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    Papa got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Chaperon by Papa - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Ron Gove   
    Lots of little bits to take care of as one moves toward the finish.  Paddles, masts , the ramp, life boats, stern timbers.

  2. Like
    Papa got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Chaperon by Papa - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Ron Gove   
    There are 2 sets of rear stairway frames, part 114 P/S. I used the one on the right, never noticing the set on the left until just recently. The pair on the right matches the gap in the battens and the drawing on sheet 2. Has anyone else noticed this? There are no other stairs in the model.  Was this an error or what?
    Ron Gove

  3. Like
    Papa got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Chaperon by Papa - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Ron Gove   
    I made up 4 "storypoles" to maintain the proper spacing and alignment of the paddle frames for gluing. I think I will stain the whole assembly and paint the paddles red as suggested in the instructions.

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    Papa got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Chaperon by Papa - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Ron Gove   
    Good grief--what was I drinking? I just discovered that i put the stern wheel support timbers on upside down last November. Must have had too many glasses of wine before getting to work. See the image below. The curved part should be down and the flat up.  Fortunately the glue did not adhere well to the varnish on the deck and I was able to remove them without damage and install correctly. The corrected support timber is below.
    On a separate topic, I wish MS had done the profile plan sheets in scale. There are many items that have to be positioned by guesswork--for example the stern wheel!  I assumed the the "not to scale" drawing was proportioned correctly and some simple ratios between the actual model and the plans gave me a number that looks reasonable.

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    Papa got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Chaperon by Papa - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Ron Gove   
    Started on the paddle wheel assembly yesterday.

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    Papa got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Chaperon by Papa - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Ron Gove   
    I have my PhD in mathematics, from Brandeis University (1972). I worked for many years in the NSA and later for private industry in the area of communications security. And as a visiting professor at GWU.  Been retired for about 10 years now.
  7. Like
    Papa got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Chaperon by Papa - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Ron Gove   
    Thanks. I started the log late in the build and it is kind of slapdash but I hope it helps. Blighty's build log has a lot more images if you need to see some detail.
    OBTW, why "Pythagoras"? You don't happen to be a mathematician do you?
  8. Like
    Papa got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Chaperon by Papa - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Ron Gove   
    Actually, the stair support was floating. That is now fixed.
    Completed the pilot house and stairway and attached. I didn't think that it made sense for the stove pipe to go through the roof in front of the door. So I moved it over to the opposite corner where it attaches to a small wood stove, not visible in the photo.  Also installed the stacks.  I still need to paint the shields at the base of the stacks and the stove pipe cap.

  9. Like
    Papa got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Chaperon by Papa - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Ron Gove   
    Assembling the pilot house stairway, and painting the wheel.  Thank you chemistry for super glue!

  10. Like
    Papa got a reaction from RussR in Chaperon by Papa - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Ron Gove   
    Pilot house wheel under construction using tooth picks and styrene. Not prefect put it is mostly hidden anyway.

  11. Like
    Papa got a reaction from RussR in Chaperon by Papa - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Ron Gove   
    The Texas is in place. I am now working on some details for the pilot house. I was inspired by Kurt Van Dahm's Chaperon to include the ship's wheel and a stove in the pilot house.

  12. Like
    Papa got a reaction from RussR in Chaperon by Papa - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Ron Gove   
    Glued the Texas on today. I discovered after I had glue on everything that the etched line showing where to put the Texas was significantly off center. Had to measure and draw some new guidelines; seems to be good now.

  13. Like
    Papa got a reaction from RussR in Chaperon by Papa - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Ron Gove   
    I've painted the Texas and assembled the pilot house. Notice that I added some 1/8" sq and 1/16" sq reinforcements. This is especially important when one uses water-based paints as the sheets have a tendency to warp.

  14. Like
    Papa got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Chaperon by Papa - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Ron Gove   
    Attaching the roof trim around the skylight.

  15. Like
    Papa got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Chaperon by Papa - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Ron Gove   
    I have attached most of the decorative railings. Everything fit perfectly together. The skylight is done and attached. I assembled the skylight fully before attaching to the deck to ensure that it was square. I am working on the Texas (which I placed on the skylight for the photo). I decided to assemble it before adding the 1/32" sq. battens. The battens are a bit  more tricky to add this way but I was concerned that they would interfere with bending the fore and aft sections. Although the sections are pre-bent using a supplied jig, there is a lot of fiddling to get the curve right when everything goes together. Since the battens are laid over the grooves that need to expand as the sections are bent, i thought it best to do them last.. I may actually get this model finished in less than 1 year!  I appreciate all the "likes" and comments.

  16. Like
    Papa got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Chaperon by Papa - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Ron Gove   
    Finally got to adding the bull rails. Also adding the photo-etched rails and decorative supports.

  17. Like
    Papa got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Chaperon by Papa - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Ron Gove   
    Thanks Blighty. It has been a fun build.  A great vacation from rigged ships.
  18. Like
    Papa got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Chaperon by Papa - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Ron Gove   
    The hurricane deck is coming along nicely. I am using  strip styrene to make the bands on the stacks and sheet styrene for the decorative crown at the top of the stack. I also mitered the top railings on the stair rails rather then the butt and overlap joints shown in the plans.

  19. Like
    Papa got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Chaperon by Papa - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Ron Gove   
    That must have made for some messy stern wheels! I guess I need to get some model chickens for back there!
  20. Like
    Papa got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Chaperon by Papa - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Ron Gove   
    So it is literally a chicken coop?  Wouldn't that need some ventilation. I thought it might be for a "seat of ease".
  21. Like
    Papa got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Chaperon by Papa - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Ron Gove   
    Started constructing the various and sundry items for the hurricane deck. Here are shots of some poles, galley stacks, hog posts, and chicken coop. (can someone tell me what the "chicken coop" is for?

  22. Like
    Papa got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Chaperon by Papa - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Ron Gove   
    Well, Thanks. I hope I can keep up with frequent postings.
  23. Like
    Papa got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Chaperon by Papa - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Ron Gove   
    Had a 2-3 month absence from the shipyard while camping in Florida. Now I am back at work on the Chaperon.  Here are the 2 latest photos.

  24. Like
    Papa got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Chaperon by Papa - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Ron Gove   
    Thanks Kurt. You are correct about the rain, unless they added scuppers.    Anyway, flush is much easier.
  25. Like
    Papa got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Chaperon by Papa - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Ron Gove   
    I have a question from anyone who has built the Chaperon.  It is not clear to me if the cap rails that are bent around the edge of the boiler deck are to be installed flush with the deck or centered on the edge of the deck.  Any advice will be much appreciated.
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