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Everything posted by Egilman

  1. Amen Brother... As Mahatma Ghandi believed, if someone will only communicate with violence, one must communicate in kind, as the important thing is to communicate, for without communication we cannot claim to be sentient beings... All people must communicate, we must learn that war/violence is the absolute last resort for communication...
  2. The best work never is my friend... Anyone can slap together a model, you build artwork...
  3. Beautiful Job Brother.... Being a navalized Pup, those rope loops, although no doubt used to pull and push the aircraft around, were actually the tiedown system.... These aircraft had a takeoff speed of like 40kts or so... (30kt winds over the bow is not uncommon on the open oceans)
  4. I think we all had one of those at one time or another, mine was a '78 Dodge Monaco... the only thing faster to empty than the gas tank was my wallet.... Gorgeous 442... Ahh... the age of real muscle.....
  5. They weren't "razor" sharp, it was like a 1/32nd or 1/16th inch leading edge radius... (think dull axe edge) But if you weren't paying attention to what you were doing, bumping into one with even a little bit of pressure could easily give you a nasty slice... They had hard plastic half inch caps for the flightline and two inch foam caps for when non-flight personnel were around... Accidents did happen....
  6. Yeah I remember it, think that refracted rainbow sheen of oil floating on water, for those that don't know what it is...
  7. Cars in the '50's really had style... gorgeous....
  8. Here they are, out of the five images there are two duplicates.... 9398 & 9399, these are the three images... The 3/4 rear shot, 9400, is the only new one... (last of the three) Gorgeous Model Kp!!! Very well done.....
  9. Merry Christmas Brother! Give or give not unto Man what is Man's, but the birth of God's Son saves us all my friend... It can't be taken out of the equation.... God loves you, so do we....
  10. Oh, my pleasure Richard, I love history more than modeling I think... (and it shows I guess) and that's another one I need to get back to... It's been a while... I bought something else to aide that voyage about a year and a half ago... Part of it was knowledge of PE and the build process, but thanks to RGL & Mikes 1/700 work, (and a few others) I'm learning.... Some of it was kit parts or the absence of them, It was the way Dragon did the Gleaves/Benson series of Destroyer Kits, but I found the parts I needed.... But I don't want to throw a derail into your wonderful Churchill tank log...
  11. Yes Deep and Wide... and realize, 3D printing in production modeling is just starting to get recognized as a marketable product, Full kits are becoming available now.. (prices are very high as they figure out the way, but will come down in the future) Most aftermarket is still cast resin, but 3D printing is making inroads in that market... The best thing about it, is the guys doing 3D printing production are doing subjects the big plastic companies are ignoring, the kits we all would have liked to see are now slowly becoming available... It's a good time to be a modeler, if you have the pocketbook for it....
  12. That is why you get the big bucks..... {chuckle} Yes, it is one of the very early molds... When Tamiya originally started producing models, they were all wired remote control.... they eventually stopped producing the motors and reduction gearing when they realized that most people were building them as static pieces despite the motorized functions.... For years everything they produced was from the same molds they produced the remote control kits from... Some of them are very rare collectors items today, the last four I got rid of were traded for over 800.00 in modern kits... (psst; they are only valuable if they have the motors, gear pak and controller, and are unstarted) And obviously, some of those molds are still producing kits today....
  13. Brother you are aware that Super Clean will strip that plating off in a matter of a few minutes, just by soaking it? no work at all... But yes it is sad that the model companies still think that gimmics like metal plating is still a good thing in today's modeling world....
  14. That is exactly what the Wright Flyer was, for all intents and purposes, an upscaled Wright 1899 kite with an engine.... (the 1899 was the kite they tested the wing warping mechanism on and realized they had it, they knew how to control an aircraft in roll) They still had a lot to figure out, but they knew how to get three axis control, it was only a matter of time after that... In fact they called their machine a kite before it flew, it was after the first flights they started calling it the "Flyer" A form of the control system they invented is still used today for the "flyable kites" you see them doing aerobatic stunts with at kite flying meets...
  15. Greg, what is that tool your using for the mast? It looks like a multi-purpose benchtop vice of some type...
  16. So I guess the Pup was the doghouse before it grew into the kennel (camel) right? {chuckle} (no wonder the Baron kept shooting him down)
  17. I'm up for this Chriss, just no aerobatics ok? {chuckle}
  18. Testors Liquid glue is Acetate and Methyl Ethyl Ketone, about a 50/50 mix... I believe that Tamiya Ultra thin is the same stuff but a little heavier on the Acetate... (which is the drier/evaporative component) Tamiya's airbrush cleaner is the same stuff just a bit heavier on the Ketone... (The plastic melter component) I suspect that off brand glue you already are using is the exact same stuff... There are other glue formulations that use Acetone as their active ingredient, they smell like nail polish remover... Aside from the smell, in the quantities we use them they are of no danger to human life... You can buy them in various sized containers (up to a gallon) at most big box hardware stores..... As far as the getting high off the fumes component, the government mandated that a chemical be added to them which will give you a headache long before they get you high way back in the late '70's... For general gluing I use the cap brush and place the cap over the bottle when not gluing, pretty much standard practice... For fine gluing, I put the cap back over the bottle after dipping my fine pointed gluing brush in it.... Anyway they are completely safe, with or without a mask.. (although I wouldn't drink the stuff, {chuckle})
  19. It does have a different feel to it doesn't it....
  20. When are we going to see an accurate film about anything... Fact is the enemy of the filmmaker today... It's all about the personalities and the invented dramas from the twisted minds of the producers... Who needs it? There is enough phoney drama to go around.... WE are inundated with it on a daily basis...
  21. Some of it is, some of it is steep/vertical rockface brother, he really needs a combination of both techniques.... Yes, Great suggestion, Nylon window screen is better than chicken wire...
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