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About Kusawa2000

  • Birthday 12/17/1962

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  • Location
    Whitehorse, Yukon

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  1. Chuck: I can confirm for you that they are very big hills not mountains but I imagine you are enjoying fall colours right now... While up here in the Yukon with our 10.000ft mountains we are under a foot of snow.. enjoy that amazing view of your hills.. 🙂 MIKE
  2. Dusan: Thanks for providing a response.. I will have to reconsider the minwax product. It provides a amazing finish! Thanks again Mike Draper
  3. Dusan: Just out of curiousity, what was the finish you used on the hull and deck? I like the finish! Mike Draper
  4. Everyone: Here is the model of the paddlewheeler that can be found at the Sternwheeler hotel in Whitehorse. I suspect its 1/4 scale as there was no display label. I apologize for the reflection in the pics. I was using my cell phone to get a few quick pics. Enjoy Mike Draper
  5. Everyone: Glad I was able to help out getting the plans from Parks Canada. And the offer is open for any detail pics as the boat is just a 10 minute walk from my office. Keep the pics coming!~ It will great to see the progress on your scratch built! And I dont know if you know this but the SS Klondike that is down the street is the second version of her. The first one got stuck on a permanently stuck sand bar during her years of operation so instead of trying to save her there removed her engines and hardware and built a new SS Klondike that is now sitting in Whitehorse. As well, we had 3 paddlewheelers sitting in town for the longest time. the SS Kaska and SS Whitehorse but they were lost in the 1970s due to fire. Damn shame as they were beautiful paddlewheelers. Mike Draper
  6. Im pretty sure its still there. Now that I know someone wants pics I will check and if its there I will get a few pics for you. Either than overall shots do you have any detail pics you would like? I can also go down and get pics of the 1:1 model that is 3 blocks from my office 🙂 Mike Draper
  7. Chuck: Sign me up! I would buy some door handles for my Winny.. All it took is one look at your pics. Mike Draper
  8. John: Good.. I hadnt seen them hard copied so its nice to see the level of detail is there when they get printed.. It will be great to see your progress shots once you get under way. Mike Draper
  9. are those the plans that i got from Parks Canada for you or did you get them separately? they look great hardcopied! Mike Draper
  10. we will definitely have to connect. I will let you know what my schedule is once I bought my plane ticket and got plans figured out.. this is seriously cool MIKE
  11. Ian: My sister and I have a cottage at one of the two bays at the Perth end of the lake.. my mom and dad bought it in the late 1960s and have it ever since. While I havent bought my plane ticket I will probably be in Ottawa from July 4th to around the 19th..the first week I will be at the bluesfest but after that I will probably up at the cottage.. I will let you kids know when I have my dates.... i think that would be a blast! MIKE
  12. Malcolm: I will definitely will take you up on your offer. I plan to be down there in July so can connect then. Thanks for the pic. The view brings back great memories of the Ottawa valley Mike Draper
  13. Malcolm: I am originally from Ottawa and still have a family cottage at Pike Lake... just near Stanleyville.. miss that country alot. Enjoy the view out your window for me and welcome to MSW! Mike Draper
  14. Ian: Dont get me started on windshields.. I have a 2017 Jeep wrangler and Im on my 4th windshield. The one I have on my jeep has one big crack along the lower edge and 6 star chips and its only 7 months old... 😰 MIKE
  15. if you want to have a tip in driving the dempster. they use shale as the aggregate on the lower end and if you keep your speed under 80km/hr it will help not getting a flat... I have done the dempster more times than I care to remember and taking your time is the ticket for no flats Mike
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