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Everything posted by Mirabell61

  1. Update wing cabs on the bridge mounted..... Nils made from 0,8mm beech 3-layer ply typical outcuts inside reinforcements checking the shoreline overview from above new parts painted rigging and antenna connected to the radio-cabin Ergenstrasse from the movie, bridge, front bridge aft, without the sun protection awning
  2. Very nice looking model, I like the wooden tone, and the sails ,congrats Nils
  3. Valeriy, thanks for sharing your technique in applying the "putty-belts". I was`nt familiar with that methode before you showed it. You did a super job and its very inspiring and I asume it mut be a nice job for modelers who have experience and a steady hand with "Gips-Stuckarbeiten" structures. I am wondering if it may be possible to combine the way you do it and the way I usually do my hull metal-plating riveting Nils
  4. right Keith, thanks for your word, I`m on the final straight right now, but still a lot to do. when the bridge is done, there will be enough to do, so that I probably wo`nt make it before the new year. There are several awnings to be made and mounted, as well as the deck above the wheelhouse and it`s railing. also all the small stiffening out elbows around the bridge super structure, the nav.lights, life saver rings, some lockers, etc ...... Nils
  5. Update starting with the bridge wing-cabs today, (here card template) with those typical "Ergenstrasse-outcuts". Also the flagpost, the bollards, the Panama fairleads, the mast riggings and the radio short-wave antenna and the stairs are mounted Nils Stb. side card dummy bridge wing-cab Bollards and Panama fairleads forecastle stairways access stairways to aft midship island ( via windless-plattform) The radio antenna
  6. Very good looking result Valeriy, The hull structured with these "belts" give the model a realistic look Nils
  7. very neat frame sawing work Keith, it looks very promissing for the further progress Nils
  8. Hi Ian. thats an interesting engine I have`nt seen before, it looks like a giant double action reciprocating plunger pump, only other way round.... Nils
  9. Update not much for today, the forward- and aft mast-stays as well as the aft funnel stays are mounted. The stairs from the boats deck to the bridge in dryfit, a little brass waterbucket hanging attached to the superstructure, and the lashing device for the aft lifeboat strap Nils stair to the bridge frontmast stay attachment aft attachment Waterbucket aft stay arrangement boats strap with lashing device front attachment mast attachment for forward stays
  10. super Siggi, nice photos also. Will you have some outcuts in the deck allowing view to the below interior ? Nils
  11. Many thanks John, I`ll take your opinion for more realistic as well. (official Merchant flag of those years) The novel "The Sea Chase" by Andrew Geer of 1948 begins in your hometown in Sydney Harbour appr. two days before WW2 broke out. I saw this movie so many years ago , but still remember, that the captain ordered even to break down the wooden Lifeboats and everything made of wood on the steamer for feeding the boilers in lack of coal on his escape... Nils
  12. thank you very much Keith, I hope I`m achieving a good mix of the old 1918 Corsicana and the 1955 movie-ship Ergenstrasse. I`m wondering wich nationality flag they were flying, as the capt. had order to "break through the British controlled lines" and head back to Germany. in that case it would not have been wise to set the German flag anyhow. In the movie the capt. set the German marine war-flag ( it was a civel ship though ! ) at the time the Ergenstrasse was intercepted in the Norway waters by the Royal Navy. As a civel ship she must have been flying the official (between 1935 and end of WW2) german merchant ship flag, which is the general red backgrond with the white Hakenkreuz on it. In the movie the capt. held this in hands for setting but then decided to set the war-flag instead, like German battle ships were flying. I would like to set a flag to my model, but unfortunately do`nt know wich one, Any recomendations ? Nils
  13. Update before rigging the aft mast, I connected the tubes to the fresh-water tank..... Nils the stb. side tubing : discharge to mach.room, winter anti-icing with bypass heater-spool from the funnel inside, and swanneck vent on top of the tank for tank ventilation port side tubing : filling tube from lower freshwater supply, discharge, local for boats deck with tap. Maybe I`ll also hang a small bucket near the tap the two heavy front bollards with mooring rope for going through the bow front bulwark openings
  14. This is to pass on my special thanks to all fellow builders with their kind recommendations for scaled wire ropes for rigging purposes. I have own good experience with using steel rope like the (meantime not any more common) remote wire control for model power planes. This steel "Diamantlitze" is either total 0,5 mm OD, 19 strand x 0,1 wire .....or total OD 0,25 mm 7, strand x 0,1 mm. Both are galvanic tin coated. I applied this very suitable material (50 Meters on the spool) for soldering for the stays and shrouds of my tallship-models Pamir and Gorch Fock, as those would be spanned and confrontrated with considerable pull-forces caused by the working bottleneck screws Nils
  15. Good point Vezett, many thanks for your comment. The "Litze" is silver-coated, which is good for applying, but the seller recommends special caution when soldering, is nothing for beginners... Nils
  16. Eberhard, many thanks for your idea input here. I`ll have that in mind. Also the possible use of fishing-line (Japanese) material sounds interesting Nils
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