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Everything posted by Papa

  1. I am learning, the hard way, to be extremely careful in cutting and folding. There is no room for sloppiness in these card models. Also, it pays to read the instructions very carefully and study the numbered parts.
  2. I have been working on the aft side panels for several days. The instructions are not clear as to where parts go. The kit parts themselves often have markings that indicate what number part is attached. Others don’t, specifically these side panels. The instructions say “attach parts 39,40,41,42,43,44, to part 38 and attach to hull. Part 38 is clearly the side (parts have L and R indicated). The other parts are saw tooth looking curved parts of differing lengths. Eventually it dawned on me that these were to be attached along the curved openings in the sides to have a place to glue them together. The sides have openings so that they fit the curve on the stern. So here we are. I need to hide that white seam on the port side with some black ink.
  3. The United States was a passenger liner launched in June 1951 but didn’t enter service until June 1952. 53329 gross tonnage 1928 Passengers 301.8 meters overall length 4 Westinghouse steam turbines producing 240,000 HP Crew of 1093 My first step was to identify every part and sheet and compile a notebook with plastic sleeves to keep every thing organized. This kit has been on a shelf for 4 years. I was getting tired of carving whaleboats for my C W Morgan, so I started her about a week ago. Waited until the hull frames were in place before staring photographing. One reason for choosing this kit was that it is on card stock and doesn’t need laminating.
  4. 4 years later and I finally started the “United States”. I got tired of carving whaleboats. I guess i need to start a build log. I have already made several mistakes; mainly in misinterpreting some tabs. All recoverable though.
  5. I noticed recently that the plans for Morgan have harpoon and lance drawings. Mine are grossly out of scale; but they aren’t visible thankfully. I will have to be more careful adding them to the whale boats. I’ve been working on those whale boats! 😜Going from the bread and butter stacks to something that looks like a whale boat is far from easy. I only can hope to end up with 7 “boats” that look reasonably alike. Many hours of sanding and carving are ahead.😬
  6. Actually, my favorite adult beverage is bourbon, neat😋
  7. Very clever jig. I only just found this build log. Very interesting subject. I started Amundsen’s Gjoa before our move but haven’t got back to it. MS “yellow box” kit found on eBay.
  8. The boat pads on the shelter are in place and waiting for the whale boats. Boat number 1 has been glued up and waiting to dry.
  9. I thought about that sort of thing but we don’t have a good place for it. The current system is working well and it keeps me organized and neat.
  10. Yes yes yes! I’ve been making models for probably 70 years. No way I can stop now.
  11. I once had a large workshop full of tools. We are now in a basement-less town house, and my workshop is reduced to the dining table and a tool cart. The positive side is that my shop is soooooo much neater than it ever was before.
  12. This time I am constructing the fife rail in place to make sure everything fits and is square. And this time I remembered to install the thumb cleats before everything was together. 😅
  13. When I attempted to install the bilge pumps I discovered that the “thick pad” at the main mast was in fact too thick. There is supposed to be a thick pad in the laser cut parts but i never found it and scratch built one. I initially cut it short and patched it. I was never happy with the patch. ☹️ Well, now i had a good excuse to redo it. It meant taking out the fife rail, but i wasn't happy with that either. The stanchions were crooked. So 2 steps forward and 6 steps back.
  14. Yesterday (8/21) I rediscovered that the kit has laser cut knee braces. That’s what happens when years separate reviewing kit contents and actual construction. 😬😳. Oh well. Good practice toward a complete scratch build someday.
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