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Everything posted by Bill97

  1. Henry I like the idea of just eliminating the wood stacks. If you go with your idea about the boats will you just not display them anywhere?
  2. Worked on various things over the last few days. Most, but not all, from one page of the instructions dealing with items to be added to the decks. The items included the sponge buckets, the match bucket, and a couple stacks of lumber. The instructions show the lumber stacks on the forecastle but when I dry fitted them they would definitely interfere with the cannon in-hauls. So will need to see where to put the stacks later after the cannons in and rigged. Started working on the small cannons for the upper decks and the cannon hatch covers for the two lower decks. Marc I hope to be able to follow your design on the covers with a piece of Evergreen added to the inside and hopefully the enhancements. And last, but I think not least, I painted one of the side galleries just to see how it would look. I painted gold over the blue on the gallery enhancements and will follow up with gold leaf over the dominant characteristics. An item on this page I have not tackled is the boats. I will look at them at some point.
  3. A sponge tub Henry? Oh no I thought thought the 10 of them were fire buckets. A painted and weathered them to resemble fire buckets. I even added a handle and a few drops of clear resin to resemble water in the bucket. I guess I could still place them as instructions show and call them sponge tubs. Looking at it now I imagine the scale would be a little too big for a crewman to pick up and toss on a fire. Oh well I now have 10 sponge buckets with a handle. 😊
  4. Ok Henry next head scratcher question. There are 3 barrels that come with the kit. Two have stands and valve at the bottom. One would assume they are for water. Then there is this odd barrel with a big hole in the side of it that goes on the forecastle. What in the world is it for?
  5. Thanks Henry. I knew there was as no way I could as doing to be able to pant the he grating.
  6. Henry rather than trying to simulate grating on the chicken coops with paint, which I am sure my attempt at it would have looked terrible, I came up with another idea. I have some window screen cloth left over from when I did some repairs. I decided to cover the clear plastic coops with the screen cloth and cut thin strips off .01 Evergreen to resemble a wood frame. I think they came out all right!
  7. Thanks Henry. Never thought about their being chicken coops on the ship, but it does make since. That will be tricky painting them to simulate grating. Now that I know what they are I will try the same.
  8. Henry can you tell me what these parts are, what they make, and were positioned on the decks? Heller completely surprised me having these parts clear plastic like window material, but then direct they be painted. The instructions picture I included just shows it being randomly placed on he decks.
  9. Gentlemen all the decks are in place! At each side of the cabin fronts I added a strip of thin Evergreen as trim to cover the small space between the cabin faces and the bulwark. I think it gives a more finished look. I am pleased with it so far. Looks like I am now moving toward some more tedious work with the small cannons and the gun barrel hatches. Marc I am studying your hatch cover enhancements and considering giving that a try.
  10. Added the Forecastle deck and the same level deck at the aft of the ship. Is it also called forecastle, I don’t remember? Raised the hatch grates just as I did in the deck below. Decided to paint the bottom member of the two railings blue. I think it adds a bit of pop to the decks
  11. Finished installing all 12 show cannons on this deck. Got them rigged with the in and out haulers and the breeching rope. As we have all noted 2.5mm blocks are just a tiny bit too big. Would have liked a bit more space between them. But it does illustrate how the hauls work. This was definitely time consuming. I know there are 16 more show smaller cannons on the upper decks. I may venture into maybe looking at some 2mm blocks for them, not sure.
  12. I know this is an artistic decision but I am curious what is more appropriate. I am painting the rails that go at the edges of the different decks as I proceed verticle. In some builds I see builders have painted the balusters red along with the top and bottom rails (everything red). In other builds I have seen the top and bottom rails red and the balusters gold, are some other color. That combination makes for a nice visual contrast but may be completely inaccurate.
