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Everything posted by GGibson

  1. Regarding the waterline marker, if you are looking at investing in a tool that can be used for several different applications, I highly recommend a "helping hands" tool such as this. Stick a pencil in its alligator clips and it can assist with waterline marking. It can also be helpful when seizing blocks for rigging. Hawk 2" Helping Hand Magnifier with 2 Strong Alligator Clips (modelexpo-online.com)
  2. Hi Hank! Welcome to MSW! As a father of a Naval Aviator, thank you and your fellow shipmates for your service. I read some history regarding the Fitzgerald and the 2017 incident. God bless all those sailors involved, and to the seven lost lives. Again, thank you, sir, and your fellow shipmates for your service. Regarding the table saw, I am one of those who are hoping that Byrnes Model Machines begins production again on their table saw, as I am ready to buy as soon as... Proxxon would be my second choice.
  3. Nice work, Major! I have to admit I wasn't sure about the fashion pieces, either, and couldn't find much about in other logs that helped me so... I moved on. <shrug> Very nice deck planking work! Excited to see your hull painting!
  4. Hi Jon! Thanks for following up over here on Der Alte's log. And I apologize if I didn't make myself clearer... I've seen the three MSW build logs of those 3. But on Modeler12's log, in his #13 post dated 02/18/2013, he states "For more details of all of this go to my web site shown below and check the section “Hull Construction’." Except that I could not find reference to any other web site, unless he was simply referring to his MSW cross-section build log. His use of the phrase "my web site" made me think he had a separate personal website outside of MSW where he was also documenting his Constitution work. genericDave did that with his Bluenose, having both a MSW build log and his own Suburban Ship Modeler blog. I have found the blog to be very helpful in my own Bluenose build. I apologize for the confusion and for taking away from either of your own build logs! As I said, I am following both of yours very closely! Thanks, guys...
  5. In all due respect to Bob Hunt's work on several ship models and his work in sharing his experiences with other modelers through his practicums, I have his Bluenose practicum and have referred to it minimally in my progression simply because I found early on that he was skipping corners in spots only to later on request a mea culpa on a previous error, or skipping parts that others have felt to be critical in the ship build. With that said, I have relied on his Bluenose practicum advice sparingly and have more used the MSW build logs of other modelers for their advice and progression steps in my Bluenose build. I am one, though, admittedly, that will take as much advice as I can find out there, so I have "advance purchased" Bob Hunt's Constitution practicum for whenever I do purchase the Constitution kit. I will. though, note and try to remember your concerns if I ever get this classic ship in my own shipyard. Regarding our discussion on Jon Gerson's build log about Modeler12's Constitution build log, I recall somewhere early on in his log he mentions that he had a website that he was also documenting his Constitution build, but I could never find that website. Was hoping he might have more detailed info on that website thread than he had in his MSW thread, although it was quite detailed in and of itself! Carry on, sir! Enjoying watching your Conny build! 👍🏆
  6. Yep! In addition to usedtosail and xken, I also have Modeler12's build log in my list of finished Constitution logs... as well as all of your current build logs to look at. Plenty of inspiration and insight!
  7. Looking very good, John! Wow, you must have had the lines pretty taut for a deadeye to snap like that! Awesome work, though! Will be referring to all of this when I get this far.... someday! Carry on!
  8. Shouldn't have read this comment with a mouthful of beverage... 🤣🤣🤣 Classsic!
  9. Hi Ken! I've been following Jon's build, as well,, as I have been seriously considering adding the Constitution to my shipyard. Have thought the same thing on my current Bluenose build, where others have long passed my "build status", and have to keep reminding myself that it's not a race to the finish! I will need to follow your build log, too! 👍
  10. It all looks really good, Geoff! I'm taking notes! Great looking ratlines, sir. Carry on! 👍
  11. Ahhh, great! Another modeling tool that I must have, but may never use... <shrug> 🤣
  12. Great work on your Constitution, sir! I've been waiting to see if Byrnes Model Machines will begin selling their table saw after Jim's passing, but if they do not, I'm thinking the Proxxon might be the next best option. I've got the Proxxon bench drill press and compound table, and have been super happy with it. Carry on, sir! Fair winds and following seas....
  13. Great work, Jon! I think I mentioned early on, although I don't yet have the Constitution in my shipyard, it is one I am seriously considering adding to my queue. Waiting on Model Shipways to offer a great deal on it. With that all said, I have been following several Constitution builds, and have appreciated the detailed precision work you have demonstrated in your build. Continue on doing great work, Jon! Thanks for letting me tag along! 👍🏆
  14. Oh, now you're just trying to make the rest of us jealous... This seems like the best solution, and glass shops should have these readily available...
  15. Looks really good, SV! Yes, I was going to suggest painting this area now, as it will be much more difficult to reach some of these areas once you begin placing rails and other items around and on top of the cabin area. Great work! Carry on!
  16. Masts and fittings are looking great, John! Great work. Wish I would do as well on soldering. Guess it's sorta like the "how do you get to Carnegie Hall?" question... Practice, practice, practice... Carry on, sir! 👍🏆
  17. We had a light table discussion at our last local ship builders' meeting, and one member had a SanerDirect A2-sized light pad... approx. 25"x18"...
  18. Yep! 🤣🤣 That's why I even go so far as to removing all watches, necklaces, rings... roll up long-sleeve shirts... anything that might snag a board or string! Your Lobster Smack is starting off great!
  19. Nice work! Yeah, I think everyone has had to work on the Frame #4 sides to have them fit properly. And, be careful with that stern #10 frame. It can easily get snagged and broken during the build process. Carry on..!
  20. Will be interested in seeing a picture of this table when you are done, Phil! 👍
  21. Nice work, Tim! Chainplates came out looking great. Will watch your rigging with increased interest. All that is in front of me...
  22. A lot of ship builds don't have sails, LegoKing. Many say that the sails hide the details shown on the deck, etc. So, no worries.
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