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About Egilman

  • Birthday 07/11/1957

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  • Location
    The Great Pacific NW
  • Interests
    Computing, Historical Research, Model Building

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  1. Look at any of my builds and you see the same identical thing... We all have that tendency brother...
  2. This is one of the things that scares me with MFH kits, they are beautifully made yes, meticulous details and assemble much like the real thing... But if they are off in any way in the first sections, it shows up way down the line... The interference issue seen here would have easily been handled with shaving the engine parts to lower the carb and intake profile just a few portions of a mm... Then it would make it an easier job to shave the bonnet to fit... I know back seat driver and monday morning quarterbacking... But I have faith that You will get it right my friend... You skills are far past anything I've seen before...
  3. Yep there is so much stealing of others customers that it is getting very hard to find some items online, like microfiles... And certain other tools of the trade... I still get my Micro-Mark catalogue in the mail, but seldom buy from them anymore, just about everything they have on specialty tools is sourced from somewhere else, low quality and almost twice as expensive as the original manufacturer... to me IMHO, they have become the Harbor Freight of online tool buying... Be very careful of what you order from them...
  4. Jewelers micro file set... https://www.amazon.com/Micro-Mark-81845-12-piece-Micro-File/dp/B0058EDUM8/ref=asc_df_B0058EDUM8?mcid=71d1bde401673526aea980d2055a9046&hvocijid=16478961440123805471-B0058EDUM8-&hvexpln=73&tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=721245378154&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16478961440123805471&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9033430&hvtargid=pla-2281435178298&psc=1 It's a start, but do your research, there are many mfgr's labeling their needle files as micro files... make sure of what your getting..
  5. I remember acquiring my two MFH kits, both of Sato's winning rides in the Indy 500... Pricy, pricy, hard to find... Definitely would have been cheaper off the website but they were both out of production with no though of re-release... I was lucky to find them...
  6. Glad to hear that MFH is one of the few companies in this business that take CS seriously... Excellent to hear... Hopefully some of the others will take heed....
  7. Doesn't matter brother, we'll still be here... (giggle)
  8. I can make a suggestion, It's a vent, a scoop facing backwards is a vent, it draws air out of the compartment it is open to... So, the rear will be open... And given the colored part of the fuselage where this vent is open I would say is the lower part of the vent where it meets the fuselage and the two parts are the inner and outer portions that cover the white section of the fuselage part... The smaller part glues to the larger outer part which is then bent to the appropriate shape and glued over the white section on the fuselage... It creates either a vent or a fairing, and yes some of these planes had a gauge of some type on the upper fuselage faired over, where the pilot could read it Only way it makes sense to me...
  9. You said it brother, the gift that keeps on giving.... It seems like when one part of the process has these type of issues, ALL parts of the process develop the same or similar issues... {chuckle} You know it will pass with time... Keep on keeping on my friend...
  10. ...... For a designer, there is no excuse one can make... wrong is wrong.... Sad Very Sad...
  11. It's been my experience that Tamiya primers work best on everything... (Even UHMW plastic which is notorious for NOTHING sticking to it) Standard Grey or Fine white is the best primer for high detail work... But use the Fine White when doing the bright colors, a lot better Color consistency, especially for the reds and yellows...
  12. Resin has been around since since the middle ages, as what we today call plastics since the mid 30's, the funny thing is I'm still waiting for any scientist to show everyone the person that died from contact with Resins... That person just doesn't exist.... There are thousands of compounds that are a world sight more hazardous than resin in common usage every day... Breathing dust? I don't want to breath sawdust, but sawdust is not considered a health risk, but it is more carcinogenic that photopolymer resin... It's a simple fact, we can live in fear of things not likely to be proven, or we can live out lives taking normal precautions without fear... Brother, build those models, they are less dangerous than the margarine you spread on your toast... I did the research, I got the MSDS's pages... Heck they ship it around the world by the ton in bulk without any conditions, you want your kids to learn mold-making? Hobby Lobby sells it as stem kits to teach science and engineering to 10 year olds... How long are we going to live in fear? How long are we going to let the few dictate to the many? WE all learned a long time ago we can't believe everything we are told cause we aren't told all that much... And someone drops the words "Cancer causing" (without a shred of real proof mind you) on a material and everyone starts shivering in their diapers... Sorry, but I get more and more disgusted with the blind fear I see exhibited each day wondering when the world is going to wake up.... Getting off the high horse now brothers, just needed to vent a bit... 2.5 year cancer survivor here, I am working with photopolymer resins each and every day, there is no Oncologist in existence that can tell me that the resins caused my cancer, and that is from the HORSES MOUTH.... Build the models, the resin will not get you, but the paint you color them with will... EG
  13. A most excellent post-war Tempest!!! You too sir have captured the essence of an in-service BMF!!!! Another "Honey I shrunk the airplane award winner!!!! VERY well done and deserved!!!!! Two in a week!!! Wow..
  14. Amen brother... I don't sell online anymore, hard lessons learned the hard way...
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