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Posts posted by Jeff59

  1. I decided to fit the ships nameplate at this stage and paint this assembly separately, so far so good, then decided to scrape the paint from the Japanese lettering with my new found skill of scraping paint off 😂 worked a treat 👍 lol, the nameplate was upside down 🙄 must have been the amount of times it fell off when I was trying to position it on the rail to glue it never noticed , too excited at getting it in position, the wee man that looks like he’s skiing should be on the left. Deary me said Jeff, that’s a lie by the way😂. Have found a great talent at fixing things these days, managed to ease the nameplate off with blade and re-glue. Lucky white heather.



  2. Hello again, it’s that time of life again to show some progress with Mikasa, but as usual it’s not a lot. Starting with fitting the handrail to the stern-walk, this is a very delicate piece of etch so you need to be careful when handling it, requires you to shape the rail to match the joining grove in perforated plate as close as you can, the better you get this before gluing the less stressful it’s going to be fitting it. I started with the stanchion in middle at the stern, applying a very small amount of glue by using my fine tweezers then using a second set without glue on them to pressure the rail into the joining groove, care and patience should see you through safely, repeat this process with the top rail. 👍 won’t actually glue this part to model at this point, have some small details to add first.








  3. Hello again guys, hope everyone is well and happy, it’s time for an update on progression of Mikasa. I have been adding photo etch and brass fittings to starboard side hull and have now more or less completed this side, have to say this is quite a busy hull. Only when you compare it with the port side do you realise just how much detail you are adding.  It’s pretty much the same procedure all the way along the hull. Glad l made the frame for supporting the hull on its side, works well, although I did knock a small piece of through my own fault due to not having a tidy workstation, and immediately said this is rubbish I need lots of room to manoeuvre this to give me a chance , so hit table with a tidy bomb. 😂 what a difference that made. 👍 Only when I got towards the stern had a few changes to break up the monotony, small boom at waterline and stern walk, stern walk was quite hairy when it came to installing, only fitting the lower half, mental fitting this, not easy. Well all I can say is better lucky as gid. 😂 somehow managed to get it to come in tight to the hull and at the right height. 🤪 The handrail part of stern walk is just sitting in position just now, I want to paint this separately having an mahogany painted top rail. Also progressed with the forward deck, Fitted the breakwater to barbet, Note this is possibly not correct in the kit itself, to low down compared to the same part on stern, so decided to cut it of, moved it up about 2mm. Think this is better now, so watch for that one if you’re following in my footsteps. Masked up and painted, first time used air brush since painting funnels. No mishaps. 👍 Also stained wooden deck and glued in position, like the wet method, using white glue. Only grumble I forgot to scrape small part of plastic at bottom of barbet that allows the deck to sit tight down, forgot I did this with the after deck, a well such is life. Shall put some photos on now . Take care everyone, shall continue with port side and forward deck details.

















  4. Thanks Yves, think they’ll look at them when I’m gone and think of me, as I do with my mums paintings. Not a bad thing. The Titanic build will have to come after the Bismarck build unfortunately, but I will enjoy both, so there is an incentive to get on with the Mikasa. Wish they would expand on PONTOS set to upgrade some details for the 1902 version. Otherwise going to buy more of 1905 set to complete mine, dam expensive, wonder how I’ll run this past the wife. 😂 

  5. Thanks Yves, I’ll stick with Mikasa, that’s the goal, to finish a model, this goes to my eldest son Gordon, the next one goes to youngest son Rory, his is 1/200 Bismarck, last but not least Titanic 1/200 for eldest, my lovely daughter Charlotte. So my slipways are fully booked for the next few weeks. 😂  there’s about another 800 up the attic so I quest I’m not going to manage them all. 👀 not unless it goes like the film cacoon.

