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About GGibson

  • Birthday 06/15/1955

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    Kansas City Metro Area, USA
  • Interests
    Enjoying Retirement / Spoiling Grandchildren / Model Ship Hobbying / Backyard BBQ Guru

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  1. Haha! You are too kind! And.... one of the dumber questions I have ever asked on MSW. Of course, the mast slots would be in the false keel when you first began! And I see where you cut the various openings in the gun deck on your post #10. Thanks again, Mustafa.
  2. Perfect, Mustafa! Thanks for answering! I was too lazy to go back and look at your log history before I asked the question, but figured you had a quick answer for me. Appreciate your time. Can't wait to get to this one!
  3. Fife rails look great, Mustafa! Now I have to look back in your build log to remind myself how your masts will be seated when they are securely placed. Do they just go down to the gun deck where they are secured there, or will they slide down farther past the gun deck to be seated?
  4. These fife rail stanchions are looking great, Mustafa! Job well done, sir! Don't remember if we've discussed this before, but which Proxxon lathe model do you have? I have looked at both the FD150 and the PD250 but, since I would be totally new to lathe work, not entirely sure of the model differences. If you have the FD150, have you used it for metal/brass work, as well as wood? I am really enjoying seeing how you are placing the spar deck fixtures (like these fife rail stanchions) on the exposed beams so that we can still see gun deck details. This is exactly how I would envision an "open view" to look. Awesome detail. Mustafa!
  5. Excellent rigging work on these carronades, Mustafa! Very consistent look to them all. Did you give the blocks any stain or topcoat prior to placing them in the rigging?
  6. Can those front trucks/wheels be moved back in order for the carriage to get closer to the gun ports?
  7. Got a few more little things done, so... time for another short update. A few weeks ago, I had placed the fenders on the sides of the ship, so it was now time to place the bolts (nails) in the fenders. Forty-seven (47) of them on each side, if I am counting correctly. Used a pin vise to create the holes that the trimmed nails were then secured into. Looks nice with the faux bolts in the fenders. I had also begun work on the rudder previously, so wanted to finish it. Positioned the kit-provided rudder straps for the pintles and gudgeons to fit properly and, with the ship flipped upside down, it was much easier to secure the rudder in place until the CA glue dried. Wish I could get the brass straps to appear a little darker and may continue to work on that. But, with the exterior work pretty much completed on this Santa Maria, it is time to get this on the cradle. The kit provided a pretty nice stand for the ship to sit on. So, popped out all the cradle pieces from the sheet, cleaned up the char as best I could, and then pre-stained it, stained it, and assembled it. Still a bit undecided on if I want to permanently secure the ship to the cradle but will make that decision shortly. Placing much more stuff on the various decks will make it difficult to flip the ship in order to drill the necessary holes for any permanent rods between the ship's keel and the cradle. OK, time to work on some of the deck accoutrements. First, the three ship ladders. The kit provides three sets of rails with slots already pre-milled for the steps, and a whole bunch of rungs/steps that were popped out of the sheet. After cleaning up the char on everything, I noted that the thickness of the kit-provided steps was 3/32", while the pre-cut slots in the rails only had clearance for 1/16". At first, I sanded a few of the steps at the ends in order to fit, but then decided to just cut some new steps using a couple spare 1/16" x 7/32" basswood strips I had available. Worked much better, less frustrating to fit in the rail slots. Assembled the three ladders, tested them in place and then stained them. Will wait on permanent placement of them (and several of the other deck pieces) until I know placing them won't be in the way of anything else going on the decks. One of the next pages in Pavel's Santa Maria Instruction Guide has a diagram of several deck pieces that require assembly. The kit contains some small plastic-type pieces that were designed to all be snapped off a base from which they were created (the red arrows), representing various deck pieces and parts, including the windlass barrels, bucket rings, pump parts, and stove parts. Unfortunately, the stove pot and pan were all broken in the kit. So, my Santa Maria stove will only have the grates with no pots. However, I was also able to make some buckets and pumps. I was able to shape, as best I could, the circular slats to create the buckets and the pump covers, and then using my Dremel sander, was able to shape them into more rounded shapes. At this scale, that'll do fine. The windlass was a fun piece to assemble. The Instruction Guide showed MULTIPLE pieces required for assembly. Like the other deck pieces, these will all be permanently placed in their positions once I am confident they won't get bumped while doing other work on the decks. Another example of items in this Pavel Nikitin kit that suddenly appear in diagrams or pictures without discussion are the anchor ropes that go from the anchors through hawse pipes at the bow and are then secured around the windlass barrels. It would have been much easier and cleaner to create these hawse pipe holes earlier, especially on the inside, under the forecastle deck. So, we will now work on the anchor rope and then get some of these deck pieces secured onto the deck. Also, it's about time to begin working on the three masts for the ship. Continuing to trudge forward... Again, as always, thanks for the reads, the likes, the comments, and the criticisms.
  8. These blocks look amazing, Mustafa! Nice, detailed work. Hope you don't think any less of me if I buy my blocks from Syren! 🤷‍♀️🤣
  9. With all the toil and trouble that you have endured over the recent weeks working on these, the results are outstanding, Jon. Looking great!
  10. Perfect! Will be interested in your process.
  11. Long guns look great up front, Mustafa! Very interested in learning how you approach the gun tackle rigging, and how much you do "off-ship" vs. directly on the spar deck. Awesome work, sir!
  12. Were you thinking about some type of "helping hands" tool? Helping Hand Magnifier – Micro-Mark Amazon.com : helping hands
  13. Great to hear, Chuck! Bet it's nice to get settled again... and as you say, FOR THE LAST TIME! When I start my Constitution, I'll be in touch!
  14. Spar deck is really coming together. Starting to get a better feel of how it will look. Excited for you!
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