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About Vladimir_Wairoa

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  1. Luis, I could arrange that for you i guess. Vlad how is everyone doing?
  2. Rob, have you received it havent you? Wow that was quick. I didnt expect it to arrive in time. Thanks for sharing and im glad bulkheads actually fit because I didnt see them myself in real, only here. So I can slip comfortably into chair and watch you progress. please remeasure carefully back cabin length and fcastle length and so on...:) im glad you braced bulkheads and fixed them. much luck with it . V.
  3. ta daaaa im now holding in my hands our stag hound coutouts. 2 sets. sending it fastest/but relatively cheap way to US tomorrow. Rob has all the details. no need to reimburse. this is courtesy of friendship/ and your generosity by sending me books etc... although no real friendship can be bought by money , anyway Vladimir
  4. These were one of thoughest things to make for me - in 1:72. ! smaller ? no thanks :)) wow
  5. @Rob, Rich, voice from distance or Hades . well covid is over thankfully. ...Folks I have finally some positive update (at least for Rob), as per info I am to receive cut stag hound molds by start of next week. it will be poplar layered wood by 5 mm thickness. so I am immediately sending both to Rob. I suppose it is ok. I hope waiting was worth for you as soon as you received it. His workmanship is good standard so all pieces should match nicely. I cant wait. Vlad. @Rich, I went "briefly" so far thru your Article. My goodness how many pages ! :)) would it be published as standalone book? wonderful stuff indeed.
  6. Good day. There has been some progress on Legyptienne after half year of pause. daunting task of planking is left for rainy days, and got little fed up with monotonous work so ling time ago i did some peculiar wood deck installments, not yet completed with metal parts. small windlass. this work begs for kind of lathe due to round profile or all parts..Its quite easy with laser cut parts or master some lathe/mill , but I dont have lathe so handwork here with some lathe mimic - wood stuck into drill hole ...:))) I tried to imirate original and should have made collars wooden ( it would be nicef i guess but I did it with paper mimicking iron collar... There are very small wheels half inserted at the bottom of item with rounded collar going inside those. Its very peculiar. i tried to mimic that as well which was brutal . original was aparently made out of one piece and cardlved detail is so delicate, it must have been work of absolute master . its beyond words... first I made I made 8 same parts glued together so those made circle with inner round hole and I catefully "lathed" those by drill spinning and some sanding in speed applied to establish base shape. Then I precarved eight "teeth" and also at the bottom I made half wheels glyed and rounded tiny halfsticks from one wheel to another. not completely satisfied but it will do i guess after I "got" into bottom of it , Big twin windlss was little easier to make at least half part of it. I still have one to go. so first i divided rounded stick itno 8 parts and cut 8 same notches. tried to be precise.Its very easy make oval from circle :). than cut 8 angled timbers glued around and sanded outer part into circle .. thers is no machine precision but it doesnt matter here, it will be covered with cap carving out notches...and holes for "wheels" with bars holes and wheels squeezed in... ...thanl you for looking in ..:) V. Štítok_36517885091 (2).pdf
  7. If i was only to keep up. Glorious work on portico Rob. Ingenious craft on your scale. bravo. V.
  8. Rich, we already adjusted Crothers bow to our outline drawing if you remember. Necessary corrections have been made. I follow your progress guys about portico etc...by the way brilliant sketching as usually...
  9. good day. finally good news. My suspicion turn out true. it was distorted pic indeed. How could I have not thought of that? I wated so much time by doing useless things. it matches waterways and ship perfectly now after scanning at all levels having bulwark height correct etc...There curves are just more completed from Cornelius model... Please give me few days guys to make out bulkheads. all should be finished this week. Meanwhile I need to mentally recover from reading book about Vietnam war and Nixon America. it was soo gut punching and hearth wrenching that will take me at least one day to recover from impact...:) meanwhile, scan pic aligned provided. it will go fast from here now have good end of weekend. V.
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