  6. Decided a while back to build it this way, going to fit all the hull etch now then paint, then the decks can be fitted when ready, it is easier to work on the decks whilst not glued to hull, just have to decide when that time is right. Started on forward starboard side from bow towards the stern, done about quarter of hull so far. Starting with platforms for torpedo netting, this seems to be made from stainless steel etch?  Does knock lumps out of blades, just as well I have a few boxes, the photos kind of show how I’m working it, platform, boom then gun shielding , trying to keep the glue to a minimum. One point to note for anyone trying this build , the connection points boom to hull at waterline, I found difficult, when you double the eye part of bracket over it’s a pig to fit through the circular disc. Had to grip the eye part in folding jig and lightly file both sides, then try to pressure the disc on to this, not an easy task. Or just use half the etch and don’t fold it back on itself, ie cut away half of the folded part, wonder how the other chaps building this ship faired with this, driving me nuts trying not to ping the parts. Any way I’ll put some more photos up. Yves you done me a favour asking about Arizona model, I dusted it down for some photos, I forgot how much time I must have spent on this kit, might want to progress with it later. Bought this kit when it was released, so quite a while back, my first experience of 1/200 scale I liked it so bought two, told Jaqueline the second one was a waterline version. 😂 Couldn’t tell her it was the same kit 👀  Always hoping PONTOS will do a set for it, maybe if Trumpeter releases it again, can only hope. My one ended up with unpainted etch to show the details, think it was White Ensign and Eduard etch I used. Not finished, no surprises there.





  7. On 9/5/2019 at 7:04 PM, boris279 said:

    Started with the bulls eyes

    Turned them out of brassrot on my lathe.

    Coated them with a clearcoat of lacquer, 

    Placed them and filled them with Kristal clear liquid glad. 

    Below a few pictures for the impression.






    Love the shapes and curves in the hull and superstructure, doing a quality job with this model. Also interesting to see something I have no knowledge of. Well done keep up the excellent work. 👍👏

  8. On 8/26/2021 at 7:23 PM, popeye the sailor said:

    oh....oh........someone's going to the 'quiet room' :ph34r:


    hey there Jeff.......catching up on your progress :)    I see you have made much.........even some small work on the over spray there... ;)   it's a good thing the deck wasn't cemented on.  she's looking very nice.......the detail and paint is really good.  I did have to laugh.......in one of the pictures,  I noticed that your using Humbrol and White Ensign paint { I saw the tins}.  I have quite a selection,  that I got from grumpy Lou >snicker,  snear,  and chuckle < ...I do have some that is for IJN ships........I got to do some research for the colors used for the Shokaku.


    she's coming along great mate........great job! :) 

    Thanks Popeye, glad to see everyone is alive, seams that long since my last post. The overspray was a real pain, won’t make that error again.😂 The tins of paint on table, just moving stuff around. See you are a IJN fan, I also have quite a selection up the attic that I’m sure you’d like, Hasagawa kit of Agagi with all the etch and Nagato just two of  many, won’t live long enough to build what I have and I still keep buying. Don’t know if there’s a cure for this. Some people say yeh, it’s called a wife 😂 Can’t wait till I get to my second childhood. Anyway I’m trying to do a bit of etch onto hull of  Mikasa, shall post when I get a bit done so you see what I’m up to. Also shall dust down my Arizona and post a few photos for Yves, he seamed quite interested. Again thanks and take care. Regards Jeff.🤛

  9. On 8/23/2021 at 1:52 AM, mtaylor said:


    Make it easy on yourself to post.  Type in your text, drop down to the bottom and your photos.  Then post it all at once. 

    Thank Mike, sure I have done this before, just get stupid in my old age and forget, maybe I shall try and post more regularly so it sinks in. 😂👍

  10. On 8/23/2021 at 1:38 AM, yvesvidal said:




    What is the model of the ship, in the background? Is it Arizona?




    Yes Yves, it’s Trumpeter’s 1/200 Arizona , wish Pontos would do a detail set for it, still have one to build from scratch, if you want I can dust it down and slip in a few photos if that’s not frowned on?

