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Everything posted by NovaStorm

  1. Fantastic you gotta be proud of the way that has turned out. The three pieces together just rock
  2. I knew you would agree and like it too Thomas. It will be a lot of fun and a little bit different in type or style of build. Cheers ~
  3. fife rail even I musta had soccer on the brain, errr bean. Carronade rigging yep it's time for the inevitable. Good luck!
  4. Thank you Thomas appreciate you checking in agreed the pear is looking good. After seeing Wally's binnacle I think I will go with making a new one in pear also unpainted. I will think about painting the wheel frame and fife rail instead, that should tie all the red together nicely. I have also ordered the master Korabel boat kit having seen how incredible it looks on yours! I plan on having it on deck on the gallows. Hopefully it will work out, will see. I will have to cut pear to build it also sooo... Oh and while I was at it I also ordered this kit which I just couldn't resist for a future build. By MarisStella, The Bracera 1/32
  5. Well it sure looks good, filing the bell was a great idea I will have to remember that.
  6. Thanks Wally, I think yours is looking great and I like how we are working on the same pieces at the same time. Cheers thanks for the great comment. Thanks to everyone for all the likes as well, all helps keep the juices flowing. This guy is worse than the admiral, now he's telling me I might have to redo the pumps cross bar! Geez
  7. Happy to have redone the capstan. It looks a bit like a candy cane tho lol. In fact from a couple feet back viewing the whole ship it looks great. I also got the doors stuck on my companionway. I made hinges with a thin brass sheet I had, the kit ones are so thick. Added a few bits here and there, moving along slowly. Cheers ~
  8. Great job on fixing up the fifa rail it really looks great. You are moving right along now
  9. That is looking good. I like your design better too without the lower drawers. You didn't drill the holes to allow light from the right and left lamp boxes to enter the compass box in the center. I did the same thing on my mock up.
  10. Much happier after seeing Wally's I knew mine was going to bug me. The wider looks so much better, also 1/16 higher. I will paint it red and add the blocks in black, with a few bolts in the disk on top of the head. I am glad I redid it
  11. Stuck em on a bit of dowel with two sided tape to get a better look. I think it will be a big improvement.
  12. Making whelps for a new capstan the old fashion way As I am not a capstan expert any suggestions, or do they look reasonable enough? I saw the discrepancy between the instructions and the plans and choose to go with the instructions and kit parts on the red one. To small and narrow imo. Will see what the new one comes out like... Cheers ~ Red one is upside down just to check size difference.
  13. That looks fantastic next to that capstan. Don't wanna trade capstan's do you?
  14. Richard is great to hear from you! Steven, I really love the pear to work with. Now if a finishing sander would just drop out of the sky I'd be all set I took a relaxing go at the binnacle today. Lots of details still to add. I didn't follow the plans exactly and made my own parts. It sits 1/16 higher than the plans but I don't think I will redo it now. The capstan (pic 2) I am going to redo 1/16 higher and wider.
  15. Oh I missed that somehow. Well you did a great job making it look like wood. Cheers ~
  16. One last pic with all the carronade rigging now completed. Will be starting in on both the furniture and bowsprit next
  17. Got it Pat thanks for pointing it out All fixed see here The deck is Swiss Pear, I had a friend cut the deck planks for me and he did a fantastic job. I pooled tung oil over all and after several hours it sunk right in leaving a nice sheen. I repeated that again couple of weeks later. Then I picked up a proxon FET and cut up some pear for the furniture. Wonderful wood to work with. Thanks so much Justin, I've been picking at it all for a while now, hopefully I can pull it off to the finish. Rigging I don't think is going to be one of my strong points. We will see Cheers ~
  18. Cheers all thank you for the great comments. I know I've made a couple of newbie mistakes on the carronade rigging. The blocks are not actually oriented the correct way as per the illustration's and possibly the windings on the cheesed ropes should go the opposite way. It is a learning experience though and one I will take forward for future builds. In the end I kinda wanted to mix it up a little anyway and feel pretty happy now with the result. Steven it is great to hear from you, I am really enjoying watching your build also. Your furniture is really looking good and bringing everything together nicely. Stay safe all. Regards, Robin ~
  19. Wow your furniture is really looking good. Nice you got a wood wheel with the kit. Brings it all together nicely.
  20. Btw forgot to mention but your blocks and all your fittings are first rate You really did an awesome job on those tiny blocks!
  21. That is really coming together. I will have to redo my capstan I used the 5/32 dowel and it is to skinny. Yours looks great!
  22. only four more tackles to finish rigging the carronades. Man that is a lot of work! By the time you reshape the kit 2mm blocks including filing a grove for the rope to run in and then all the seizing and threading... hooks,,, Haven't glued in all the cheesed ropes yet. Want to make sure I have room for the ladders up the bulwarks to the rail.
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