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Everything posted by jct

  1. Superb job Doris, your attention to detail and fine craftswoman ship have are turning out a very,very nice ship
  2. Thanks gents, @ Max...its not really my idea but one I've seen in many build logs, but it does work and I found it a great aid. Popeye, I'm fairly sure you could build circles around most of us...even in your sleep J
  3. Thanks Popeye...how's your HM coming along, any progress or are you busy with one of your other thousands of builds J
  4. Well I've officially started the rigging process. The shrouds for both the fore and main tops are served and mounted and the deadeyes trussed up. and the ratlines hitched up. The challenge for me here was working with the little deadeyes for the upper rigging, they are very small, about 2.5 mm in diameter, so I cobbled a 'handle' from some scrap walnut and a couple pins worked pretty well. Pics follow J
  5. Hi Doris, Your rigging work looks great, love the ropes, can you tell us how you made the rigging mouse? I'll need to do four for my Half Moon and am wondering how you did it? THX J
  6. Thanks for the kind words gents, hey Steve based on what I've seen in your build log you learn at a lightning pace, so no fear!! Thanks for the complement Max she is coming together. THX J
  7. Spent some time prepping the masts, got the blocks rigged and mounted, still not ready to step yet, want to get the top shrouds and rats done first. Pics follow J
  8. Hey all, Popeye...still not really rigging just prepping to...nothing is mounted to the hull yet, except the stern flag standard, my plan is to do the top stays and rats before mounting, I'll start with the foremast do its stays and rats then the main...rinse wash repeat, hope doing it systematically like that will make it somewhat easier? I remember how much of a pita it was working around everything on my Enterprise, ended up breaking a lot of stuff during that build. Steve...I just started the rope thing a little while ago, picked up a Model Expo ropewalk on e-bay for cheap (under $25). I was always impressed with the ropes I'd seen on other builds so thought I'd give it a try. It really isn't that bad and kind of fun, like most new things there is a learning curve but not much of one...I'm still working out the gauges, with mixed success, the samples in the pic are all about 18-24 inches in length. The down side to the walk I have is it is kind of a two handed affair, I'm modifying it with a series of weights to try to get more length, but no progress as yet. With this style walk 5 yards would be done a yard at a time, in probably an afternoon, depending on the gauge required...but I'm guessin' cause I've only done it a little at a time as I've needed for the build. You should give it a try, with your skill set I think you would take to it like a duck to water...and it's cool to watch them form on the walk. If your interested I've attached a link to another site where I did a bit of a "build log" on the walk I have. Sorry for getting so windy with this answer http://www.shipsofscale.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=7&start=10
  9. Hello everyone, It's been a while since I've posted but I have been busy prepping for the rigging...gave all the blocks a ride through a light oak stain to add a bit of color, they were then re-drilled to unclog the holes and sorted by size. From there it was on to the yards, the directions called for a dark walnut stain which I thought would look good so the yards were stained, some of the blocks and dead eyes that are to be secured to the deck have had black wire twisted about them to simulate rope but will add more strength, I spent some time with my rope walk and made up some rigging lines. Work on the rigging prep continues still have 5 more yards to prep before I can mount but I'll get there...slow but steady. Thanks for looking in, pics follow J
  10. Very nice Bob, I think I'll be referring to your build log, I'm planning to build the picket boat as my next build. Very nice. THX J
  11. Hi Doris...really fine work, superb craftsmanship, I like the new head. well done J
  12. THX Popeye...I am happier with them than the other style...though the new ones are not perfect either, spent a bit more time tweaking and fussing and tweaking and fussing till finally i decided enough was enough and mounted them to the masts. no pics yet... I'm prepping the blocks for rigging and wonder what everyone's thoughts are about color...all but a few of Corel's are a light wood and it seems the majority of builders chose to stain these a dark wood color. I think either would look good but am wondering which is more period correct? Any thoughts are appreciated, THX J
  13. outstanding...I too am glad to see you have returned, I have missed your updates on your Royal Caroline, may I ask how you got the flag to drape so naturally, is it paper as well? J
  14. I'll reiterate David, no problems with that technique, I've done similar with card stock in my plastic modeling days and it holds up surprisingly well
  15. I'm sure that's true, used to was a time when I could be counted among them...but most of my stock i gifted away or sold, just a small stash of cherry remains. Very nice work on your pumps, will they be banded or are you going with the 'log' style? J
  16. Hi Steve very nice so far, your supply of exotic woods seems inexhaustible! J
  17. Hi Steve, thanks much and thanks for posting the side by side pics...I should have thought of that. I like the new ones better as well, I hope to get them mounted this week and start moving forward with the rigging. Thanks again for the positive feedback. J
  18. Hey Rick, thanks for you kind words...I think the secret to bending is using the right wood stock, and to be sure its clear of defects. Have you started your Billings kit yet, Popeye has a build log here using the Billings kit as the foundation, you may find it interesting as well. Again thanks for the kind comments and interest. J
  19. Had a chance to get some paint on the new nests, pic of the foremast, the nest is ot secured just set on for the photo, J
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