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Everything posted by Mirabell61

  1. Update : Build log part 50.... I`ve taken down all the boatsdeck, the dry fitting and vents, etc, in order to prepare for the permanent mounting of the aft boatsdeck half. But first there must be some fitting out to the promenade-deck-after-half portion like.... - fitting the mahogany handrail to the long railing - mounting the 6 anchors on each side for the aft mast shrouds and backstays (they will go upwards through the boats deck in twelve places whilst the boats deck is glued on to the brass framework and the deckhousings below. Also the holes for the vent tubes and the aft mast that go through the deck have to be brought in alignment. Trust that all will be quite a tricky moment, hope it will go well and like it was intended. - All the figurines on the aft half of the promenade deck must also be placed before the boatsdeck goes on (otherwise no access later !) The little red tape markings on the outside frame are for showing where to put on the clamps when glueing the deck down... Nils Mahagony handrail all around. Red little tape markers, where to put on the clamps 10 of the 20 benches (scale 1:144) go on to the total promenade deck the blackened anchors go through the boatsdeck when it is on and are for fastening the aft mast`s buckle screws of the shrouds and backstays
  2. Very nice looking hull Bob, has the hull got an inner planking, or are we looking at the inner side of the hull planking, and did you remove the frames ? Guess you did`nt take any pics of the planking sequence..... Nils
  3. Hi Daniel, you might perhaps like to have a look here...... http://images.google.de/imgres?imgurl=http://www.takel-ing.de/mediapool/1/15075/data/Referenzen/Anlage13._10Trommelwinde.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.takel-ing.de/jarvis-brasswinden.html&h=1426&w=2336&tbnid=ShwIbeIiXr7_7M:&vet=1&tbnh=90&tbnw=147&docid=WHRA8XdtEgJ86M&usg=__KfyQVM0911XSrn12NzimXF23De0=&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjV0rG_n6vQAhVEFCwKHTtZAzMQ9QEIKzAC in the menue click on "downloads" and then on "Jarvis Brasswinden" I used this information for building and rigging the three Jarvis winches on my "Pamir" Tallship model, hope this may be of use for you... Nils
  4. rethinking it from afterwards you are right Peter, that thought just did`nt come to my mind at that time, was thinking too much not to forget handrails for safety reasons.... Your comment of corse was understood well, right the first time..., thanks again... Nils
  5. Peter, Thank you very much, yes "de luxe" version is is the right comment, I just could`nt stand that the crew would have to climb on that platform like the monkeys on the rock, although they probably did so, as I understand from the missing access on the actual ship. Tadeus showed us in his beautiful "La Salamandre" log, post # 574 how simple a ladder can be..... Nils
  6. Wow Liberto, what a very nice workshop you have.... and the progress on the LST looks very fine, a beautiful ship on your slipway. excellent work too Nils
  7. Denis, boxes and belt conveyors look very realistic. As said before though, I`m missing the fish, emptying the trawl net hanging from the gallows...... and a fisherman or two in apron weather resistant dressing and rubber boots with a fish-knife in his hands, doing his tough job... Nils
  8. Update it seems that this platform on the actual ship is deck-planked, but comprises no railing around it and not even an access ladder or stair to get on it. Presume it was for crew only, but still I think there should at least be a little ladder mounted, because the skylight windows as well as the small deck will have to be cleaned now and then. If I`m wrong, please let me know... So now I spent a litte improvised access-ladder which can be reached through the middle passage between the machineroom skylights (for crew only !) The stairways to the lower deck are fitted and one can be seen through the open door of the starboard side companionway. When grinding work is done in the workshop, the model is dust-protected by a light plastic foil that is held up by the two masts Nils
  9. Beautiful work in wood for a beautiful ship Albert, Nils
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