  11. 2 hours ago, Jeff59 said:

    Hello again, thanks Yvesvidal and Mike for your comments, appreciated. Have to confess I am not very clever with operating these printouts, sure you have noticed 😂 my lovely wife Jaqueline says it’s not user friendly and she is a lot sharper than me on websites, just have to hope admin can tidy up behind me, I’ll keep him in a job. Think this will be my last post for a while, whilst I try to make more progress, bit like Groundhog Day, got to start working on forward deck and forward bridge, plus have opened new front on model, having cleaned up all the overspray, my fault, reminds me of as a young boy scraping all the paint of old Dinky Toys using one of my mums sowing needles so as to repaint the toy, this was fifty times worse, only knocked of four parts of etch, that’s using my craft knife not a needle 😂 did say it was my first shot with airbrush, so I am a novice, probably not the best model to learn on me thinks. Anyway with that task behind me I have to make a few alterations on my plate for supporting model on its side, once I have sorted this, shall let me fit the rest of photo etch around the hull, think there is quite a lot to go on. Shall then spray this in one go. The painting that I did on the lower hull is my first attempt at shading, it’s not perfect but I feel sort of satisfied it almost works. The decks are not glued down, just trying to show the direction it’s going in, all be it very slowly. Shall post some photos next. Take care folks and happy modelling. 🤛
















  12. Hello again, thanks Yvesvidal and Mike for your comments, appreciated. Have to confess I am not very clever with operating these printouts, sure you have noticed 😂 my lovely wife Jaqueline says it’s not user friendly and she is a lot sharper than me on websites, just have to hope admin can tidy up behind me, I’ll keep him in a job. Think this will be my last post for a while, whilst I try to make more progress, bit like Groundhog Day, got to start working on forward deck and forward bridge, plus have opened new front on model, having cleaned up all the overspray, my fault, reminds me of as a young boy scraping all the paint of old Dinky Toys using one of my mums sowing needles so as to repaint the toy, this was fifty times worse, only knocked of four parts of etch, that’s using my craft knife not a needle 😂 did say it was my first shot with airbrush, so I am a novice, probably not the best model to learn on me thinks. Anyway with that task behind me I have to make a few alterations on my plate for supporting model on its side, once I have sorted this, shall let me fit the rest of photo etch around the hull, think there is quite a lot to go on. Shall then spray this in one go. The painting that I did on the lower hull is my first attempt at shading, it’s not perfect but I feel sort of satisfied it almost works. The decks are not glued down, just trying to show the direction it’s going in, all be it very slowly. Shall post some photos next. Take care folks and happy modelling. 🤛

  13. Going for another post, following on with making handrails and ladders around funnel superstructures, plus fabricating ships cowls and trunking, decided to not fit cowl grills, the ones supplied with kit, not confident in their appearance, besides the earlier post showing the Mikasa at anchor she doesn’t seem to have them fitted, so I am trying to base my model on this appearance. So the removal of the top internal location pin was necessary, have shown this process in photos to follow. The funnels also progressed, with the fitting of brass etch and brass pipes, one point to be aware of is the forward funnel has a fine etched open deck fitted, the brass pipe has to fit through this deck before fitting the lower support bracket. Once all glued in place it became a mask and paint job. The fabrication of the upper funnel grills that I thought would be straight forward proved anything but, a lot of patience and trial needed here, but end result worth it. Shall post some photos for you to browse over, next mission is to finish removing overspray on hull sides, another lesson learnt. Take care folks.









  14. 20 minutes ago, Jeff59 said:

    Hello fellow modellers, at long last I have something to post on my build log. Shall try to pick up from where I last posted. The ladders that I fitted to supper-structures supporting the large open boat, decided we’re to small in scale, so removed them, besides needed them for making handles for turning ships cowls, look about the right size. Used ladders from my Trumpeter Arizona etch in same scale, also used handrails from Arizona to make my own take on rails round the inner supper structures on main deck, no etch or references to work from here, just my best guess, but it does add some detail when added. Also managed to get some fine thread to simulate the tie down ropes on boat canvas, managed to find it in light tan, just guessing again. Before gluing the canvas part to boat hull i drilled holes in lower hull to take thread, painted the lower hull then fitted thread, just supergluing the thread on inside of boat hull before gluing canvas onto boat. That shall do for now, shall post some photos for reference to this post, with more updates to follow, take care.









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