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About Tarjack

  • Birthday 04/07/1954

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    Sailing Ship from 1700 - 1900 engl. french, dutch, ger.
    restoring old stuff

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  1. Tank you all for the motivated words and also for the many many like´s
  2. Much time has passed, but now i am back Next step was to build the deadeyes and chainplates for the main-platform. For the holes in the deadeyes I need a helpfull tool. The tool it´s made from wood and brass. The deadeyes are made on the lathe After drilling the deadeyes the edges are chamfered upward Now it´s time to made the chainplates. The plates have the dimensions of 1 mm x 0,5 mm x 12mm; above an eye and down a long hole 0.5 mm x 1 mm The plates in position The plates are fixed with glue on the deadeyes ready for stropping The stropp for deadeyes is made with a real splice The rope, made from three strands, will opend and for each strand i use a needle to made the splice. All deadeyes are finish spliced on plates Have fun
  3. thank you all. The next report coming soon
  4. ....neither do I. But they are shown on the plan ...... Swivels can be seen on the side walls.
  5. The lantern on the mainmast platform The shape of the lamp is hexagonal The floor Roof Holder for the lamp The windows of the lamp The windows were made from Plexiglas and bone struts. The struts are to be recorded on the Plexi and cut with a 0.3mm circumsawblade 0.5mm deep into the Plexiglas. After that the struts may be glued into the joints Cut and assemble the window frame The roof cap made on lathe Bracket for the lamp Lamp in position The struts of the lamp have been round and made by three parts This is what the finished result looks have fun
  6. Thank you all for the nice comments After some rough forging work let us turn about the finer things. The Mainmast mars of Royal Caroline The Saling and Floor Floor Floor mounted on Saling Cover around the floor The ribs The railing and stanchions Steps for the canons Handle on the canons Complete canons Canons in position the next step is the equipment of the Main-mars.. have fun
  7. The anchor of the Royal Caroline Agent "P" has discovered a large blacksmith on one of its many rides and accurate documented as there made the anchors. First Step: The material But here we go, this time without much bla bla ..... let the pictures speaks I hope you have enjoyed the photos, the next round deals with the large Mars. Have fun
  8. Thank you all for the good wishes, HAPPY NEW YEAR
  9. Thank you Dimitris, yes i feel fine now......
  10. Hello friends, I'm back on deck. After a heart attack in Dec. 14 (1 Month Hospital) and pneumonia (15 Weeks), i look forward to fulfill my hobby again. The next report from building the Caroline is in progress....
  11. Hallo Karl, einfach nur phantastisch just beautiful
  12. Hello friends, I am unfortunately somewhat extremely busy at present. But the next report is nearly finished Bye for now
  13. Hi Mike, I do the glue on a small disk and from there I take the glue with a narrow blade
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