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Everything posted by FlyingFish

  1. Thanks for comments - good to see some new faces on board. Been busy with summer domestics, and as a fly fisherman, the trout have been calling. Time to get the decking down and cover up all that earlier work! Planking machined from field maple (planted by my wife over 20 years ago) – great close grain and very dense. First stained with a mellow pine spirit dye to give it the yellow hue it will need when sanding back, then a red mahogany. Both rubbed back with grey Scotchpad, and brown paper to shine it up a bit. Decided to use some 0.42 styrene sheet in between the planks for the caulking, which will take the spirit-based weathering washes later. The spacing is exactly as in Orca I, and the hatches formed over the steering box, fuel tank pumps and engine. Going... Going... Gone!
  2. Wonderful work Valeriy!! I finally got me one of your matches to help me with my build of Orca - Wow what a difference!
  3. Just read through the entire log in one sitting - what a super build - you have captured the atmosphere of this working boat so well; I have learned a great deal from the skills you have demonstrated. May I also say that your presentation of the build with it's outstanding photographs and notes adds enormously to the enjoyment. Congratulations, and thank you!
  4. In the little time I have, I've painted the hull with the base colour coat - no weathering or effects yet. I have to admit to a rookie error. I think I 'thinned' the black paint for the airbrush with airbrush cleaner by mistake; (sound of experienced air-brushers sighing - what a plonker.) I'm not a good painter, as you'll see. Still I recovered the finish, (start again job) and now ready to get on with some decking and superstructure build again. If you are interested, I used artists acrylics; the lower hull is mars black with raw umber and a hint of mixing white and flow improver. The upper hull is burnt sienna, crimson raw umber and mixing white. The deck is cerulean blue, light umber and titanium white. All will be dulled with top coats later.
  5. I mentioned in the intro to this build that I was hoping to shadow the full size orca build by Louis Sauzedde on his excellent You Tube Channel 'Tips from a Shipwright'. Well today he released Episode 1 of the Orca build, and I am really pleased that much of what he said about the shape of the hull in this video is what I had worked out from my research. He is so knowledgeable, and has access to the people who converted Warlock to Orca for the film. I know that I haven't got one thing right - there is more tumblehome at the transum than on my model, but overall I think I've been on the right lines. Here's the link if you are interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdqDIY_LeYU&ab_channel=TipsfromaShipwrightTipsfromaShipwright
  6. Firstly, congrats to Neilm for completing his build of this boat in style. Great job, check it out if you haven't seen it. Pressing domestic chores are keeping me from making progress. However, thought it was time to name the old gal. Wait.... Hang on - Cora? Just a minute - That's better.
  7. Well done Neil, great job! These last details take a great deal of time and effort. It's a very creditable build, you have done the old girl proud!
  8. Love the way the decks are cut to show the floors below. Super accurate joints, thanks for the inspiration!
  9. You're right neilm, might well be the way to go. Warlock was white and her paint shows through in places, so need to learn how to get that look.
  10. Thanks all for kind words, quite undeserved. 😊 Orca is going into the paint shop for a bit... I am thankful that the original had such a beat up awful paint job; it's my default setting. Giving my new airbrush a try..(pause for sound of experienced air-brushers slapping hands to forehead)... got to start somewhere. All advice accepted gratefully. If you don't hear from me for a while, you'll know what's happening!
  11. Carving out the M1 Garand 2 1/4" at this scale. (I use this photo to help scale items by eye).
  12. A bit more eye candy for the lower cabin... Some of these are ridiculously small - I was using a hot air drier and blew several away someplace.
  13. "I’ll catch this bird for you, but it ain’t gonna be easy. Bad fish! Not like going down to the pond and chasing bluegills and tommycods. This shark, swallow ya whole. Little shakin’, little tenderizin’, down you go". Thought I'd have a go at the Greener harpoon gun... until I saw how small it is in 1:20 scale! I could of course do it with the lid closed, but that would be no fun, right? Gun length spot, on, but too wide. Varifocal specs can be a pain... Need to make the twine coils (the made them up to 1200lb breaking strain apparently)... roped up a length from three twists of 8/0 tan fly tying thread. Putting the elements together... Tight fit, but happy with the result. Just needs handle attached, corners and tapes between lid and base.
  14. By the way, as you will have noticed, but are far to polite to mention, I need to get to grips with the grain and finish on the wood. When we get to the Pilot house it need to be less grainy and the paint much thinner. So much to learn!
  15. The British Government set dates for national holidays (bank holidays) to coincide with major low pressure systems from the ocean, resulting in 70mph gales. This weekend was no exception, so build time limited by need to remove bits of broken tree from the garden. Did you spot this in the film? I must be getting carried away; no-one will ever see this.
  16. I keep reading in other build logs the dilemma of painting a planked hull. Orca needs a beat up sort of hull, lower being black and a sort of iron oxide red uppers. It's one of the next jobs... So should I...?
  17. Thanks for comments and thumbs up. Yes neilm, 23 1/4" without the pulpit. Didn't want it too big.
  18. Superstructure progress... Lower trunk cabin making progress - needs dressing up, but getting there.
  19. A small diversion... Need some jaws.... So this is a scratch build right? Milliput to the rescue. Soft copper rod soldered to shape and a rough daub of epoxy. Bit o' sanding... Trip to the dentist... Cosmetics.. A little root canal work and tidying up... Well it's a start... think I can go from here to something like the original later on.
  20. Short Beams 'n Carlins. Time to start framing out the superstructure and bulkheads. Lower trunk cabin: Side decks dry fitted, and Pilot House frame started:
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