush painted black and yellow ochre whilst the window frames and columns in etched brass were air brushed. I am using water based Admiralty Paints which are very thick but diluted with water it worked fine with the air brush. The result can be seen below. It is just dry fitted. I have now started with starboard quarter gallery. The quarter galleries are tricky to get right but I think I am getting hold of it. Kind regards and stay safe Henrik
  8. Many thanks for all "likes" and comment from Axel. Great to have you on board Axel. Yes I know I got the doors or whatever it is on the wrong side of the stern gallery. ETNZ also observed this mistake of mine a couple of months ago. I have decided to leave it as it is and improvise something. Master of this on MSW is GrandpaPhil 🙂. Regards Henrik
  9. It has been a while since I did an update but activity at the shipyard has been high recently. The stern has been planked Planking of the forecastle has started The forward bulkhead fascia is finished Start of the assembly of quarter galleries Not glued in place yet. Forecastle in progress. You cannot have too many tweezers! Stern with the open stern gallery deck (just dry fitted). Kind regards Henrik
  10. Thanks for all likes and advice from Tigerdvr. When I published the close up picture of the guns I thought, "those seams do not look good". I will see what I can do about them.... Trumpeter's kit is very nice but but there are imperfections. The more experienced modeler (not including myself) should add after market material to this kit. Eduard has an etched set (ED53020), MK1 a wooden deck (MD 35004) and there is a Trumpeter kit with gun barrels and propellers in brass (TU06601). All together they add up to about the same price as the Trumpeter kit itself. Maybe for my next project? Regards Henrik
  11. Some pictures of the last months efforts. Mighty Hood on the cutting mat sea 🙂. Prince of Wales and a Panzerkampfwagen IV watch on in the background. Regards Henrik The table is a bit messy
  12. Thanks for posting Rob and having such a nice build log. I follow your work with interest. These "loose" Mamoli gun ports are different compared to my Agamemnon build where each gun port is cut out by hand after first planking and after that lined with balsa tube. I do not know which is best and it does not matter. Stay healthy Rob. Regards Henrik
  13. And welcome although we already have been contact. MSW is a very friendly community. Cheers Henrik
  14. Hi all, I have a question. Lower gun deck ports on starboard are soon lined as well but there is one thing which I am a little puzzled about. Instructions says "the gun ports without lids can be framed using 1x10 mm walnut strip". Looking at the drawing (sheet no 2) all gun ports except those without lids are framed. I think the information is slightly ambiguous 🙂. I intend to frame all gun ports regardless whether they have lids or not. Is there a reason not lining/framing all gun ports? Please give me advice. Regards Henrik
  15. Lining of gun port on lower gun deck on port side is done. Lining is done from a balsa tube (shown by other builders here at MSW) made from 1 mm balsa. It is a fast and simple method of lining the gun ports and ensures that each gun port gets the same size and correct rectangular shape. Regards Henrik
  16. I have to ask a question (Grandpa)Phil. Have the cannons been dry brushed with white or silver to give them a more vivid appearance? Kind regards Henrik
  17. I have now browsed around through other Agamemnon build logs and I now understand my mistake. I have now decided that Nelson have to climb through a window if he wants to drink his afternoon rum on the balcony 🙂. Another alternative is to paint something "door like". Anyhow, it is another stupid mistake of me. The drawings clearly indicates which bulwark patterns should be on which side.......☠️☠️☠️. Hopefully nobody at MSW has to do this mistake again. Thanks once again ETNZ for the notice. Regards Henrik
  18. Thanks for the comment ETNZ. I do not know for the moment if I will rectify my error. I will have a look how others have done and what the consequences will be if I leave the bulwark patterns as they are. Regards Henrik
  19. The varnish is probably OK as long as it is not too glossy. Make a little piece of "sample" deck sanded the same way and try the varnish as suggested by Wahka_est and use a good quality flat brush. If fibers start rise after the first application you may have to sand lightly and add another layer of varnish to get a smooth surface. Regards Henrik
  20. I have spent the weekend doing gun ports. Using the paper template was little bit scary. What if I cut out of alignment? But I have now cut out 52 gun ports and I think I got them where they should be. I think I deserve an extra ration of rum today 🙂! Gun ports opened on starboard and the port is blindfolded before surgery. Starboard finished! Regards Henrik
  21. My tedious sessions with filler and sanding is over now. What you lack in planking skills have to be compensated with filler and sanding 😓. This is how Aggy is looking for the moment. The build is going forward and I feel happy and almost proud 🙂. Regards Henrik
  22. The work on Hood is progressing but I have been slow on updates. I decided to follow Trumpeter's paint recommendations using Gunze Mr Hobby water based acrylic paint. I have not used them before and it is a positive experience. They work fantastic in the air brush (diluted of course) and are easy to paint with an ordinary paint brush. The recommended colors are a bit glossy as you can see from the first picture. The deck is airbrushed and the grey and rusty details are hand painted. I then used Tamiya panel line accent color (black) to get a little bit of the life in the deck caulking. After drying I wiped away most of the accent color with a bit of paper towel dampened in turpentine and airbrushed with matt varnish. The varnish tones down the appearance. Trumpeter's 1:350 Hood is a nice kit. It has its flaws but at least an amateur like me can live with it. I hope to be able to spend some time at ship yard this weekend building the super structure. Regards Henrik
  23. Hi ObviousNewbie, I am sorry. That greeting sounded condescending but it was unintentional 🙂. May I suggest that you use a water soluble aliphatic glue (water soluble before it has set) for the deck planking. You can then easily wipe off any excess glue with a wet cloth. Do the caulking before gluing using a pencil or a a black or dark grey pointed pen marker. Kind regards Henrik
  24. Tervetuloa (Welcome) Mikko, Can I encourage you to start a build log? You seem to have a good start. There are others building "Dragen" (The dragon in Danish). A build log can be useful when you get stuck with poor instruction etc. Regards Henrik
  25. Having finished my Prince of Wales (Tamiya 1:350) I am now starting a new project. In the end of my previous build log Canute recommended Trumpeters 1:350 Hood. Thanks Canute. I have now bought that kit from my local supplier. The kit looks very nice. I think this is the first MSW build log of a Trumpeter Hood 1:350. As you can see on the box it is a long ship (75 cm) which is about 10 cm longer than Prince of Wales, i.e. 35 m in real life. Commissioned in 1920, as the last battle cruiser for the Royal Navy, the profile looks differently compared to other large WW2 ships. The mighty Hood as she was called was in service between 1920-1941 as she was sunk by Bismarck. The kit can be built as a water line model as well as a full hull. I think my Hood will be a waterline version. I have not tried that before. Maybe a diorama...... I now some pictures. Regards Henrik
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