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Everything posted by NovaStorm

  1. Did up the wheel, made the wheel housing sides, drum and disks in pear.
  2. Pa I'm confused (not the first time) what is the purpose of the false deck.
  3. Chucks 24mm boxwood wheel kit. I premade my rings by gluing the three segments on some plastic that resists glue and then used 2 sided tape on top of the jig to assemble. The spindles were turned in my dremel. Great little kit, thanks Chuck @ Syrenship Model .
  4. Steven, Thomas thank you for the kind words Carved the timberheads for a couple pics. I haven't glued them as i want to make sure they are not over done. Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome!
  5. Hey thanks guys really appreciate you comments and thanks to all for the likes as well. Well honestly I haven`t reached that part in the instructions yet. A lot of my build lately has actually been without following the instructions per say and just going off the plans. First I heard of 3 boats was when Thomas mentioned it. I still need to have a go at the transom decorations and quarter badges too. I started the kit boat a while back but have no idea weather I will use it somehow yet. I picked up the master korabell boat kit with the intension of maybe using it also. I may even have a boat off ship as part of the display, I sadly haven`t even put much thought into a proper stand to mount the ship on either. Oh my Started putting ring bolts into the deck now. I also want to go through the instructions and make sure I have all the ring bolts on the bulwarks installed before gluing in the bowsprit bits as it looks like the rigging may require some more at the bow and I don`t want to get trapped in not able to drill later.
  6. What you have done looks really good Justin. The gun port openings look really well done and I found them extremely hard to do well. Have a great holiday with the family. Stay safe and enjoy upgrading the kitchen and den for a change of pace
  7. Cleaned up my deck a bit. Glued the last of the rope coils and glued the ladders, coamings with grates, companionway and capstan. Added the cannon shot racks and cannon balls. I used Caldercraft 2.5mm cannon balls to fit in with the upgraded cannons and carronades. I also added the eyebolts and rings that run across the deck behind each gun.
  8. Nice work! I remember that cross piece not looking the same on the plans as in the instructions. Good eye
  9. Those are looking really good. You would be brave to drill into the main rail partway. I glued my stanchions onto the main rail then drilled and wire pinned through the main rail down into the stanchion. Yours are thinner than mine by the look so I may be giving bad advice.
  10. I decided to ruff in the bowsprit and bitts today. It is a little tricky as you have to do a square tenon to fit into the bitts and the 1/4 inch dowel that came with the kit was smaller than the 1/4" called for in the instructions. I ended with it sitting a good 1/8th inch above the mermaids head. With the undersize dowel I think this is as good as it will get. Nothing is sanded yet just ruffed in...
  11. That looks a lot better Justin, I can see a big difference. ME paint is excellent in mho. It is good for airbrushing as well when thinned down properly. I also find it has a long storage life.
  12. Oh were having fun now Mr. Bill, Christmas, your gonna think you've died and gone to heaven Enjoy ~
  13. Are the mounts on the transom for the flag pole? They look great too.
  14. Thank you Thomas Still continuing with the deck fittings. Pinned and glued the fife rail together. The stanchions I turned in pear using my dremel, got pinned through the main rail. They are slightly wider than Chucks but I am good with it. I then drilled pinned and added the four channels two each to the port and starboard sides.
  15. What a nice clean build you are doing Justin. I don't think you will have to much trouble fixing the fashion piece.
  16. Hi Wally, yes I soldered the wires together. I started by laying down two slightly C shaped )( pieces of wire. Put a slight solder weld in the center and then bent them to shape. Worked quite well and was not very difficult. I also flattened the wire at the bends where it sits flat on the wood top. I was going to use thread to tie the bell on but opted for a wire ring instead.
  17. So I was not happy with my first go at doing the binnacle. It looked to much like a red dresser drawers so I have redone it with one in oiled pear wood and it is a lot better. I went with a much simpler design, on top I made a mount and added the kit bell, but I may swap it out for a brass bell at a later date. I also added a compass using a thin slice of some brass tube. I also reshaped the block ends of the pumps crossbar and cleaned up a couple area's. Cheers ~
  18. Great job making the jig, the framing looks fantastic Thomas. Great update
  19. My plan is to replace the kit boat with this one HERE from Master Korabel. BTW a Canadian site from your area I think. It will need to be resized to scale just as Thomas has done. Also I will have to saw the pear for it. Cheers ~ Wahka, thank for such a great comment Pic, pic, picking away!
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