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    Papa reacted to Osmosis in Guns of History Naval Smoothbore by Osmosis - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:24   
    Thanks for the recommendations I will be sure to check them out.
    Well after a very busy week or so I finally had some time to relax and get back to hobbying. I made some progress on the bulwarks today.
    After scoring the back side to match the front "planking joints" and attaching the two outer timbers I noticed that there was no gun port sill provisions in the instructions. I am no expert on ship building but I do know a little about carpentry and I suspect there would have been one there. Luckily I had some 1/4" X 1/2" Basswood stock and after chiseling out a couple of mortises I cut and trimmed the sill.

    Not glued on yet but I think it is an improvement.

    The "Clamp" timber was a bit oversized and even after sanding was wider than the bulwark itself. After some debating I decided to leave a shadow line on the outside. I think it adds a bit of depth and I just like the way it looks.

    I plan on staining the entire bulwark, clamp and cap rail before I attach them to the decking.
    That's it for today hopefully a little more progress tomorrow. Although I did talk the Admiral into going to see Casablanca in the theater tomorrow.
  2. Like
    Papa reacted to Dan Vadas in Bismarck by Dan Vadas - FINISHED - GPM - 1:200 - CARD and PE   
    I've built the Forward 3rd Deck. This went together well, though there is a slight mistake in one small area - it's going to be difficult to spot later on when other items are fitted, so I'll leave it :

    I've glued the 3rd deck to the 2nd deck. The mistake referred to earlier can be seen below, where the two decks don't align properly in the black area. A bit of paint will fix it :

    The balustrade at the forward end of the deck was difficult (I had to re-do it twice), mainly due to no instructions on how it went together. This is a recurring theme of this kit :

  3. Like
    Papa reacted to Dan Vadas in Bismarck by Dan Vadas - FINISHED - GPM - 1:200 - CARD and PE   
    Thanks John and Popeye.
    After adding the previous details I decided I may as well do the rest of the deck sides. I've added the Piping, using 0.3mm nickel-silver wire. I'm thinking of leaving it as-is rather than painting it.
    I'll also add hatch covers when I can get my printer to work, I've already copied all the covers from a scan of the parts sheet :

  4. Like
    Papa reacted to TonyM in HMS Bellerophon by TonyM - FINISHED - 1:144 - Admiralty Board   
    Thanks Tim, as we did not have a show n tell I did not bring it.
    Moving along - the wales are in place with a reasonable fit to the lines and gunports.
    I have used my other camera which is much better so here is a general view from the port bow.

  5. Like
    Papa reacted to kscadman in US Brig Syren by kscadman - Model Shipways - Scale 1:64 - first wooden ship build   
    The weekend has been fairly productive. I was able to get the backboard fitted and trimmed as well as installing the wales. All that is left is to cut out the oarlocks and stain and install the backboard. Attached are pictures showing its size and how it should look hanging from the davits.
    I have 2 questions though;
    1. Concidering the location of the fore ring bolt I'm not sure how I should fit out the bow? Or should I leave it as is?
    2. Whats the best way to make the gudgeon straps? What material, etc.?

  6. Like
    Papa reacted to RMC in HMS Vanguard by RMC - FINISHED - Amati/Victory Models - scale 1:72   
    While waiting for the thread necessary to complete the rigging I thought I may as well see how the lights fit.  This turned out to be what may have turned out to be complete disaster.  While playing around trying to fit the starboard light, the decorative panel partially delaminated from its backing.  This was not good at all.  Having said 'Golly gee' (or words to  that effect) I dropped medium CA and gel CA where I could into the gap, and held the two pieces together as best I could (clamping was not possible).  At this stage the repair looks to be successful, but I would have liked to have got far more glue between the two pieces.
    The first and last photo below show the gap clearly. (I hadn't noticed it until I had taken the whole light assembly off the model and taken the following photos.)  The gap has now been almost fully closed, the remaining gap filled, and a coat of paint put over it. Another two coats of paint and a coat of polyurethane and I hope nobody will know.


  7. Like
    Papa reacted to RMC in HMS Vanguard by RMC - FINISHED - Amati/Victory Models - scale 1:72   
    A concern is avoiding the rigging of the driver boom fouling the lights. Exactly where the rigging is attached to the hull is far from clear. Actually installing the lights is about the last thing I will do as their attachments are very fragile indeed.   Protruding as they do is an invitation to disaster.  However to get an idea of the best place to attach the boom rigging I have dry-fitted the light supports - shown below.  This entails drilling holes in the decorative surface of the stern - something I was not keen to do.  However needs must ...  (With hindsight I would have drilled the holes before painting and off the model, but there your are.)
    In the process however, I discovered that it is just possible to drill the appropriate holes without damage to the painted figures.  Obtaining the distance between the holes from the light supports, I used a pair of dividers to search places on the decorative surface where I could drill without damaging the figures. The only places are shown in the unfortunately rather unclear photos.



