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Everything posted by Mirabell61

  1. Update this is the template for the aft rounding. I also started with the stairs for the three islands... Nils I have to find out if the copy shop is able to print the name lettering onto transparent self adhesive foil in white letters, so that cut out names names can be brought on the black hull
  2. I love this build ! A beautiful rigid lightweight POF design mate. A true boatbuilder skill is showing here. The lines are very impressing, and your measures to make her watertight for radio controlled sailing are wonderful, well done. Nils
  3. Update I`m working on the anchor gear, today I made one of the two workable mini chain stoppers, the anchor tubes at the forcastle, and the anchor fairleads Nils for documentation (all decks) where the frames and supporting structure are situated I attched a scale before mounting the closed decks the anchors are from cast metal, one can see where I plugged off hole in the skin made by an error the anchor fairleads are from brass-coated steel forecastle deck outlet of the anchorchain tubes the raw forecastle deck is on one of the two chain-stoppers
  4. Wunderbar ! great work Peter, I also like the sewing of your sails, welldone, a very fine model Nils
  5. Very nice work indeed Mike, I love the design of the Cap San.. ships of the Hamburg Süd line, I have myself worked for Blohm & Voss in early work days. You`ve managed to get those elegant lines transfered onto your model. Nils
  6. good job so far SHJ, its going to be a fine ship after restoration. The sails are well and neatly sewn, you have bolt ropes sewed on all around, and your cleaning procedure looks great, well done. The hull shall require some special care and I`m sure you`l manage that as well.... Nils
  7. Many thanks Peter and John, Peter, good to hear that you are back on track, keep the pics coming..., I remember when once my chebec, in build stage, fell off the table and right onto the bow sprit. The sprit could be shafted and the rails replaced, nothing to be seen of the broken parts any more. John, yes I dicovered those winches from a Hamburg based web shop, and also found they need a little deburring and cleaning up, in generel they have a good cast quality. I have an idea what the poop bulkhead face covers will look like. The color is "desert sand". The door bulleyes ar slightly smaller in diameter and the silicone "glassing" worke well Nils
  8. Many thanks Peter, I`m pleased to hear from you again, hope you are well. hows your Bellerophon getting along to date...., or did you interrupt the build ? Nils
  9. Hi Andy, thanks for your kind comment ....... I am continuing with the vertical panels to the bulkheads for poop, forecastle and middle island. Here starting with the doors. Each door gets a bulleye. Also the aft bumper rail is mounted and I`m preliminary positioning some of the load geer winches in dry fit. Also the rudder has been plated. Unfortunately I have no building plan for all the super structure, and so I have to download lot of stand pics from the Sea Chase movie and to evaluate how things fit together. The hull itself I adopted from the Ferris type wooden Steamer, just about the same rating and tonnage as the Ergenstrasse aka the Corsicana Laker Nils I found these nice steam driven winches in scale 1:100, I wo`nt build them again myself like I did for the Heinrich Kayser model. They come in size to match for 1:87 scale as well The 4 bulwarks are fitted the rudder is plated these will be the first doors. The low cost bulleyes are made from hollow rivets and the "glassing" is made from 3mm round extruded silicone sealer
  10. Thank you Gary, most self adhesive aluminium foil (used on ductwork, etc.) is too thin for good results. For poncing the best results were with 0,125 mm thickness. Nils
  11. Hi John, I still have some of that self adhasiv aluminium foil 0,125 mm thick with acetat glue film and protective pull off cover foil rearsides, same as I used for my other models with riveted skin. The plates are cut from the roll wih a paper guillotin for straight edges. The wood surface has been primered with a nitro based primer (Einlassgrund) for a good contact surface. I hope that the remaining rest of this batch will last for the complete hull. It seems to be taken from the market lately, and an alternative wich is only unfortunately 0,1 mm thick will be available. I did`nt try it yet, but guess it would suit as well. The poncing tool I still have for 1, 2, and 3-fold riveting lines Nils
  12. Update As a workship she is getting a a plain steel-metal deck on forecastle, poop and both welldecks instead of planking decks Nils
  13. Very nice build Per, I love to see scratch builds.... here at MSW Nils
  14. beautiful boat Samson, well done restoration, will she sail on a pond again ? Nils
  15. Phil and John, many thanks for your kind comments, much appreciated.... Update before doing the fore- and aft welldecks, I need to position the hatch-sides of the 4 holds. The bulwarks will be attached after these decks are on and trimmed to fit the inner bulwark sides Nils the waterline is marked...., the depth of the original is 23 foot, that makes 7 cm here on the 1:87 scale aft the waterline is at the same level as th top of the prop outcut the foremast will fit in downwards to the keel socket between the two front hatch covers
  16. Update Started with the raw deck stringers and made a card template for the Stb. aft welldeck bulwark. the bulwarks will be made from 1,5 mm thick beechwood ply Nils
  17. Andy, thanks very much for your comment, I also thought already that these truss-masts have no relevance with the ships function and shall leave them away on the model ... Here also a quick shot of the prop, the raw rudder, heel arrangement Nils a bit of brass square bar 5 x 5 mm takes the end of the rudder shaft and gives good reinforcement during further handling the upper downholder device prevents the shaft from slipping out of the socket in the heel
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