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    Papa reacted to jack.aubrey in Ragusian Carrack by jack.aubrey - FINISHED - Marisstella - 1:59   
    Sunday, November 5, 2017
    Saturday I took the decision to start assembling the framework of this model.
    Usual methodology but I need to be very careful about the alignment of the single bulkheads.
    A great deal of precision is needed because there are 14mm round longitudinal reinforcements that must be inserted into holes specially cutted in the bulkheads.
    By luck the pieces are really accurate and so far I hadn't any problem till now . . honor to the author of this kit.
    Let's hope this luck continues even for the pieces that have not yet been installed.
    I used the device I showed you a few days ago to hold and glue the bulkheads and I have to say it works pretty well, but I cannot proceed too fast . .
    so, "autogenic rush management training".
    Below the usual photo gallery . . to next time, Jack.
    01 Ragusian Carrack/05112017/20171105_120539.jpg

    02 Ragusian Carrack/05112017/20171105_120546.jpg

    03 Ragusian Carrack/05112017/20171105_120558.jpg

    04 Ragusian Carrack/05112017/20171105_120609.jpg

    05 Ragusian Carrack/05112017/20171105_120637.jpg

  2. Like
    Papa got a reaction from Dan Vadas in SMS Helgoland by Papa - Modelik - 1:200 - CARD   
    making slow progress. All 4 funnels are now in.

  3. Like
    Papa got a reaction from hexnut in SMS Helgoland by Papa - Modelik - 1:200 - CARD   
    making slow progress. All 4 funnels are now in.

  4. Like
    Papa got a reaction from Canute in Hobbyzone building slip for wooden ship models   
    Thanks for the reminder. A paste wax after varnish is a good plan.
  5. Like
    Papa got a reaction from Canute in SMS Helgoland by Papa - Modelik - 1:200 - CARD   
    making slow progress. All 4 funnels are now in.

  6. Like
    Papa got a reaction from nancysqueaks in SMS Helgoland by Papa - Modelik - 1:200 - CARD   
    It has taken a while to figure out all the pieces for the funnels.  i think I've got it.  Some touch-up paint needed I see.

  7. Like
    Papa got a reaction from nancysqueaks in SMS Helgoland by Papa - Modelik - 1:200 - CARD   
    There are some tiny pieces in this model! I have to cut out and attach 16 of these little buggers around the funnels.

  8. Like
    Papa got a reaction from RGL in SMS Helgoland by Papa - Modelik - 1:200 - CARD   
    making slow progress. All 4 funnels are now in.

  9. Like
    Papa got a reaction from nancysqueaks in SMS Helgoland by Papa - Modelik - 1:200 - CARD   
    making slow progress. All 4 funnels are now in.

  10. Like
    Papa got a reaction from cog in SMS Helgoland by Papa - Modelik - 1:200 - CARD   
    making slow progress. All 4 funnels are now in.

  11. Like
    Papa got a reaction from hof00 in SMS Helgoland by Papa - Modelik - 1:200 - CARD   
    making slow progress. All 4 funnels are now in.

  12. Like
    Papa got a reaction from mtaylor in Hobbyzone building slip for wooden ship models   
    Thanks for the reminder. A paste wax after varnish is a good plan.
  13. Like
    Papa got a reaction from mtaylor in SMS Helgoland by Papa - Modelik - 1:200 - CARD   
    making slow progress. All 4 funnels are now in.

  14. Like
    Papa got a reaction from ccoyle in SMS Helgoland by Papa - Modelik - 1:200 - CARD   
    making slow progress. All 4 funnels are now in.

  15. Like
    Papa got a reaction from Canute in Hobbyzone building slip for wooden ship models   
    I have been wondering if a few coats of varnish on the building slip would help to clean up glue spills and the like.  Thoughts?
  16. Like
    Papa got a reaction from mtaylor in Hobbyzone building slip for wooden ship models   
    I have been wondering if a few coats of varnish on the building slip would help to clean up glue spills and the like.  Thoughts?
  17. Like
    Papa got a reaction from John Allen in BlueJacket Shipcrafters Lobster Boat: A Review   
    And I should add: Cathead’s model looks fantastic. Could be taken for a real boat with some clever photoshopping 
  18. Like
    Papa got a reaction from Jaxboat in Hobbyzone building slip for wooden ship models   
    I just checked the link and it is up to $88.95 + shipping--total would be over $100.  Hobby World USA has it for $64.99 +$13 shipping
  19. Like
    Papa got a reaction from mtaylor in Hobbyzone building slip for wooden ship models   
  20. Like
    Papa got a reaction from Canute in Hobbyzone building slip for wooden ship models   
  21. Like
    Papa got a reaction from Canute in Hobbyzone building slip for wooden ship models   
    i received my building slip a couple days ago.  I will depend heavily on this build log. Aydingocer's photos are much clearer than the directions.
  22. Like
    Papa got a reaction from mtaylor in Hobbyzone building slip for wooden ship models   
    i received my building slip a couple days ago.  I will depend heavily on this build log. Aydingocer's photos are much clearer than the directions.
  23. Like
    Papa got a reaction from Nirvana in Hobbyzone building slip for wooden ship models   
    i received my building slip a couple days ago.  I will depend heavily on this build log. Aydingocer's photos are much clearer than the directions.
  24. Like
    Papa got a reaction from Knocklouder in Buffalo Bill's Stagecoach by JohnReid - FINISHED   
    Amazing model. I thought it was the real thing.
  25. Like
    Papa reacted to mobbsie in HM Schooner Pickle by mobbsie - Caldercraft - Scale 1:64 - Heritage Series   
    Hi Guys,
    Thanks gents for your kind comments and the likes.
    I have been consumed and totally blinkered with my central heating and getting it fixed, it's been out for the last 3 weeks but it's sorted out now and were back on track, it's surprising how many ways there is in trying to keep warm and I'm keeping a lot to myself.
    Grant, that my friend is exactly what I going to do, I found that after a short time the patina was flaking off leaving a dirty brown metal base, not a pretty sight.
    Popeye, I haven't tried spraying lacquer on but I'm thinking that it may stabilise the surface and stop further reaction but I'm not sure if it would stop the flaking, I'm               putting this test / experiment to bed now but that's not to say it will stay there, never say never.
    Kier,  the answer to your question mate is that I'm retired, I retired in 2011. I have a wonderful wife who is quite happy for me to spend as much time as I like in my         boatyard, thinking about it does seem strange because she positively encourages it. She takes on all the garden chores and some house DIY. I don't think she           likes me very much ha ha.
    OK time for an update.
    I have completed the Gundeck planking, although I'm not completely happy with it mainly due to the boxiness of the joggleing, I'm hoping that the deck furniture will detract from this. For the Treenails I used some Lime sawdust, I drilled 0.6mm holes and mixed up a paste of sawdust and diluted white glue.
    I then tackled the Stern Counter, this is made from 0.8mm ply and from the start fitted nicely, this was glued, sanded down and planked using 4 x 1mm Swiss Pear.  
    Next up was fitting the Wale and Black Strake, the kits 4mm Walnut was substituted for Swiss Pear, the positioning of the first plank is critical in that the measurement to the gun ports varies along the length of the gun port pattern. Once this first plank is laid the second buts up tight beneath it, these form the Wale, for the Black Strake a piece of 0.5 x 4mm Walnut is fitted to the top plank of the Wale.
    I then painted the Wale and Black Strake dull black using Admiralty Paints, I also marked the waterline although this will be planked over.
    I will be posting another photo of the Gundeck as there is far too much shine and also the Treenails cant be seen.
    That's it for now guys, see you soon.
    Be Good
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