  8. Like
    Papa reacted to RMC in HMS Vanguard by RMC - FINISHED - Amati/Victory Models - scale 1:72   
    Here is the saddle attached to the mast. It's shape is more or less a guess.  If it turns out to be wrong, at least the mistake won't be all that obvious.  In the photos below the boom is simply resting on it to give the general idea.  I have run out of 0.45mm thread (by about 20cm ) so I will have to order more and finish it when I return.



  9. Like
    Papa got a reaction from Canute in SMS Helgoland by Papa - Modelik - 1:200 - CARD   
    Thanks for the hint Dan. The braces (so that's what they are) kept falling apart on me. I think I will make some new ones and use your suggestion.
  10. Like
    Papa reacted to donrobinson in Trabakul by donrobinson - FINISHED - MarisStella - 1:32 scale   
    The day has finally arrived, my Trabakul is complete!! Thanks to all for following along, for all the likes and the great comments it was all very much appreciated. I would also like to thank Zoran at MarisStella for all his support and help and of course for producing this fantastic kit. Although, not an easy build, I would recommend this kit not only for the challenges you will face but also for the high quality of material and contents. So anyway here she is:
      That's it and I really hope everyone enjoyed and I hope to see you over at my Stefano build
    Have A Good Weekend and do think of those we have lost at war as tomorrow is "Remembrance Day" in Canada 
  11. Like
    Papa got a reaction from mtaylor in SMS Helgoland by Papa - Modelik - 1:200 - CARD   
    Thanks for the hint Dan. The braces (so that's what they are) kept falling apart on me. I think I will make some new ones and use your suggestion.
  12. Like
    Papa got a reaction from GrandpaPhil in SMS Helgoland by Papa - Modelik - 1:200 - CARD   
    can't get it to work. This the better picture; I adjusted the lighting

  13. Like
    Papa got a reaction from Dan Vadas in SMS Helgoland by Papa - Modelik - 1:200 - CARD   
    Thanks for the hint Dan. The braces (so that's what they are) kept falling apart on me. I think I will make some new ones and use your suggestion.
  14. Like
    Papa got a reaction from hexnut in SMS Helgoland by Papa - Modelik - 1:200 - CARD   
    can't get it to work. This the better picture; I adjusted the lighting

  15. Like
  16. Like
    Papa got a reaction from GrandpaPhil in SMS Helgoland by Papa - Modelik - 1:200 - CARD   
    A better picture and have capped the tiny cylinders around the funnels.

  17. Like
    Papa got a reaction from Mirabell61 in SMS Helgoland by Papa - Modelik - 1:200 - CARD   
    I am finding that putting the bottom plates on is fussy work. Not happy with the first 2. Trying a new technique on plate 3. align and glue the center-line first. Then do the ends and sides.

  18. Like
    Papa got a reaction from hexnut in SMS Helgoland by Papa - Modelik - 1:200 - CARD   
    A better picture and have capped the tiny cylinders around the funnels.

  19. Like
    Papa got a reaction from mtaylor in SMS Helgoland by Papa - Modelik - 1:200 - CARD   
    Can't figure out how to remove a posted photo 
  20. Like
    Papa got a reaction from Canute in SMS Helgoland by Papa - Modelik - 1:200 - CARD   
    A better picture and have capped the tiny cylinders around the funnels.

  21. Like
    Papa got a reaction from mtaylor in SMS Helgoland by Papa - Modelik - 1:200 - CARD   
    the photo isn't very good.  I was in a hurry. Will take some better shops next time.
    Quite noticeable that I photo-shopped out the work bench clutter. LOL
  22. Like
    Papa got a reaction from Dan Vadas in SMS Helgoland by Papa - Modelik - 1:200 - CARD   
    A better picture and have capped the tiny cylinders around the funnels.

  23. Like
    Papa got a reaction from Canute in SMS Helgoland by Papa - Modelik - 1:200 - CARD   
    the photo isn't very good.  I was in a hurry. Will take some better shops next time.
    Quite noticeable that I photo-shopped out the work bench clutter. LOL
  24. Like
    Papa got a reaction from Dan Vadas in SMS Helgoland by Papa - Modelik - 1:200 - CARD   
    making slow progress. All 4 funnels are now in.

  25. Like
    Papa reacted to Robin Lous in Greek Warship Bireme by moreplovac - FINISHED - Amati - Scale 1/35   
    Welcome to the secret brotherhood of oar nutters. 

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