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Everything posted by Duanelaker

  1. Well I used Elmer’s glue to simulate glass and well it didn’t dry as clear as I had hoped but none the less I’m not too disappointed in them. They are still wet in this pic.
  2. Well I put some primer down and also built the display stand. My air brush abilities are limited and I feel like I need a air brush with a wider spray pattern...I will have to check my tips. I’m thinking I let it dry, sand it then spray color on it.
  3. It is a 72 Chevelle Malibu, 5.7L , 5-speed...thanks for noticing!
  4. Looks awesome! Welcome to the site!
  5. Welcome to the site! pa·tience /ˈpāSHəns/ Learn to pronounce noun 1. the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.
  6. Welcome to the site!
  7. Very nice! It seems like the Taurus tugboat has changed throughout the years!
  8. Very nice! I would love to see a picture of one if you don’t mind. I found the bulwarks were easiest to carve with a dremel tool, followed by a scalpel with #11 blade for some fine carving...my kit which was purchased about two months ago was laser cut basswood for the pilot house. Any advice on fastening the windows? It has a lot of nice details.
  9. Did a little more painting...it’s very nice to get things put together. Had a rough weekend finding out my 4 year old son has type 1 diabetes. So hard only seeing him on the weekends. Ok enough personal stuff, here’s some pictures.
  10. Welcome!
  11. So I tinkered with the air brush and it was easier then I thought! Definitely need practice, and definitely to find a bigger or wider tip for larger items I think.
  12. What a wonderful hobby to enjoy with your son! Best of luck with your build, you should certainly start a log 😊
  13. I definitely need to work on my carving skills lol.ah well I’m hoping the deck, cap rails and paint will cover any mistakes that could be seen over the inter webs 🤣 one side almost complete, one side left.. forward progress is always a positive, especially the way my job have been going.
  14. We are certainly our own biggest critics...I am not seeing the flaws you are seeing, looks beautiful!
  15. Also the grate looks ok with circular holes drilled I think...I didn’t have a file.reamer small enough to square of the holes anyways...
  16. Just for fun I cleaned up some fittings and laid them out to see what things will look like...this is actually a pretty nice model for the money! Lots of details and since it isn’t a real boat as they state in the beginning of the kit you could go many directions or color schemes, which I am undecided still...thinking black hull and red cabins with white highlights.
  17. I think for the most part I have gone as far as I can without picking up the dreaded paint brush.
  18. Welcome! Hope you find the answers you are looking for 😊
  19. More progress..I decided to by the paint kit from model expo since they had 40% off sale..why not.
  20. More work completed on the main cabin...amazing how the camera picks up all of the imperfections! Ah well, certainly worth the time... FYI...it’s only put together for the picture
  21. Welcome! I too have a fair American kit, I’m hoping you start a log 😊. Best of luck!
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