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Everything posted by yamsterman

  1. hi all finally managed to get the backboard finished for the display case. should be an appropriate piece of artwork considering the model subject!!! im now going to consider this project finished. been a very enjoyable exercise.......looking forward to the next one. cheers......mick
  2. Hi medic Here in dear old blighty we have a choice of two regular magazines , model boats and marine modeling. Unfortunately they don't really cover period ship modeling thatwell,you get the occasional article , but most stuff appears to be rc and semiscale stuff. Not sure how available they are down under. You could always try eBay and buy some back issues of model shipwright ( back in the day it was a quarterly publication) they seem to be readily available and are full of really informative articles. Cheers.....mick
  3. Hi juergen Beautiful work...outstanding craftsmanship....looking forward to more! Cheers....mick
  4. Hi rob Looking good so far.shall be watching with great interest. 1/32 inch or there about outside the line seems to work OK. Cheers .....mick
  5. Hi rob Thanks for the vote of confidence! This is my first attempt at building even part of a ship using this method. For many years I've studied the work of some serious craftsmen thinking I will never be able to do that! The one thing about this site is its full of very helpful guys and gals only too willing to lend a hand.im fairly pleased with the way things are turning out,its just a matter of taking plenty of time,studying those plans carefully and plodding on! Of course it wouldn't even have been possible without the hard work of the guys who developed the plans for us! Cheers....mick
  6. Hi Pete Thanks. I suppose I'm searching for some degree of perfection, trying to achieve a qualitysimilar to Dan vagas,edt to name just two of the superb craftsmen on this site.
  7. Hi omega Out with the magnifying glass again!!!! Looking good , enjoyed following your ingomar log, but this is even smaller!! Cheers.....(somewhat boggle eyed!) .......mick
  8. Thanks Bob Too self critical? Those curved deck beams are not quite as tightly joined as I would have liked but they are acceptable...just! Cheers....mick
  9. hi all progress has been made.....gun deck construction is under way. i even remembered to take some photos! here they are, warts an all. cheers.........mick some of those joints could do with being tighter methinks!
  10. Hi Robert Beautiful work! I assume that the inspiration for this model came from theancre monograph? Could you explain how you achieved your clinker planking? Stunning result! Not sure what samba translates to in English? Cheers....mick
  11. Hi juergen Thank you again! Still have an awful lot to learn especially with regards to interpreting and working from lines plans. Currently trying to get my head around a line drawing of HMS cruiser from the nmm. Good job of got a plentiful supply of drawing paper I think there will be a lot of waste! Looking forward to further updates on your triton, I shall be watching with great interest. Cheers ......mick
  12. Hi juergen Thank you....its a learning curve all the way. If it turns out a fraction as good as your full triton build, magnificent by the way, I shall be very happy. Full hull version of triton is very high on my to do list! Cheers...mick
  13. Hi all I've just purchased a copy of said programmer. But I have absolutely no experience of using a cad program....where do I start? My ultimate aim is to translate a copy of the nmm plan for HMS cruiser into the program so I can plot and print out every single square and can't frame , plus all the other relevant timbers. Some serious help is required as I am a total beginner at this. Any ideas? Cheers.....mick
  14. Hi mark Many thanks. I just keep looking at what the guys and gals are achieving onvarious blogs and hope to emulate the high standards set by others.......hopefully! Cheers...mick
  15. hi all its about time for an update on the cross section progress. unfortunately i got carried away with unbridled enthusiasm and forgot to take any photos of the completed lower deck. however some of the work can still be seen, as ive left some deliberate gaps in the planking. photos show current state of play , just about to start the gun deck , and this time i will remember to take some photos! been busy this morning cutting up some holly and boxwood. also purchased a couple of 1mm 3 flute milling cutters. i will need these when i get round to making the ladders, plus they will come in useful generally! might just get some in 1.5,2 2.5 and 3mm to cover a few eventualitys thats all for now folks cheers....mick
  16. hi all the glazing has now been installed in the case and the back panel temporarily placed in position. im waiting for a particular item to be delivered from across the pond in order to complete the back panel......all will be revealed in good time. since ive got a few days off i shall take some construction photos of the case construction, esp for kees as he asked , but it may be of interest generally. cheers for now.....mick
  17. Hi omega Fantastic work! Still don't know how you do it in this scale! Cheers...mick
  18. Hi Nigel Glad to be of some help. Great work on the royal William. Reminds me of Bernard frolichs approach. Cheers...mick
  19. Hi Nigel Try the stiles and bates website. They sell apple timber as blanks for turning spindles bowls and pens, along with a few other interesting timbers. Cheers....mick
  20. Hi kees Very , very impressive! Looks like she's just done a winters fishing in the north Atlantic! P.s. I will get round to taking some photos of the case construction for you, I haven't forgotten! Cheers.....mick
  21. Hi chuck Looking good....as usual! Guess I'm going to have to wait a little longer for the plans but looking forward to your practicum on the rest of the hull build. Don't have access to a laser cutter or scroll saw so will be cutting the frames by hand! I plan to build j boudroits le cerf 1779-80 at some point which is clinker planked and French, so a carvel planked English cutter should be an interesting contrast. Cheers....mick
  22. Hi matrim Steamed swiss pear from arkowood in Germany. Should look nice with a coat or two of osmo top oil. Cutting these joints is a fiddly business! Back too work for the next four nights so no model making till next week. Cheers....mick
  23. Hi need Yes mate entirely made by myself. I was browsing in my local timber yard and came across some 20mm by 45mm cherry in1600mm lengths for £4 per length........bargain! Its difficult to describe in words how it was made, but basically all grooves were routed 6mm wide and deep centered on each length. All timber was left in the original dimensions as purchased and just cut to the relevant lengths. When I get time next week I will take some photos of the construction process and post them on this blog. Cheers....mick
  24. Hi mark Not too shabby for a self taught woodworker! I wish the glass was an invisible price! Decided togo for 5mm acrylic instead with an acrylic mirror back. Should be delivered next week. Cheers...mick
  25. hi all just acouple of photos to show current progress. treenailing of thickstuff and ceiling timbers now done. just started work on lower deck. cheers.....mick
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