  13. Marc I so so very well understand and commend you for your care and effort! I did not know you were on a European cruise. I just thought you flew to Paris on a trip with your dad. A really interesting thing one of the counselors we had when my mom went through this said in response to us saying she is not herself today was “Oh no, she is being herself, just herself at a different time and place!” I have always remembered that. Sometimes it helped, and sometimes not. Thanks for your reply about the gussets and beams. Safe and joyful journey my friend. Bill
  14. Marc I hope all is going well with your trip to Paris with your dad. Will look forward to sharing bits with us on your return. I am interested in something you did during your build and wonderful you would mind to share a little of your thought process as to why you did it? I am finishing up the installation and rigging of the show cannons. When I take a break from that I am looking ahead to my next task. That is going to be installing the forecastle deck and the corresponding deck (whatever it is called) at the aft end of the ship. I see in your build you added some pieces you made to this task. You have additional knees, beams, and what I think you called gussets? Was this because you created a new decks for this application? Wondering if this is something you recommend? I am of course using the deck sections included with the kit. They seem satisfactory as far as stiffness.
  15. Completed rigging the he 6 show cannons n the starboard side. The 2.5mm blocks are a bit crowded but the display does show the working of the in and out hauls. Not perfect but I am satisfied.
  16. Alex I have to admit that does sound like an adventure I would enjoy working with someone else on. At least a two person job, me as the second hand to someone that new exactly what they were doing. And in their shop. No room to work on such a project in my little home.
  17. YYes I do mtaylor. It is a Robert Taylor in the index that is working on the OcCre Endeavor. I apologize for the mix up. 😊
  18. Good afternoon. I am giving some thought to building the wood model Endeavor. I have built several very detailed plastic models and have the logs here on MSW. The Heller HMS Victory and Le Soleil Royal are just two. Both of which took or will take a couple years to complete. I have decided I want to attempt a wood model and really like the Endeavor. For some reason I am really drawn to the OcCre version. Before I make such a huge purchase I am curious what you he builders if this model think and recommend. Would you mind to share your general review? It would be greatly appreciated.
  19. Good afternoon. I am giving some thought to building the wood model Endeavor. I have built several very detailed plastic models and have the logs here on MSW. The Heller HMS Victory and Le Soleil Royal are just two. Both of which took or will take a couple years to complete. I have decided I want to attempt a wood model and really like the Endeavor. For some reason I am really drawn to the OcCre version. Before I make such a huge purchase I am curious what you he builders if this model think and recommend. Would you mind to share your general review? It would be greatly appreciated.
  20. Good afternoon. I am giving some thought to building the wood model Endeavor. I have built several very detailed plastic models and have the logs here on MSW. The Heller HMS Victory and Le Soleil Royal are just two. Both of which took or will take a couple years to complete. I have decided I want to attempt a wood model and really like the Endeavor. For some reason I am really drawn to the OcCre version. Before I make such a huge purchase I am curious what you he builders if this model think and recommend. Would you mind to share your general review? It would be greatly appreciated.
  21. Good afternoon. I am giving some thought to building the wood model Endeavor. I have built several very detailed plastic models and have the logs here on MSW. The Heller HMS Victory and Le Soleil Royal are just two. Both of which took or will take a couple years to complete. I have decided I want to attempt a wood model and really like the Endeavor. For some reason I am really drawn to the OcCre version. Before I make such a huge purchase I am curious what you he builders if this model think and recommend. Would you mind to share your general review? It would be greatly appreciated.
  22. Good afternoon. I am giving some thought to building the wood model Endeavor. I have built several very detailed plastic models and have the logs here on MSW. The Heller HMS Victory and Le Soleil Royal are just two. Both of which took or will take a couple years to complete. I have decided I want to attempt a wood model and really like the Endeavor. For some reason I am really drawn to the OcCre version. Before I make such a huge purchase I am curious what you he builders if this model think and recommend. Would you mind to share your general review? It would be greatly appreciated.
  23. mtaylor I have been reading through your OcCre Endeavor build. You are doing a great job with it. What is your opinion of it? I am sort of leaning toward the OcCre Endeavor.
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