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Everything posted by yamsterman

  1. hi all just a couple of photos of the sloop in her new home. just waiting for the acrylic to turn up to finish the case. cheers....mick
  2. Hi chuck Been waiting for this one! Any idea on price for plans ? Cheers....mick
  3. Hi Daniel Thanks for the info...I was wondering how to do that! Cheers....mick
  4. Hi Pete I think I will finish both the pink ivory and blood wood and see which I prefer! I'm leaning towards the pink! Thanks for your thoughts. Cheers......mick
  5. hi all with thanks to pete 38 for pointing me in the right direction , ive been experimenting with a few different wood species primarily for the waterways and bulwark planking. seems to boil down to about three species. chakte kok (redheart) , satine bloodwood and the lovely pink ivory. ive uploaded a few photos for your appreciation. all timber is cut from pen blanks on the bandsaw ( apart from boxwood and ebony) and is still a little on the rough side. all comments welcome. photo 1 l to r ebony,european box , pink ivory , satine bloodwood photo 2 as photo 1 but with flash. photo 3 satine bloodwood and redheart photo 4 ebony and european box photo 4 pink ivory . photo 5 satine bloodwood photo 6 redheart. photo 7 close up of photo 1. im seriously tempted to use the pink ivory! cheers.....mick
  6. hi all bit more progress to report. ceiling work finished up to first deck level.....preparing to treenail. pulled some 1mm sqaure pear thru a byrnes drawplate down to no 29 , which appears to correspond to 0.7mm. done a couple a trial fittings and all looks ok. first two deck beams cut to size.....thats it for tonight. cheers....mick
  7. Hi Pete Thanks for the compliment. I've decided to try and avoid using paint or stain of any description on this build. So its pear wood for the bulk of the timbering,ebony for the wales and a couple of entry steps ,bulwark capping and fenders. Boxwood for planking above the wale and holly for decks and planking below the water line. I'm trying to find a fine grained timber that's a descent red color for inside the bulwarks and gun carriages. Any ideas? Cheers .......mick
  8. hi all back home after a couple of days chillin (rock beer and curry!) serious abuse of ones ears and digestive system. marvellous!! just a few more photos of the cross section,been sneaking a bit of time in whilst finishing the sloop model off. frames faired, i hope. wale strakes fitted in ebony. limber boards and strakes fitted just working my way round the various ceiling timbers. have cut some forms for the deck beams will be soaking some pear later and clamping everything up for later. will now be working on triton section more or less full time,whilst i do some planning for the next full hull build. cheers for now.
  9. Hi captain al As far as I know planks generally were between 10 and 12 inches in widthfor the hull and 8 and 10 inches for deck planking during the 18 century. This would applyto parallel planking and not anchor stock or top and butt for royal naval vessels. Not entirely sure for bounty as she was an ex merchantman but I wouldguess the same rules would apply. The anatomy of the ship book may give more info. 6.25mm as a max would be acceptable down to say 5.5mm as a minimum. You may get more info from wiser heads in due course!! Hope this helps Cheers....mick
  10. Hi all Just a big thanks to everybody for all the likes and encouragement through this little build. Best model ship forum onthe planet! I will post some pictures in the gallery area once the display case is built. Cheers....mick
  11. Hi mark and David Oh yes!!! A nice large dram of talisker 12 year old (rematured in amoroso sherry casks foran extra two years) ,isle of Skye's finest!!! Thesun is definitely over the yard arm! Time to start planning for HMS cruiser 1752,plans arrived this morning. Cheers....mick
  12. Hi omega Display case is next weeks job when I get back from visiting some friends for a couple of days.no kids unfortunately but still have to protect her from my own clumsyness!!! Cheers....mick
  13. hi all this will be the last post with regards to this little sloop. its been a fun build and a learning curve. there are still a few things to do namely rope coils for rigging points,and a brass plaque for the pedastal,which has been sent away for engraving. i will start the case next week whilst i have some free time.....no work for a week....yipee!!!!!!!!!!! thanks for all the likes and positive encouragement. cheers....mick
  14. Hi Michael Thanks for posting the original draught. I did contact the nmm some time before I started this build to see if the original plans that were mentioned in the model boats article were available. Unfortunately they were unable to locate them! So I decided to go ahead anyway. Whilst browsing the revamped collection online , guess what I found on page 2 or 3 ? Too late then then hull was virtually done! Sods law or what!!! The new website is much more user friendly especially if you've got the ZAZ or J reference no. Just waiting for the fraught of HMS cruiser 1752 for the next full hull build. HMS triton cross section first . Thanks for looking in. Cheers.....mick
  15. Hi omega Many thanks. Its been an enjoyable build, turned out to be a busy little ship! Not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, there are things I would have done differently and hopefully better.....but that's for the next build. Time to revisit the triton cross section. Unfortunately I only have space for one build at a time. Lots of superb build logs on this forum to keep me motivated!! Cheers.....mick
  16. hi all coming to the end of this little sloop build. finished rigging guns and swivels. need to order some more rope from chuck for the coils on the belaying points. just the lantern to finish and install. display case to make and then were done! cheers........mick
  17. Hi all Thanks for all the likes! Nearly finished....planning for the next one! Cheers....mick
  18. Hi yamsterman here Wow!very very impressive! Always boggles my mind how you work to such a small scale.wonderful workmanship! Cheers......mick
  19. Hi omega Thanks for the vote of confidence! Always a nervous time posting your work for others to see,especially on this forum as there are so many examples of exquisite model making. I'm currently collecting a supply of pearwood and printing off some of the larger plans for the triton full build.prior to that the cross section needs to have my full attention. However I do want to make another sloop , but one of the larger class. I brought Ron macarthys book several years ago and have recently purchased sloop of war 1650-1763 by ian McLaughlin,a superb work I might add, so I'm thinking of building HMS cruiser 1752 in 1/48scale. I shall use Ron's book as the main reference point for the build along with plans from the nnm.it looks like I've got some draughting to do as well which will be interesting! But first HMS triton cross section.future plans also include HMS surprise HMS echo and HMS euryalus. Cheers for now.........mick
  20. hi again two posts in one day! some photos of chucks lantern kit under construction. ive primed the lantern with ochre brown from the vallejo range. it will be painted "old gold" eventually. i know this is probably not technically correct but the captain of the ship wants a bit of bling! cheers..............mick
  21. hi all just a short post.coming to the end of the build on the sloop. building one of chucks lantern kits for the taffrail.all standing and running rigging done.just got to make up some rope coils of different diameter threads for various belaying points.cannons also need to be rigged.....experimenting with making some tiny hooks!!!!! all i need to do then is make a display case! photos of current progress enclosed. cheers...........mick
  22. hi all just been looking through gary roberts list of drawings for the full hull build of hms triton. the plans for belfry layout,binnacle capstan details,capstan layout,tritons stove and the wheel dont seem to be listed in the downloads section. were these lost to the ether in the great crash? are they still available? would prove to be useful ,save me rooting through tons of reference material. would be greatful if anyone could help,just spent a a couple of hours printing off all the plans so the printers red hot and probably running low on ink! cheers........mick
  23. Hi again Alexander This gentleman Mr Ivan trtan is pretty much a genius.....a veritable modern day Michaelangelo. Truly magnificent beyond words. I feel very very humble. Thank you for making me aware of this chaps work. Cheers....mick
  24. Hi Alexander Thanks for the links.I will be studying these very carefully.hopefully I can learn something! Cheers....mick
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