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Everything posted by NAZGÛL

  1. Great updates Hans! Here is a link to a trailer for the film. The film has subtitles in english and german I think and it´s great if youre interested in this period. There are only quick glimpses of the Batavia replica though, so don't get it for that reason. /Matti
  2. Thank you very much for the kind words mate! /Matti
  3. Thank you very much Frank! Hope the final stages of your ship goes well. /Matti
  4. Karl, I only judge from the reference so it's my opinion only.I got the scale from the noblewoman against the deck edge she is close to and also how they look against the other deck details on the 1:10. /Matti
  5. Thanks Nigel, I will try to get better wood, but they will have to do in this build. I like the softness of this wood, almost behaving like clay, the color is also good. Thank you mobbsie! Thanks Karl! I didn't get what you ment with needing parts, sorry. /Matti
  6. Hi mate, nice work! I didnt get some of the problems you describe. The railing (ballustraden) is wrong in many early drawings and on the 1:10 model also. If you build it like the real ship the figures fit well I think. In my opinion the jacks (knektarna) becomes to big if you follow the instructions and need to be smaller. The pulleys are to big and I do my jacks witout them. I had no problem with the top parts of the beakhead construction. Maybe it is how they align if the previous builder made errors in earlier stages of the build? Here are some reference of the polish noblemen sculptures: Keep up the good work! /Matti
  7. Nice work mobbsie, really like the the color tones you achieve! Sorry about the tools. /Matti
  8. Thanks mate! I enjoy carving but don't know anything about kind of woods. /Matti
  9. Here's a small update on the jacks: Carving the roman soldiers. The real ones are very corroded and little details can be seen, so I went for a design I liked. /Matti
  10. I needed to do it this way to get the cannons to look the way I wanted, to get the paint to grip. But if you just want them black then try those methods. I don't check the part list a lot, I used the ones that fit best. /Matti
  11. Karl, I painted the carriers in black and dark gray (acrylics) and then used brown and gray acrylic washes. The brass cannons I sanded with steel wool. Then black spray, I think it's called solvent based in english, a regular spray paint good for metal. After that brown and black acrylics and finally brown acrylic washes. The scratched wood cannons are just painted with the acrylics described above. The wheels where painted like the brass cannons but less brown, and more gray at the highlights. I'm used to the steel wool technique, but usually there's many ways to do things in modelling. overall It worked fine but some repainting where done after they where constructed, superglue can cause paint to come lose. And they end up really fragile, especially the scratched cannons. /Matti
  12. Nigel, it was really tricky to get that stage right. Having to estimate the correct lines and then not know until way later in the build. Lawrence, thanks for the kind words mate! They will help me to continue the work with the other jacks. /Matti
  13. Thanks for the kind comments! Steve, ah thanks for telling me their english name, sorry! Mine do have problems and crudeness, but when I started this build I wanted to accept that it's my first time for many techniques so they will be used as they are. Nigel, hmm, nope, no added pics but I didn't use the insert option but linked them the first posts, so the pics seem to be missing sometimes. Frank, thank you! Sos, many thanks, I'm glad for your comment and am really impressed by your finished build! /Matti
  14. Here are the two I've done, they still need the iron details on the sides. I made them smaller compaired to what the BB plans suggested to get them in better scale. They could definately be better but it's my first attempt to wood carving and its very different to me. /Matti
  15. Thanks mate! Yeah the snow is going away quickly now. I'm trying to do the seven knektar for the upper deck now. It takes long to do each so I reckon I will be doing them a while now. /Matti
  16. Nice project and good work! I'm really impressed by the Batavia replica. Trivia: the replica is used in the Vasa film. /Matti
  17. Thanks Mark, the link will be very helpful! Thanks for the tips for the sails also. I havent descide how to rigg the sails, but probably not as if she was sailing. I forgot the word for when the sails hang down in arcs. /Matti
  18. Checking in your model from time to time for inspiration Love the weathering and rigging! /Matti
  19. Yeah it must've been horrific at times... Thanks mate, but it's your amazing detail work that's amazing! /Matti
  20. Very nice result Sherry, the stern is just beautyful on this ship and your model! /Matti
  21. Cheers Jason, I'm happy you like it, especially after reading up on your snake build! /Matti
  22. Jason, what a woderful build! Very classy work. I also love that yóu build with your son. I do the same with my sons. Great times together. /Matti
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