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Everything posted by Kusawa2000

  1. Also note they are just gearing back up from the holidays so there maybe a bit of a back log.. keep trying.. they will get back to you. Mike Draper
  2. Everyone: Just a quick (well not really quick as it took longer than planned to get it completed) progress picture of my Winchelsea. A lot of fiddling to get this right but as I have mentioned before, its good when you take the time to get it right.... Enjoy Mike Draper
  3. Frank: how long it took to complete the Agamemnon was a bit of a surprise when I tallied up the time it took but life seems to have a way of snagging my free time.. Thanks for the compliment on the Agamemnon. Hope I can do a good job on the Winnie Mike Draper
  4. Thanks! if that is the case I will be making some serious progress this winter while I look at my wood shed quickly empty... Mike Draper
  5. Trust me.. you never get used to those cold temperatures. You make sure the wood shed is full and you have hobbies to keep you sane. Mike Draper
  6. Everyone: Its been a while since I lasted posted any progress pics. I figure getting the gunport framing completed wouldnt take too long. Boy.. was I wrong. Between getting the framing all properly aligned and then getting all the frames faired correctly took a lot longer than I planned. It didnt take to long to figure out there is no point rushing this part.. and I have a few pieces of discarded framing pieces to show for it. In any case I suspect I will need to do a few more touch ups but I can say this part is done.... now the rear stern pieces. I did think about getting some detailed shots but there are some good reference pictures already out there.. I figure I can let ya know that the -40c weather we have been having has been a great incentive to make some progress on the Winnie. Mike Draper
  7. Chuck: Good point with comparing to what is on a dockyard model. Thanks for the reply. I will have to give it some thought on whether or not to add anchors. I may also add a flag on the stern.. may need to check into that a bit more. Mike Draper
  8. Hey Chuck: It is sure nice to see a finished product... and that there is a finish line somewhere out there. I do have one question.. is there any thought about anchors coming from Syren or is that a DIY project? Was just curious. I think it would be a great DIY project Thanks Mike Draper
  9. Glenn: Couldnt have said it better.. I have been working on the hull at a glacial speed. 🙂 MIKE
  10. Chuck: Thanks! That is what I thought. When I was dry fitting the sills, it was the adjacent laser etched marks that got me wondering if the sills were to sit 90 degrees to the bulkheads or follow the laser etched marks of the adjacent bulkheads. Appreciate the quick response. I have learned in the past that its these small details that come back to haunt you. MIKE
  11. Question to the Winchelsea crew (or more a confirmation my approach is correct): Im cutting the cross pieces for the gun ports. While I understand to use the laser cut hash mark to locate where they are located on the bulkhead, my question is do you have the cross pieces run with the hull (thus have them align with the hash mark on the adjacent bulkhead) or have them sit 90 degrees to the bulkhead. I have checked pics from other builders and it appears that everyone is having them oriented to the run of the hull but I just want to confirm before I get to far along.. Thanks in advance.. MIKE
  12. Everyone: Some progress. It was such an enjoyment being able to have bulkheads fit with a minimum of trouble. Now time to make some sawdust and fair the bulkheads. And with snow on the ground here in the Yukon, I look forward to a lot of time with the Winchelsea Mike Draper
  13. Yves: I managed to get over to Kure in Japan and see the model. It is totally insane. Amazing level of detail and with the way its displayed you can check out every angle of the model. If you are thinking to build the Yamato it's the place to visit. The rest of the museum is interesting as well. They have the Zero airplane as well as flags and other memorabilia from the Yamato. They have also laid down a footprint of the actual size of the ship near the museum as well so you can appreciate the size of the battleship. Mike Draper
  14. I think that is what I may do as well. I do have some leftover pieces that can easily be milled. Thanks for the followup. MIKE
  15. Hey Everyone: After a long haul (12 years) I have finally finished my Agamemnon. While I know this doesn't have much to do with building the Winnie, for me I just want to post a few pictures so I can put her on the "done" pile. Now I am keen on getting started with the Winnie after watching everyone work on her for the last year or so. In addition to the pictures of the Agamemnon I have included a few pictures of my progress so far. I have managed to get the stem assembled and tapered to fit the figurehead as well as get the bulkhead plate assembled and have the rabbet tapered and in place with the stem glued. But before I move ahead with working on the keel at the stern end of the hull, I do have one question for the "Winnie vets". The chapter talks of the false keel being a plank of wood 1/16" x 1/4". Now with the wood package I can only find one piece of wood that fits that description. Am i missing something? Everything I read indicates there is more than one plank but I can only find one. If I have to mill something I dont have a problem doing that I just wanted to see if I was overlooking something. Any information would be appreciated. Thanks Mike Draper
  16. Everyone: Its done..... after 12 years of on again.. off again work, my HMS Agamemnon (Aggy) is finally completed. Im still waiting for a friend to make me a stand for it but the rigging is finally finished. Its bit surreal that I can say that but she no longer darken my shipyard but instead have a nice spot on a shelf in our living room. Did a lot of "kit bashing" with her.. milled maple planks for the deck and hull, treenailed the deck, have full guns and carriages on the gun deck either than the dummy guns supplied with the kit, rigged the guns, made my own flag, and added a "few" sails (made by friend Wendy!). It was a great project. took a littl longer than planned but glad its done and I can now move onto my next project the HMS Winchelsea through Chuck Passaro's practicum. Definitely ready for a new project. Enjoy the pics! MIKE
  17. Chuck: All I can say.. is keep at it. Just delved into the first dozen pages of chapter 1 of the Winchelsea project and I can say I am definitely looking forward to this project! Mike Draper
  18. Chuck: Thanks for the "keep at it" approach. There are often so many promises out there for a final product and the completion date keeps getting pushed back. Its nice to see the follow through. MIKE
  19. If waiting for a new part is going to be lengthy why dont you use the broken part as a template and draw it on the remaining wood on the sheet. then using a table saw, or a hand saw, cut it out of the sheet and then sand it to the shape you need... there is nothing worse than waiting for replacement parts. I have had to do that a few times.. more for parts that went missing (wheels off a gun carriage that disappear into a carpet). Mike Draper
  20. Hey Gary: Yup.. I have been working on the Agamemnon way too long but I can say Im close to the finish line.. thank god.. the last few months have been a slog. Adding sails to her was a not my brightest of moves.. but I do like how she looks. I have been getting all of the Winnies chapters and parts installments collected and keen on starting but I do need to get the Agamemnon finished. I have some flags to make, anchors to rig, and some stern lanterns to install. And I do need to get the woodshed filled for next winter as well. Its nice cutting firewood in the summer with the long days rather than being in a rush in the fall while its threatening to snow. But I do agree Chuck has done a amazing job on this project and I cant wait to get started. I agree the installments did help keep the sting out of it. I will definitely keep a eye out for your build and I will be posting my Agamemnon when she is completed and also when I start the Winnie. Take care and good to hear from you Mike Draper
  21. Hey Gary: Glad to see you are getting on board with this project. Its on my "next to do" after I finish the million little things that need to be done on the Agamemnon before I say that project is done. I am stoked on getting it started and look forward to a fresh, new project later this summer. i will be keen on seeing your progress. Mike Draper
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