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Posts posted by S.Coleman

  1. Cheers guys. I have back logged up until about now. So the build will progress slower now. Cheers for all the likes and comments.

    And it's off to a start in the Rigging. Starting of with all the ratlines, backstays and  main mast supports.

    I use CA to harden the ends of the threads to make it easier to pass through blocks Deadeyes etc.

    All the knots on all are held by 50:50 PVA glue. 




  2. Onto construction of the 3 masts and bowsprit.

    The cross tree timbers that hold the fighting tops are extremely brittle. And one wrong move can mean a split or a snap.

    The masts caps are made of a hard metal painted black. And some filing and sanding with light emery paper had to be done to remove the unsightly burs. 

    To fit the caps on, The tops of each mast segment had to be squared off  to fit the square hole in the bottom of the metal mast caps. 

    Further on the segment between the fighting tops and the masts cap had to be squared as well.

    At this point all the blocks for the running rigging were attached now while the masts were easy to work on before installing on the ship.

    Pictured here is the main mast, Fore mast in the background. Yet to be fabricated is the Mizzen mast.


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