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Everything posted by yamsterman

  1. Hi druxey Thanks for compliment. Still deciding on a lathe looks like a toss up between sherline or peatol(taig). Both available in the UK but sherline tend to be on the expensive side. May also consider an emco unimat.....seen some niceexamples on eBay recently. Decisions,decisions!!!! Cheers....mick
  2. Hi Patrick Just did a quick measurement of the supplied plans. Stem to stern(aft rabet to fore rabet...ish) is 13 inches. I will check this with the plans in longridges book which are 1/192 and see what the difference is. I don't fully trust the scale quoted on commercial kits! Cheers....mick
  3. Hi ken I think I will be going for the thin chisel followed by some fine sandpaper glued to a shaped block.any glue above the level of the tharwts doesn't really matter as there is a layer of planking above them plus the capping rail. The bottom of the hull will be covered by the bottom boards....but still needs to be as clean as possible. Nothing worse than a blob of glue poking its nose out on a finished model!! Cheers....mick
  4. Hi Tim Itching to get started! So many models to make...so little time!! Cheers....mick
  5. Hi Carl Translucent is an understatement!!! I think it may become invisible! Cheers...mick
  6. Hi nils Thanks! Long way too go yet.planking on the pinnacle was a test of chucks edge bending method....it worked! But this basswood is awfully soft...getting very thin! Cheers....mick
  7. Hi Carl Lots of sanding my friend. Those planks of bass wood started out at1/32 inch thick by the time I've cleaned up the interior they will probably be more like 1/64inch. Scary!!! Cheers....mick
  8. Hi Patrick Not too happy with the amount of glue that's squeezed out on the pinnacle hull....gonna take some cleaning up! Itching to get started properly on cheerful. Still following your latest project...totally in awe! I may be venturing into your territory in the future....just picked up aeropiccolas victory in 1/170 scale.......tiny! Cheers....mick
  9. Hi George Thanks! Can't wait to get started in earnest but I need to finish the triton cross section first. The model shipways pinnace will be a side project. Cheers...mick
  10. hi all not much progress to report. but we do have a nice pile of components ready to go. have also been trying out chucks edge bending method on a model shipways pinnance kit. i have enclosed some photos of this model for reference purposes. not finished yet and some more sanding yet to do on the hull. far too much glue used on the strake to frame joint and is going to take some cleaning up. lesson learnt! will be restarting in earnest once the triton cross section is finally finished again comments and critisms are greatly appreciated cheers....mick
  11. hi all first post for a while.not had much time for modelmaking unfortunately. but have found time to start on the gun tackles. blocks are single 3mm pearwood from chucks emporium of goodies. reading through swan class books....a great source of inspiration and information.....blocks were stropped and served. i have attempted to replicate this. firstly a length of fine brass wire was annealed and wrapped round the appropriate diameter form, in this case a length of 6mm brass bar. rings were then cut off and silver soldered. 0.1mm thread was then wrapped round to represent the serving. the oversized ring was then squished round the block so that a beckett was formed either end.....one for the hook and one for the lanyard. photos enclosed.....comments and critisms greatly appreciated. man ropes for the entry stanchions also been started. thats all for now folks cheers....mick
  12. Hi gimo Interesting use of what we in this part of england call pork dripping!!!! We usually eat the stuff on toast or on crusty bread with cold meats , especially with some of the jelly from the bottom! Not very healthy but tasty with a glass of English ale. Never thought of using it to blacken brass. Interesting!!!!! Cheers......mick
  13. hi gimo great stuff! looking really good. best get cracking on mine now! very nice way of exposing the frames. colours of the timber looking very harmonious. is that mahogany youve used for your bits and hatch coamings? cheers....mick
  14. hi johann i have been following your build log for a long time now. wow! incredible attention to detail , absolute mastery of workmanship! words cannot express the beauty of what you are creating. this question has probably been asked before.......the timber for the basic hull construction , planking etc is it linde? i was thinking of ordering some from a chap in germany herr horschig at massiv-holz-werkdstatt......but have not come across this timber in england. i assume its linden wood....a hardwood with a nice fine grain? your help would be appreciated. i look forward to your next post! cheers....mick
  15. Hi Try rb models in Poland. Making them to scale , depending on the scale , could prove quite a challenge! Cheers.....mick
  16. Hi again Mr petersons drawings for the cutter are based on a 1/30scale contemporary model. Length of gun deck 69 ft Length of keel 49 ft Beam 24 ft Depth of hold 11ft Apparently these dimensions conform to the fraught of " expedition" designed by sir s j Williams and built at dover in 1778. Looking at the drawings it appears that this spreading yard is designed to brace the long thin topmast. It would also appear to be square in section. If you get yourself a copy of said book I think everything will become self explanatory. Not surewhether everything in the book will apply to your mermaid. Cheers....mick
  17. hi rick have done a quick sketch for you. all credits go to mr lennarth petersson as this is my take on his original work. cheers....mick
  18. Hi rick Have a look at rigging period fore and aft craft by lennarth Peterson. On page 19 is a very clear diagram of how the spreader is rigged and how it fits into the lower of the two topmast caps. I would scan the image but may be in breach of copyright if I did. Hope this helps. Cheers.....mick
  19. Hi christian Thank you. I have been following your work on the alert......awesome quality my friend....I wish I had your CAD skills they would come in most useful. Looking forward to further developments. Cheers....mick
  20. Hi gimo Thank you for the praise! Beautiful work so far , very crisp. Look forward to following your progress....are you tempted to do the full hull build? I think this will be my next but one project.....need some more pear wood first! Cheers......mick
  21. Hi Bob Many thanks. I did look inthe swan practicum books but the info was for 6 pounders and quoted as " the length should be 3 times the length of the guns bore and 4 inches in circumference which equates to approx 1 1/4 inches in diameter". The guns for triton are 9 lbs if I remember rightly with a bore of 4 inches? So the breeching rope is 0.95 of 4 inches? Almost 4 inches then , so if I make the diameter 1 1\2 inchesi shouldn't be too far of the mark? I hope! Thanks for the quick reply Bob Cheers.....mick
  22. Hi gimo Thanks for the like. Lookslike your using beech for the frames but Iam curious to know which other timbers you are using.....looks like walnut for the thick stuff and limber strakes. At your rate of progress you'll be finished before me! Looking very good so far. Cheers.....mick
  23. Hi all Just a quick question. Does anyone know what the size (diameter) of the breeching rope should be? I will more than likely using some of chucks rope , if I've got the right size. I think I'm having a DOH!!!!! day as I can't seem to find any reference to actual scale sizes.......probably staring me right in the face! Cheers......mick
  24. hi all been beavering away since the last post.canons almost complete just the training tackle and breeching ropes to make and then we can start putting all the final bits and pieces together. photos of current progress attached. cheers.......mick
  25. Hi Mark Great work so far. Your lion figurehead is a joy to behold! Just a small amount of pear wood! I wish I could get that over here in england! Do you think your supplier would ship? Cheers.....mick
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