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Glen McGuire

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Everything posted by Glen McGuire

  1. While I work thru my anxiety issues on how I’m going to tackle that main treasure ship, I decided to try and alleviate another big anxiety issue - installing the masts (with sails attached) into the hull while the hull is inside the bottle. That would be a first for me since all my previous builds used masts with hinges. So before starting on the big ship, I decided to take the first 2 ships and do a test run. I put ship #2 in the first bulb, added all the masts, and slid it into the middle bulb. Then I did the same with ship #1. I had to put a custom bend on the ends of one pair of tweezers to make things work, but after that it was not too difficult Whew! One less thing to keep me awake at night! Now back to the main ship and trying to figure out what the approach will be.
  2. OK Keith, you got me on that one. Some how, some way, there's definitely gonna be a mini-Shiloh on the deck!
  3. Thank you for the comments and the likes. I’m pretty happy with how these first two turned out. But they were definitely just a warm up. Time now for the main event which is the main treasure ship. A site called The Model Shipyard has a finished version of the main treasure ship for sale. I've attached a few of their pictures below. It looks like a beautiful piece of work. The pictures also make it clear that the ship is going to be a doozy to try and replicate for this bottle project. Seriously, look at the dang thing. It’s like a floating farm! The quarter deck has plowed furrows with row crops growing. The main deck has various animal corrals (and before @Keith Black asks, there’s probably a refrigerated hold below where the penguins hang out). On top of all that, there’s 9 masts to deal with. OMG, what was I thinking! 😵
  4. Amazing accomplishment yesterday - I managed to drill about a hundred holes with my #80 drill bit without breaking it! Normally I break one about every 5 tries. WOOHOO! Afterwards, it took an adult beverage or two to uncross my eyes from all that tiny drilling, but then it was time to spend a few hours up close and personal with the drill lathe and a pile of bamboo skewers to make the masts and sail battens. The 1st picture kinda shows the stages of how the battens for the sails are made. I cut the skewers into lengths that will cover 2 battens, drill 4 holes in each for the rigging (#80 bit), slap it into the drill lathe, sand it down to a little bit less than 1/32", and cut it into the 2 pieces. Rinse and repeat. The masts are dry-fitted in the 2nd picture.
  5. Those sails look very sharp, Grant! I particularly like the way you did the reef bands. Well done! I am anxious to see how they survive the smash and un-smash when you put the ship in the bottle. If they come out looking good, I am definitely going to try that material and your method. Fingers crossed!!
  6. On to the deck fittings. Like ship #1, there's not a lot happening on top. I'm going with the 2 half-pipe structures on the forecastle and quarter deck as mentioned above. Also, I'm adding a narrow shelter in the middle of the main deck. And then ladders to reach the forecastle and quarter deck. In previous builds, I made chumpy little ladders by just drawing horizontal lines (for steps) on a narrow strip of wood. I tried to do a little better this time by making ladders with actual poles and rungs. The ladder poles are .15" music wire and the steps are the inside strands of flexible 12 gauge copper wire. In the 3rd pic below, everything is dry-fitted. I'll secure them after I figure out what I'm doing with the 4 masts. I have not decided yet if I'm going to hinge them or try to install inside the bottle.
  7. That is too funny, Keith! Along those lines, my grandpa would have called it a real hum Zhenger!
  8. Good progress on the hull for ship #2. I pretty much got the profile and bulwark curvature I was hoping for. My original plan was to put the forward-most mast on the forecastle, but there's just not enough room for it and one of those half-pipe structures from the picture above. So I'm gonna go with 3 masts on the main deck and 1 on the quarter deck just in front of the half-pipe thing there.
  9. I spent time over the past week or so trying to figure out what to do for the middle ship of my mini treasure fleet. With 250-300 ships in the original fleet, I gotta believe there was a lot of variation in not only size but shape and characteristics. Which means I’ve got a lot of latitude in deciding what the ship #2 will look like. I want all 3 ships to be unique because they served different purposes in the fleet, but still have some commonality so they look like they belong together. At this point, I'm thinking the commonality will likely be the color scheme of the boat and color of the sails. As you can tell, I’m kind of making this up as I go. So after looking once again at a variety of ancient junk ship illustrations, I’ve decided on another composite build for ship #2 that uses features from several different ships. The main shape/profile will follow the one on the below left. I like the prominent quarter deck and forecastle plus the unique half-pipe structures on each. However, I want a sharper curve in the bulwark like the one in the 2nd picture as this seems to be a common attribute of many ancient junk ships. Last, I’m gonna try for 4 masts like the boat on the right with sails of a similar shape to my small patrol boat. That’s the plan anyway!!
  10. Really impressive rework in a very short amount of time, Rob. Just so I could fully understand what you're doing, I went back to a prior post and grabbed a screenshot for a before and after comparison. Well done.
  11. Same here. I have not tried that material either. Interested to see how it works and looks!
  12. Glad you are back in the saddle, Keith. Looking forward to new pics of your progress!
  13. I poked thru the Amati Hannah build logs on MSW and found 3 other builds where you could see the transom. Two were correctly oriented and one (by DelmerModels) was like Grant's. Interestingly, DelmerModels has a couple of crystal clear pictures of the transom with the backwards N and nobody in the comments (myself included) mentioned it! And BTW - all the pictures in my instructions have the proper N.
  14. Fantastic job painting that coat of arms! Not sure how you managed to do that so well as the picture does not do justice to how very small the details are. How interesting that you have a backward N on the transom!! Mine was correctly oriented. So you have a true, visual palindrome! That adds a bit of intrigue and mystery to your model!!
  15. @Keith Black - you had asked earlier about Shiloh and his transition from bull to steer. So in further research on this project, I discovered that Shiloh and the subject of my build, Zheng He, have something in common. Zheng He, sadly, was captured as a prisoner of war when he was a youth and castrated (as was customary at the time). But instead of a virtually painless band like Shiloh got, Zheng He lost his parts with a sword. Yet another reason why I am thankful to be living in modern times!
  16. Regarding the warpage, how recently was the wood purchased and where did it come from (was it in a sealed bag that you just opened before install)? If the wood had a higher moisture content when you got it and then it dried out in your low humidity, that could potentially cause the warpage. Guessing like everyone else!
  17. Keith - Very few of us can even begin to imagine the pain and heartbreak that you have endured over the past couple of months as well as the difficulty of doing those things that have to be done in the aftermath. As Dave said above, all of us in your MSW family are with you and hoping to do what we can with our blessings and prayers.
  18. I've been pacing the floor for weeks waiting for an update! 😃 It looks fantastic so far, Grant! Very clean and crisp. I also remember having a war with that slot in the bottom of the hull to get the keel to fit properly. Looks like you got it to fit very nicely. Well done!
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