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Everything posted by NAZGÛL

  1. Cheers Mark! I started to experiment with the rigging. Hopefully I can simply it without destroying the realism to much. /Matti
  2. Thanks Sherry! I'm a bit nervous to be honest as it's all new to me. /Matti
  3. Cheers! These 16 is for the upper deck and except some detail work for the falconet that will be tied to the deck I'm ready to start mounting them. I'm still planning for the cannons for the gundecks. /Matti
  4. Looking great mobbsie, sorry to hear about the health issues and hope you are better! Keep up the great work. /Matti
  5. Thanks mobbsie, most appreciated! Do you mean cannons for the upper deck, if so these are the ones. Vasa had a mixed bag of howitzers and culverins. On the quarter deck there were also two falconets, one of them had no carriage and was strapped to the deck. Vasa was prepared for four swivel guns at the four round holes below the stern windows, but these where not delivered or mounted when she sank. Nigel, cheers mate! Yeah I think a simplified rigging hopefully will keep the sense of scale. /Matti
  6. Phew, here's a pic of three finished cannons. There where many hours to get them the way I wanted and they are quite fragile. I plan to simplify the cannon rigging, as I'm afraid to to make it look like someone throw a bunch of ropes over them at this scale. I still havent decide how to do it yet but I'm leaning thowards a rather simple setup. /Matti
  7. Thanks buddy, I´m still working on them. Also still surprised how much work there is to make these guys. /Matti
  8. Nice work Andre! I can only imagine all the hard work you did with all those gunports. Very clean. /Matti
  9. Cheers Jan, looking forward to see what you do when you start with yours. /Matti
  10. Thanks mate, thats a very kind comment that makes me happy! I forgot to say that they ordered black paint for the carriers when they built her. One of the falconets had no carriage but where strapped to the deck and I will likely try to do that on my model also. Cheers /Matti
  11. Hey all! Making the cannons are more work then I thought. The wheels and axels are brass and I'm no fan of metal parts as they make painting and shaping much harder. So there is a lot of time just to sand them to make the paint bite. Anyway the carriages are made of a total of 20 parts each (I still have to add the two locking parts that holds the cannon). Painting them black was quite tricky as it's hard to get a realistic look with the details noticeable. It's a mixture with gray/black. Then highlighting edges and details with gray and finally blending them with brown/black washes. I wanted the wheels to look like they where rolled in dust/being worned so they are painted like the carriages. A few pics of the real cannons and carriages: And here are mine so far: Still some painting left to do, and also there are some baking soda I need to clean off. /Matti
  12. I don't know, maybe it's of how the planks should be angled where they meet. /Matti
  13. Hi Karleop, I build this by eye and used reference pics and I didnt use the instructions for it much. I took the parts and compaired to the real ship. That way is better to try to get all different angles correctly aligned imo. The instruction images have some of the angles wrong. I posted pics you can use for it earlier in this thread. /Matti
  14. Very nice work, it's impressive that you get get all the things installed so neatly. I like the design of this sub also /Matti
  15. Yeah, the overall shape of the cannon is not bad, even if it is simplified and only in 2 versions, but I think it's expecting a lot to want all versions of cannons. Hopefully a descent paintjob will make them work well. Carriages.The kit has 3 different kind of carriages, the one in the pic and one almost the same, only slightly smaller. The third is the old army two wheel carriage for the 2 one pounders. I do liked that idea, but I will use a carriage like the others, only slimmer (I have this option with my extra spare parts). That's the way the 1:10 has it, and it's the logical way to do it. It was hard to make cannons in the 1600's, but not to make practical carriages. The big 2 wheeler would be really impractical. One of the cannons had no carriage and where just strapped to the deck. I will look into that and see how that would have worked. /Matti
  16. Cheers Phil! Nigel, If the trunnion is where the axis from the cannon connect, then it is likely because of the BB cannon design. In their defense the carriages must have been different from the different cannon models and their lenghts. The cannon in the pic is one of the "newer" 24 pounders, the ones on the weatherdeck where others. Especially the 1 pounder has the axis further backwards due to the short length. I think there must be some guesses about how the other cannons looked as they must have been the first cannons salvaged in the 1600's and therefore we only have the lists made of her weaponry. /Matti
  17. Thanks for the nice comments Bug and Nigel! Nigel, the carriages are made of plywood. If I've understood it correctly they where likely painted black, and that's what the look I plan to give them, a grayish black. They will hopefully look something like this: /Matti
  18. Small update: I've painted the big sculpture at the middle of the ship. First how it looks on the 1:10: And here is how mine turned out: I've also made the wooden pieces that sits around the round holes below the bow: I have also started to plan the cannons and now know what where used. By looking at the guns made by Clayton for the 1:10 model at the museum I noticed that the guns supplied by BB is not that bad actually and I will use them for the stormstycke cannons. To my relief the wagons included in the kit is close to the originals in look so there is no need to buy or build others. I might tweak them some though. On the real ship 8 of the cannons where old 3 pounders made in the 1500's. I decided to scratch these in wood as I want to have those long and thin barrels. Here is how they turned out: /Matti
  19. Glad to see you made a building thread, looking forward to see what you do with your model! /Matti PS. I think your english is really good.
  20. Nice video! Stefan is a very nice person. /Matti
  21. Well done! I really like the color tones you used. I agree about how nice this kind of modelling is, and the oportunities to tweak the build and do it your way seems endless. /Matti
  22. A very very nice looking ship and I'll enjoy watching you bring it to life Nigel. You have your hands full with your projects, especially considering the advanced way you build them. Will it be painted or in a natural style? /Matti
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