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Everything posted by Nipper

  1. A good idea Paul! I'm going to use your method on my next build. I used a pin pusher on Sphinx and too many pins bent and marked the surface of the planks. I also disliked the amount of force needed - can't be good for the shape of the frames. Nipper
  2. Oldsalt - Great ideas! Having crew furling/unfurling sails would be so realistic - ditto a proper helmsman. I haven't seen a helmsman figure anywhere, for 18th century ships. A ship bowling along with stuns'ls alow and aloft looks pretty silly with no-one at the wheel! Nipper
  3. Chris, I love this picture with the bosun wagging his whistle at some miscreant, probably. I'll be delighted if you produce some more sailor figures as yours are unbeatable and add so much atmosphere. Not just action movements though, some need to be lounging about to give the bosun something to moan about. Nipper
  4. Tom If Patrick O'Brian doesn't mention the colour, I'd suggest that you can't go wrong with red ochre. It was a very common colour for the inside bulwarks of Englich ships, and for a model, looks much better than a brighter red, in my view anyway. Nipper
  5. Chris I'm really looking forward to the Baltimore schooner, with its link to Patrick O'Brian's Ringle. It will be a great addition to the VM range and I guess will sell very well - it will very likely be my next build after Sphinx. Will another frigate be the best next project for VM? You haven't yet got a two- or even a three-decker but I wonder if these may be out of the price range for many modellers - I'm sure they would sell but perhaps not as well as something the size of Sphinx. I think that the Aubrey/Maturin books are the most inspiring and enjoyable for those interested in maritime history. and I think that many of us have been moved to build a ship as a result of them. I might have gone for a Surprise kit if one had been available before Sphinx. So I guess Surprise could be a big seller, perhaps really enticing for new readers of the Aubrey/Maturin books. If you do decide to go ahead, why not offer some figures of Jack Aubrey's crew, not just Jack and Stephen? Then I could use them to crew my Sphinx! Nipper
  6. What an incredible outcome! Your description of making the sea effect sounds so simple, but it isn't at all. I guess it seems simple because you cannot really describe what you have done as a series of steps. Instead, I think it is a creation of art, not an assembly of materials. It's your ability to see what you want to achieve, and then to let your hands and brain pull it together. Genius! Nipper
  7. Well, I can only echo the comments made above. That is so realistic that we could be on a cross-channel ferry looking across at a full size replica sailing past us. Thank you for giving us such a detailed breakdown of how you create such a masterpiece. Nipper
  8. Yes! We are wondering if you only ever communicate with each other via MSW, or whether you ever chat on the phone! Nipper
  9. What a wonderful build! - and inspiring for the rest of us to watch. I really like the figures and can't wait to get mine ready for my Sphinx. I've also thought about making the ship more realistic by creating a full crew - well, say, at least half a watch on deck busy working the ship, splicing and mending and so on. Can we convince Chris that he should continue to create more of his beautiful figures in a variety of poses? We could get away with perhaps a couple of sailors in the same pose on a busy deck, but not more. As you say, the VM figures are a class apart and for those of us who like to bring our models to life, they are perfect. Nipper
  10. Happy birthday Chris - and I hope you've managed to fit some appropriate celebrations into your day. So you reckon you may have another 20 years of making kits?! Well, when you get there that would make you just a couple of years older than my current age - and I've only just started!! Nipper
  11. This is not a guessing game! But wasn't this the boat on which Patrick O'Brian modelled Jack Aubrey's Ringle? Nipper
  12. Chris - what a brilliant idea for kit 13. A two master, medium sized kit, with beautiful lines. Assuming it's a Baltimore Clipper, then something from the 1812 war could be really attractive on both sides of the ocean and sell like hot cakes! Nipper
  13. B.E. I'm a little late with my congratulations, but they are heartfelt nonetheless. I appreciate the amount of time it takes to make a build log as comprehensive as yours, but what a great impact it has had. I learn as much from you as I do from actually making my own model. So thank you very much for sharing the build of your superb Sphinx, and I also wish to add a postscript relating to your build log for Alert. You finished this well before I began Alert as my first model, and your build log was a massive help in making my Alert as good as possible. Chris' kits are clearly fantastic, but your complementary build log increased my enjoyment and skills no end. Thank you and I can't wait to see your next project. Nipper
  14. This shows just how right Chris was to make the furniture (as well as his figures) - the additional detail and accuracy brings to life what is a stunning model. Nipper
  15. To make a chart for the table in my Sphinx, I found an appropriate 18th century one on the Internet and then just reduced its size by photocopying several times until it was about 10mm wide. It looks OK but I hope when I've finished it will be as good as the one produced by Jim's friend! Nipper
  16. Good idea . . . I was thinking of doing the same with Chris' figures to create a larger crew. I've bashed an Amati figure (metal) to make a hatless captain to go in the great cabin, but I haven't yet tried bashing a resin figure. Nipper
  17. I've been following Camilla's progress very closely . . . she looks fantastic and now I'm thinking that I may be fitting sails to my Sphinx after all. What a superb model you're making and I can't wait to see how the Vanguard crew shapes up! Nipper
  18. Chris, I'm so pleased that you have plans to do more figures at some point in the future, when your work schedule allows. In just a few weeks, you have single-handedly (well, with the help of your carver) doubled the number of quality figures available, certainly for those working in 1/64 scale, and produced the lovely furniture too. Nipper
  19. Just bought mine too! - the marines, sailors and as Chris says - the "cool" cook! I wonder who he is modelled on, Chris?! Many thanks Chris for producing these super figures - they look like they are the best on the market. Nipper
  20. Living close to the English Channel, I'd say that the sea colour in both Geoff Hunt's and Platje's paintings look just like the Channel on a fair day! Nipper
  21. Fantastic! I've ordered a set of furniture already, and now I can stop my sad attempts to fashion cabin furniture out of wood and metal offcuts! The table was OK, just about good enough, so it will go in the Coach of Sphinx rather than the Great Cabin. But the chairs I've been trying to make - dear me no! Looking forward to the cook, sailors and marines. Thanks Chris! Nipper
  22. As one who has much to learn, thank you to both you and BE. It is your efforts that help to make this such a special and satisfying hobby.
  23. Chris - it's getting better and better! Only one thing missing now - a captain in 1770/80s uniform. Your Pellew and Hornblower look superb, but rather difficult to bash into officers for Sphinx. Now all your followers will be clamouring for their favourite figures!! Nipper
  24. What an excellent heads-up B.E.! Many thanks as I haven't come across these before and they look very good. Nipper
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