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Everything posted by Mirabell61

  1. Thank you very much Denis and MIke, for your nice comments, and compliments..... Denis, the deck plans and information I gathered do not always show details exatcly so here and there I have to improvise a bit.... Mike, the wooden partial structures on riveted iron ships (we`re talking about the year 1897) may still have had their origional design from the periods sailing ships and other old steamers. Trust the scale 1:144 is the minimal size I would be willing and capable to build in, would rather choose 1:100 or 1:96 but in this case the model would tturn out too large with 2 meters length also thanks to all the "likes".... Nils
  2. A good approach Michael, trust you will get all damaged portions neat and tidy again, it will take the time it requires, and I think you`re not being pushed by anyone. You`re doing a great job I saw the vents on the ship are a bit more modern type compared to my KWdG vent scoops, what material are the Albertic`s vent scoops made of ? Nils
  3. Thank you for your kind words TLC, its a much appreciated compliment.... I`m very pleased you are taking the time to view the log pages one by one and that the build is liked, and hope that the remaining work shall be just as interesting for you to follow. I`m often searching the web in order to find more information and pictures of the actual ship, they seem to be very scarce... Nils
  4. Thank you very much Rob, it looks like the mingling of iron and wood was quite common on ships of that period and I am trying to resemble this a bit where applicable, glad you like it Nils
  5. Thank you John, I saw this model (in a well built card version) in a model shop once and had the same impression relating to the" forest of vents"..., but also found that very interesting and presumed it a necessity in lack of other electric vent systems to get the air right down (waste air out) into the heart of the ship, cabins und under deck facilities. Those large "monster-vents" that lead down to the boiler furnaces are yet still to be placed.... Nils
  6. Update building the companionways to the lower deck. Will have one of the two with shut door, the other with open door for view on the downward stair. (dry fit) Have built twelve skylights to date.... Nils Holding jig for mounting the parts
  7. Update some of the actual ships upper structures are from planked wood and I would like to resemble this as well...., Thats why some aft deck housings and later on also the housings / structures around the forward comand bridge on upper levels are obviosly wooden planked. In order to resemble the wooden planking, I made some little test pieces of 3 mm wood stripes with pencil caulked edges. Whereby the nutwood stripes come out too dark, the test piece with beech planking and a light cherry stain and varnish on it comes near to mahagony with a light silky appeal, and builds a good contrast to the brass window frames Put on the aft hatch with two compagnionway hatch-type-entrees, and the large doublestory light before the aft deck winches...... Nils
  8. beautiful work Bob, gunport lids and doors in the bow section look fantastic, precise and clean !! Nils
  9. Thanks very much for your kind compliment Rob, I`m just building for fun and am gaining some experience from project to project, there are always the ideas that come to mind, but I`m trying to consequently finish a model before another is started. Im very pleased that you like it... Wish you further on much fun with your "Great Republic" clipper, a beautiful build... Nils
  10. Thanks Mike, I googled up "Galley Washington" and noticed she was lateen rigged, an interesting looking ship and an just as interesting model you`re going for... wish you much fun with the build Nils
  11. Good and precise work so far to be seen Mike, every thing is well underway... do you have one or two pics what the actual ship did look like ? Nils
  12. Thank you very much Mike, Bob and Grant, for your appreciative comments.... Mike, a bit of metal work always has to be on my models, I love to use brass where applicable.. Bob and Grant, am pleased you like the overall pics, shall post some now and then..., in order to illustrate the progress better... Nils
  13. Hi Michael, when determining the size of the base I considered the the tilt force on the overhangs that possibly could bring her out of balance, It is OK as is. When she goes into the glass case later on I`ll put some double side adhesive pads between casing base and stand base. Nils
  14. Thank you so much Denis, David and Piet for your kind words.... Also thanks to all the "likes" Denis, there have been no additional fitting out details to the forcastle-deck, its about complete as is.... David, I`m very pleased you like the model, still quite a way to go... Piet, hope you had no hurricane related damages.... and thanks for your nice words, I saw you had a good catch up on the model`s progress Nils
  15. thank you very much Jeff, I also love visible figurines on deck for the same reason as you do. For this project I have been collecting over weeks and months crew members, officers, and (seated, standing, walking) passengers in period fashions, these will be placed in the appropriate decks and places on board. Nils
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