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Posts posted by Jeff59

  1. Finally, done a little bit on funnel tops, noticed the Ka detail set had had an etching for producing twelve pipes on top plate, betting this is correct, so have copied this, just used styrene stock again and drill the tube out to size. Carefully positioned into place using white glue, give’s you a chance to move them into position, painted the inside of these before fitting, never have got it with air brush. Obviously this is better done before fitting those difficult funnel etchings. Then mask and paint. Well I have to say  seem to have done a lot with nothing to show for it. I can see this is still going to take a while. 😕


  2. I won’t  go into the details of this, a pain in the tonsils, and have to make two. If you are daft enough to try this then watch, you have to slide the gun tub down the mast into position before fitting the next ring on mast, which is for the rigging on lifting boom. This is were it gets daft now need a second Pontos set to get the boom and rigging for forward mast which is not available on 1905 version, theirs a lot more than just this needed, come on Mr Pontos save us.🤪

  3. The alteration to wheelhouse was simply enough to achieve, just cut desired thickness of plastic, glue to roof of original part and trim same amount of bottom. 👍 Removed the last Of surface details on bridge structure for adding etch details, what you do to get away from those 12 pounder guns. 🤪



  4. With hindsight I would have did the after bridge wheelhouse the same way, but that part of the model has sailed. 😂 Also the small parts next to aft wheelhouse, Pontos give instructions to fit small hand wheel, Brass 29 and etch part 156. Think they must have thought this was same as the deck hatches on forward and aft decks, looks similar. But I  think these structures are part of ventilation trunking, the top of the trunking seems to stop just short of the viewing slits in wheelhouse. I extended the kit parts using styrene stock and used a fine piece of plastic wire to form the edge at side of this, quite easy , just used liquid cement and formed it around the edge of trunking, also would have done this on after bridge. Definitely looks like ventilation duct, guessing it goes down into ship below deck, anyway who would want to work a handle at that height. I can only be wrong, not the first time in this build. 🙄





  5. On the 12 pounder guns, can’t achieve what CDW did with these, taking me hours to do one gun, the first part forming or rolling the etch to fit around the breach end of gun is a patience game for sure, found the best way for me so far is to form it around a small drill held in a bit  with just the shank protruding.


  6. This rather heavy approach to sorting the portholes in the doors on the side works, you don’t see this from the outside anyway, plus I scraped away some of the plastic moulding on the outside, it was a little too heavy for me, just have to be careful and don’t take too much off, all works from the outside. 👍 also done that tedious job of filling up the attachment points for the plastic kit shielding, done the usual plastic stock with liquid cement, then when dry, trim and scrape it all away, plus remove some surface details for ladder rungs. Fitted some of photo etch, but not it all yet.

  7. Hello again, it’s time to try and show some progress, just seems to be taking forever, even to me. Shall start with the port and starboard superstructure on main deck, the way the build works on the model you have to complete this , and the 12 pounder guns before you can progress to fitting the bridge structures. 


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