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Everything posted by Bill97

  1. Thanks Robert and Louie. Robert I made the cases my self from a design I found on YouTube. Went with plexiglass instead of glass for weight, cost, and safety. Louie I wondered about the rake as well but the tops of the premolars ratlines lined up perfectly with the connection points on the mast so I guess they are right.
  2. Thanks Bosco. So it is not that big. My Cutty Sark and Constitution are over 30” long and over 20” tall at 1/96 scale. I was concerned this model might be near the 40” length at 1/72. I guess the “actual” ship was much smaller than those ships.
  3. Hello Bosco72. I am looking at purchasing this model for my next build. Could you tell me your estimate of what the finished ship’s size will be? I pretty much do 1/96 and 1/100 scale. Never did a1/72 like this Golden Hind. Wonder just how big it is and if I will have a space to display it when finished. Also the information I found on the kit says it has just a little over a 100 parts. Is that correct? It looks more complicated than that.
  4. I have not purchased it yet Robert. Still looking. I can find the Classic version but not the Special Edition. I just wonder what the difference is? I am curious how the size compares to the Man O War we both built. I know they are 1/96 and the Golden Hind is 1/72. How does the model height and length compare? I look for space to display my cases before I start a ship. I attached a couple pictures of my Cutty Sark and USS Construction in their cases. Have the spot for the Man O War picked out.
  5. Thanks Robert. I worked with the mast (a little sanding and trimming) and I think I have them lined up pretty good now. Just dry fitted in photo. Will take out for other work. Also attached photo of Golden Hind I am looking at. Do you think this is the same as your’s?
  6. Thanks amateur! Just triple checking before I glue them in. The fourth mast (boneventure I think the name) a little more vertical than the mizzenmast? As my picture shows.
  7. Thanks again Jeff T and Louie about the racked mast. I doubled checked all my construction to insure all pieces are lined up exactly as directed. Then dry fitted the mast in the holes. Wow! The mizzenmast seems really racked to the aft, but I guess that it is correct. The bend in the bottom of the mast even accentuates it more. My first gallion build and I am so used to having the mast vertical on the Cutty Sark and USS Constitution.
  8. Hey Robert I could have posted this on your Golden Hind build but thought you might see my question here first. What model (brand, scale, etc) is your Golden Hind? After working on the Man O War, and loving it, and seeing your Golden Hind pictures, I am thinking of adding it to my future. I see 1/72 scale by Airfix online that looks similiar to yours. It is surprising it only has 109 pieces. Your’s looks more detailed/complicated than that.
  9. Never mind that last question Robert. Your in progress picture shows you did this rigging when the instructions said to.
  10. Thanks Robert. That is what I was thinking but the instructions do not show the the triple hole block being used. It seems early in the building process to add these threads now. Seems they will continually get in the way. Did you tie them at this point or wait till later when doing the rigging?
  11. Thanks Jeff T, that is interesting and makes complete since. Learning a lot about these old ships from you guys. Bill
  12. Yes Robert I ended up going with colors similar to the instructions. Tried other ideas but don’t have as good a knack for picking colors as you did. I am glad you responded because right off the bat I got a question for you. Looking at my instructions and your photos I am trying to understand exactly what needs to be done here. Are the threads 1 thru 5 individual lines to obviously be used later or are the same thread tied at both ends to the bow sprit? Number 5 looks like it is a continuation of number 3 for example.
  13. Good afternoon Robert. Just letting you know I am referring to your build here a lot as I progress with my Man O War. My color scheme is a bit different but the actual build is obviously the same. I refer to your photos any time I am curious about something. Is very helpful. Just today when I was dry fitting my mast I noticed the foremast slanted toward the front. Definitely not verticals! This concerned me and I wondered if somehow I had the holes lined up wrong. Sure enough I checked your’s and that is how the foremast is. Bill
  14. Really enjoying my build of the Man O War! Completed a great deal of detail painting and assembly. I have been pleased with this Revell product. Parts fit together well and my kit has very little flash.
  15. Committed my self to a bunch of detail painting and prep. Tried different color combinations but ultimately went with the pallet suggested by the instructions. Anxious to start putting the pieces together to see how this beauty is going to turn out.
  16. Since my last post I have been painting the hull. Decided to darken the hull/weather the hull a bit more below the water line. Thought my original color had to much of a mustard look once I added the other colors up the sides. Once I do a few minor touch ups here and there I am going to give it several coats of a clear flat spray for protection and then mount it permanently to the base.
  17. Thanks Robert. Beginning the painting of the hull now. Decided to weather it a bit. Hope it looks good as I make my way up the sides with the stripes and other colors.
  18. Starting my very much looked forward to British Man O War. From looking at other builds on MSW I gather that this model provides the luxury of personal preference in color scheme. Anxious to see what I go with. I have already painted the deck sections and weathered them like old wood. I have also glued the hull halves together and used putty followed my sanding to hide the seam along the bottom. I followed this up with Vallejo surface primer since I plan to paint it with acrylic paint. I like to make a custom base for my ships since I don’t care much for the little plastic stands included with the kit. For the Man O War I employed a great idea another builder detailed on MSW. Once the hull was glued together I cut off the little tabs then turned it upside down in my drill press and carefully drilled holes through into the inside of the hull. Using epoxy I glued nuts over the holes on the inside that bolts will eventually screw into. I found a nice piece of veneer that I thought resembled the V shaped wake a ship makes as it cuts through the water. I glued the veneer up to some nice oak and cut the base shape to flow with veneer. Once I paint the hull I will assemble it by running bolts up through the bottom of the base then through two black pedestals the ship keel will set in, and then through the bottom of the ship and into the nuts epoxied into the interior of the hull. A test proved the plan results in a solid and level assembly.
  19. Hey Robert I got a question for you. I am starting my Man O War and I am curious of your process. In your pictures it looks as if you did a little of the hull painting before you glued the two halves together with the deck. Then after you put it together you continued and finished the remainder of the hull painting. Is that correct? I have all my pieces primed and will start the delicate painting. I am going to weather the deck first so it is ready to insert in the hull halves when it is time.
  20. OK Robert here goes. About to open Man O’ War. Will have this post bookmarked at my building table. Lot of great ideas.
  21. Hey we have pretty long longevity here in Kentucky!! I think it is the bourbon 😜🥃 I might have meant 1958.
  22. Shipman I know I was born before. I was 6 years in 1858. Great idea Ryland to post to the gallery. Have not done that before. Oh and I now have someone at the helm! Could have been a disaster 😀
  23. Good point on no one at helm Need to correct that! Thanks for the compliment.
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