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Everything posted by ECK

  1. Stern done and quarter deck. Name will wit s I lost one of the letter and ordered replacement. Soemthings will go on t the very end as I have a bad habit of snagging and breaking hammock nettings and the like.
  2. My solution seems to work ok. No visible gaps and did not have to cut into the wale
  3. Have blinged out the sides , continuing to do the deck and side windows . Interesting issue is that plans have side windows above main wale But pictures on box has it overlapping the wale The usual issue of variances. Mine looks to be slightly over the wale. Will need to build it up to avoid cutting into the wale. The box picture also missing a decoration in the plan picture.
  4. I received the kit and can't wait to start but will be a couple of months to finish my current build. As I was going over the very extensive and great plans I noticed a couple of things: 1. No note is made of when to put in the main deck cannons onto their trucks. Buy the pictures, it looks like after the painting is done. To rig them, mainly the ones you can see would make spray painting difficult as they would be sticking out of the hull. Also to rig all lower guns visible from above requires doing it before the upper deck installed, again making spray painting hard. 2. I do have rigging plans for the long guns from other Vanguard projects but no rigging plan for the carronades. I have seen various versions in these forms but non specific to the eyelets on this model's version. I think others now starting their build logs will hit these issues before me so will keep an eye out. Overall an incredible build
  5. Things continue to progress. Am doing a few things slightly out of order in order to let me rig the guns soon. I also on Tuesday received my long awaited Christmas present weighing in at over 30 lbs. I plan to finish Pegasus first but it is tempting. Notice I painted the rudder straps copper to prevent electrolysis.
  6. I will in the next day or so. Have to rig the visible guns now.
  7. After a week of plating (rudder took an entire afternoon), covered in matte polyurathane, lower hull done . Now I don't have to turn it over any more. Although not in the instructions, I pinned all the rudder pintles. Also received an email that the Indefatigable kit I ordered is finally on the way. It will be a major temptation to start it but I will likely finish Pegasus first and then relish the time working on Indy. Pre cleaning and polyurathane: Post finish:
  8. Wale painted , waterline in and painted copper for background. Will start the long process of coppering.
  9. I agree with all of the above.Given the paint and copper to follow, I think that the offending areas will be covered and the exposed wood will be ok. A lot is self satisfaction of knowing what lies beneath. I take comfort that when I look at the pictures in the build manual for the Indefatigable, similar issues can be seen.
  10. Second planking done, pre and post sanding pictures, inner bulwarks done and painted and wale in place
  11. Lined up first row of second planking with line of first whale position. I used carpenter's glue and pins to give me time to position it properly (as the pins will be covered by the whale holes not an issue). Now I can start planking using cyano glue.
  12. I used this stuff. Comes out as a nice creamy paste so can spread it all over then sand it down. Comes in several colors as well.
  13. Thanks, hopefully the second plank goes smoothly. First I have to mark the whales for the first row. Will do it that way (I believe it is what Chris Watton recommended as the "designer" mentioned in the instructions) rather than at the gun ports. Then the whale should be easy to place.
  14. First planking done, filled and sanded.
  15. Thanks for the tips. There are definitely little things that require executive decisions.
  16. So going onward. I noticed they did not make the opening for the hatch leading to the lower deck so I opened it . The plans also did not plank the central section until later which ruins the flow. I do not think I can be as creative as the Blue ensign build.
  17. Sorry, my bad, a typo. Thanks for correcting
  18. Having just finished the Duchess of Kingston and waiting for my HMS Indefatigable to ship, i figured I have 6 weeks or s so I decided to start HMS Swan that I bought for Christmas as it was on sale. Could not help myself and got to work. I can see Chris Watton all over this design and how he incorporated things into Vanguard but definitely improved by providing better instructions and excellent pictures on his Vanguard models
  19. Well, finally finished her. Nice little project. Don't know what to do until I get my Indy . I have HMS Swan you can see in the background but hate to start because I would have to put her aside when Indy arrives. Few shots Of Admiral Cochrane visiting for scale Anchored next to HMS Sphinx, HMS Agamemnon in backgrond
  20. I usually spend a couple of hours on week days and 4-5 on weekend days. As we have an empty nest it gives me something to do after walking the dog. I find it very stress relieving after work to decompress although occasional profanity when something messes up during the build. For example, I accidentally used 0.25 mm thread on the upper shrouds instead of 0.1 so had to redo although easy as the ratlines were already in and glued. The kit instructions are also very well easy to follow especially after doing some others which were not
  21. Shrouds all done. Will be doing stays but order will be a bit off as I ran out of 0.75 mm black thread and am awaiting an order I placed to come in so will be doing rigging with the other sizes in the mean time.
  22. Yards done and mounted. I prefer doing some of their rigging now for easier access. Next will start the shrouds this weekend. In the background you can see a future product, another Chris Watton project designed in an earlier life. Likely will do the Indy first as I ordered it immediately when it became available.
  23. Happily just pre-ordered last night for a great albeit late Christmas present.
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