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Retired guy

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Everything posted by Retired guy

  1. Hi Allen, Thanks for your post and the picture, have been looking at my eight Dory builds and have found that the supplied drawing in the Model Shipways plans are not correct. So from Roger Pellett suggestion I have bought the Dory Book by John Garner which is brilliant and the Luneburg Dory drawing I have I am going to make all eight Dory's again. If anyone wants these unfinished Dory's then can PM me and all I will charge is the shipping Regards Richard
  2. Hi Nils, been awhile since I have posted, thanks very much for looking in on my slow build, so you built the Canadian Lunenburg Bluenose, the Gloucester boats Delawana, Esperanto, Henry Ford, Columbia and the Gertrude L. Thebaud where built in the US. As you say it was spectacular breathtaking Pacific ocean water racing, I have a book called "A Race For Real Sailors" by Keith McLaren which tells in detail about each race from 1920 - 1938 highly recommended. Regards Richard
  3. That prop is going to look very good Keith, love looking at your thought process on how to machine certain items 👍 Regards Richard
  4. Hi Keith, really like all the small details you are putting into your model 👍. Just a question, did this pile driver just hammer wood piles or was it used for steel piles as well. Regards Richard
  5. Brilliant project Keith, looking at your pictures with the scale size guy on the donkey, they were huge machines. Regards Richard
  6. Wow fantastic work Gary, got to learn your mastery on weathering. Regards Richard
  7. Just caught up with your exceptional project Keith, all looking brilliant. Regards Richard
  8. Looking good with the coat of paint Nils 👍will look forward to seeing how you do with the decals. Regards Richard
  9. Excellent plating Nils 👍, regarding your letters are you going to make water decals so that they will conform to the plating and rivets? Regards Richard
  10. Perfection Keith nice filing 👍, it would look very good with a coat of vanish as others have said, but IMO it would look out of place if you are going to paint her the colours you have shown in earlier posts. Regards Richard
  11. Finished the second planking, then removed pins then re-drilled re added pins for adding third planks. This again worked well, now have all with three planks each side and pins removed to start last set of planks. Thanks guys for looking in and the likes. Regards Richard
  12. Your Dory looks excellent Captain, do like figures on a model 👍 Do you have a side on picture of the Dory you could post. Regards Richard
  13. Lovely job so far Nils 👍 that light mast is brilliant. Regards Richard
  14. Looking at the drawing I bought from the Fishing museum in Lunenburg it shows how the planks overlapped at the middle station, then at each end they butt up so to hold plank in place I drilled holes in the jig so that it would overlap in middle and butt up at ends, started with three wood posts which was not enough so added two more, then I broke the wood posts so change them to brass tube.. Shape was good so have cut all sixteen planks now started the production. Got two glued and they have come out pretty good. Have been using this glue on all my wood gluing and it works great. Thanks for all the comments and likes, until next time. Regards Richard
  15. Thanks Gary, the jig/plug is working very well. Just saw them on you WIP they do look great 👍 Regards Richard
  16. Those figures look good John did you buy others or just the ones in your picture? totally agree having scale figures on the model brings it to life. Regards Richard
  17. Very nice bit of fabrication Keith, I am sure you will use the mill first, then file to shape 👍 Regards Richard
  18. More progress on the eight fishing dories, using swiss pear which is very nice to work with, planks are .018" thick easily bendable with fingers. Had a clamp which I glued bits of wood to, so that sanding to shape was easier. First planking done now have to work out shape for the second plank. Until next time, Regards Richard
  19. I did contact Lunenburg fisheries museum and bought a drawing of the 14'-0" bottom dory for $5.00 CDN , it has all the dimensions I need, did ask them if they made a 15'-0" do they add the 12" equally between the five stations, and they say that is correct. Progress on making Regards Richard
  20. Thank you Gregg, didn't like the kit parts and the jig supplied to was not very good. Thank you Gary, the set up was the only way to have eight the same. Regards Richard
  21. Like the drawing, also like they have dimensions on it to, are you going to make the engine Regards Richard
  22. I had a question in "Discussion for a ships deck furniture, Guns, Boats and other fittings" regarding where do they take the dimension of 15'-0" fishing dory, and the answer was from the bottom. So now I have started to scratch build eight of these as per the plans 3/16"=1'-0" this would be 2.8125" or 71.43mm long on the bottom, they do have plywood laser cut pieces to make the shape but I want to have overlapped planks showing. Started by printing out the plans so that I could make a plug, but before that I made eight bottoms from three planks glued together. On the drawing they only had three lines of outside of planking, I needed six, so made some more copies and proceeded to work out the other three. Taking a piece of wood I laid out the station, machined a 1/32" slot in five of the stations, cut out the five inside planking shapes, then proceeded to glue shapes into slots. shaped the bottom planks then checked the bottom planking to jig, also made the stem/false stem together I found the stations not stable enough, I could have put a piece of 1/32 plywood in between but decided to fill with solid wood, carving the shape. To help laying the planks I made the jig so that I could turn either way so I could lay the planks easier, and at the same time drilled holes in bottom so that it would nold to plug. I have cut the first planking for both sides, started to file them to the shape then proceed to glue the first planks bottom, stem and stern. Took it out of the jig/plug and so far its working as I intended, have a few guys thinking what's next. Will make all eight to this stage before making the next row of planking, here is number 2 ready for first planks. Until next time, Regards Richard
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